Iraq War Links

Introduction Torture Glossary Cindy Sheehan Protest
9/11 Bush’s Five Big Lies The Muslims Will Kill Us All!
Bush’s Untrue WMD Statements Don’t Marry A Soldier
American Terrorists How You Know Bush Lied about WMDs Don’t Enlist
American War Criminals Iraq War Motives Do Enlist
Disrespecting American Soldiers Altruistic War Motives The Coming Draft
Joke Selfish War Motives The Ideal War
Iraq War Casualty Pictures Popular War Motives Spoken Word Links
Abu Ghraib Torture Pictures Economic Cost of the Iraq War Video Links
Navy Seals Pictures Beheadings Books
Fallujah Pictures History Related Essays by Roedy
DU Baby Pictures Why The Iraqis Fight So Hard Links
Culprit Pictures What The Iraqis Want Taking Action
Protester Pictures Republican Denial What You can Do
Links To Pictures Republicans Pretend Not To Notice Mark Twain’s War Prayer
Body Counts Saddam Hussein War Is A Racket
Defense Science Board Future Wounds by Dr. Norman Bethune
Atrocities Mind Your Own Business! How Will The Iraq War End?
Tortures Why I Despise Most Americans Conclusions
Guilty of Torture God On Our Side
Links to Information about the Iraq war and what you can do to stop it.


What You Can Do

The key is to reach people who only watch TV, hypnotised by FOX/CNN propaganda. To do that you must buy Barrie Zwicker’s Vision TV documentary The Great Deception, What really happened on Sept. 11 on DVD (Digital Video Disc) or video tape.

Then buy Iraq Uncovered on DVD.

Then invite some friends over to watch and give them copies of the DVD and the CD (Compact Disc).

Then find some vets who have recently returned from Iraq. Get them on TV. Get them to address your club. Failing that invite them to you home to talk to your friends to learn first hand about what happened in Iraq.

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