Iraq War Mind Your Own Business!

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Mind Your Own Business!

Americans often are quite indignant that I, a Canadian, have the temerity to comment on the Iraq war here, in newsgroups such as alt.politics.bush. They contend since Canada has not sent troops to invade Iraq, I should mind my own business.

It is my business because the war is illegal.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq is illegal.
~ Kofi Annan (1938-04-08 age:80)Secretary General and Boutros Boutros-Ghali (1922-11-14 2016-02-16 age:93) former Secretary General of the U.N.
I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing.
~ Richard Perle (1941-09-16 age:76), 2003-11-20, Pentagon hawk, cat-stroking, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, James Bond villain pasty lookalike, admitting the Iraq war is illegal.
Both Kofi Annan and Boutros Boutros-Ghali of the U.N. said so. Even Richard Perle said so. It is my business because the war is immoral. It is an attack on a tiny unarmed state, without provocation, under false pretences by a bigger bully state.

To me, the American complaining is like a mugger telling me to mind my own business when I interrupt a holdup. The Iraq war is, in essence, a multi-trillion dollar oil heist.

To me, the American complaining about my interference, is like a child molester telling me to mind my own business when I interrupt him raping a child. The USA is primarily killing kids in Iraq, not adults, not terrorists, not the resistance — not only killing kids, but maiming them, imprisoning them, torturing them and raping them in kiddie porn videos for George W. Bush.

When kids are being hurt, it is everyone’s business to put a stop to it.

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