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Books About The Iraq War

Bush Senior’s paedophilic Rapes 9/11 and Afghanistan Tyranny
Skull & Bones Bush’s Record Vaguely Related
Cocaine Use Corruption and Lies John Kerry
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Bushisms Torture


Behind the War on Terror by Nafeez Ahmed War by Sebastian Junger
A Pretext for War by James Bamford Deserter’s Tale by Joshua Key
The Puzzle Palace by James Bamford Web of Deceit by Barry Lando
Disarming Iraq by Dr. Hans Blix The Rise of the Vulcans by James Mann
The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski American Raj by Eric Margolis
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by Vincent Bugliosi What Happened by Scott McClellan
Our Endangered Values by President Jimmy Carter Holding the Bully’s Coat by Linda McQuaig
Mission Accomplished by Christopher Cerf and Victor S. Navasky It’s the Crude, Dude by Linda McQuaig
Failed States by Noam Chomsky DC Confidential by Christopher Meyer
Hegemony Or Survival by Noam Chomsky Oath Betrayed by Dr. Steven Miles
Imperial Ambitions by Noam Chomsky Dude, Where’s My Country? by Michael Moore
Ten Reasons Against War with Iraq by Noam Chomsky Will They Ever Trust Us Again? by Michael Moore
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press by Alexander Cockburn Truth and Consequences by Keith Olbermann
Curveball by Bob Drogin Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast
After Iraq by Gwynne Dyer American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips
Future: Tense, The Coming World Order by Gwynne Dyer The Gas War by Ted Rall
Ignorant Armies by Gwynne Dyer The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Frank Rich
The Mess They Made by Gwynne Dyer Endgame: Solving the Iraq Crisis by Scott Ritter
War: the Lethal custom by Gwynne Dyer Iraq Confidential by Scott Ritter
War: The New Edition by Gwynne Dyer Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield by Jeremy Scahill
With Every Mistake by Gwynne Dyer The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq by Christopher Scheer
The Great War for Civilisation by Robert Fisk Imperial Hubris by Michael Scheuer
All The President’s Spin by Ben Fritz Iraq: From Sumer to Saddam by Geoff Simons
An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terror by David Frum The One Per Cent Doctrine by Ron Suskind
Secrecy DVD by Peter Galinson The Price of Loyalty by Ron Suskind
Uncovered DVD by Robert Greenwald Imperial America by Gore Vidal
How Much Money Did You Make On the War, Daddy? by William Hartung Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace by Gore Vidal
The Party’s Over by Richard Heinberg 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military by Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Politics of Truth by Joe Wilson
One Big Party: To Keep Canada Independent by Paul Hellyer Plan of Attack by Bob Woodward
Blowback: The costs and Consequences of American Empire by Chalmers Johnson State of Denial by Bob Woodward
The Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson
book cover recommend book⇒Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefieldto book home
by Jeremy Scahill 978-1-84668-850-8 paperback
birth 1974-10-18 age:43 978-1-56858-671-7 hardcover
publisher Nation Books 978-1-56858-727-1 eBook
published 2013-04-23 978-1-4708-3918-5 audio
  B00B3M3TS4 kindle
Obama has extended Cheney’s doctrine of holding people without trial and extended it by executing people without trial using drones. Liberals have let it slide, not wanting to weaken Obama. Obama has even executed teenagers whose only crime was to be a relative of a suspected terrorist.
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book cover recommend book⇒Warto book home
by Sebastian Junger 978-1-55468-555-4 paperback
birth 1962-01-17 age:56 978-0-446-55624-8 hardcover
publisher Twelve 978-1-4434-0073-2 eBook
published 2010-05-11 978-1-60788-198-8 audio
  B0055DLCQI kindle
This books examines why soldiers crave war. Soldiers form intense emotional bonds with their buddies. They will often abandon their families over and over lured by the adrenalin thrill of killing and combat and intense companionship.
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book cover recommend book⇒American Raj: Liberation or Domination?: Resolving the Conflict Between the West and the Muslim Worldto book home
by Eric Margolis 978-1-55470-221-3 paperback
birth 1947 age:70 978-1-55470-087-5 hardcover
publisher Key Porter
published 2008-10-01
Margolis is give a remarkably balanced view of the various conflicts in the middle east that are converging, including Afghanistan and India vs Pakistan. He explains the history of how they developed and tells some of the dirty secrets about the behaviour of the various parties in the past. His basic thesis is that the United States has been behaving toward the Muslim world much the way Britain treated India in the early part of the twentieth century.
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book cover recommend book⇒What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deceptionto book home
by Scott McClellan 978-1-4587-6678-6 paperback
birth 1968-02-14 age:50 978-1-58648-556-6 hardcover
publisher Public Affairs 978-1-58648-652-5 eBook
published 2008-06-02 978-1-4332-1434-9 audio
  B004HKIFSS kindle
Scott McClellan was Bush’s press secretary. He told lies on Bush’s behalf, among them lies that helped sell the Iraq war. McClellan has had an attack of conscience and exposes his boss for the great prevaricator he is, including lies about his cocaine use. He talks about lying for Scooter Libby on the outing of C.I.A. agent Valery Plame. He explains the Republican hubris on their ability to handle Katrina, becoming complacent. Also available on CD and tape.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murderto book home
by Vincent Bugliosi 978-1-59315-528-5 paperback
birth 1934-08-18 age:83 978-1-59315-481-3 hardcover
publisher Vanguard 978-0-7867-4106-9 eBook
published 2008-05-28 978-1-60283-468-2 audio
  B0017T0DAA kindle
Vincent Bugliosi is a famous American prosecutor. He prosecuted the Manson family and was prominent in the prosecution of O.J. Simpson. He argues that Bush has committed over 100,000 murders with his phony Iraq war and must not be allowed to go Scott free. Impeachment would not suffice. Bush has to go to jail for what he has done. Bugliosi warned that people with high blood pressure should not read more than four pages at a sitting. Bugliosi makes his legal case to prosecute Bush.
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book cover recommend book⇒Mission Accomplished! Or How We Won the War in Iraq: The Experts Speakto book home
by Christopher Cerf and Victor S. Navasky 978-1-4165-6993-0 paperback
birth 1941-08-19 age:76 978-1-4165-7025-7 eBook
publisher Simon & Schuster B0017L8N1O kindle
published 2008-03-25
This is satirical book about all the disinformation the Bush administration spewed to justify the Iraq war and its protracted length. This could be thought of as a sequel to their earlier book The Experts Speak: The Definitive Compendium of Authoritative Misinformation. Cerf is the son of the famous essayist and Random House founder, Bennett Cerf.
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book cover recommend book⇒After Iraq: Anarchy and Renewal in the Middle Eastto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-312-37845-5 hardcover
birth 1943-04-17 age:75 B003JMFAVK kindle
publisher Thomas Dunne
published 2008-02-19
Dyer’s fourth book on the Iraq war, focusing on what will likely happen after the war winds down.
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book cover recommend book⇒Truth and Consequences: Special Comments on the Bush Administration’s War on American Valuesto book home
by Keith Olbermann 978-1-4000-6676-6 hardcover
birth 1959-01-27 age:59 978-1-58836-765-5 eBook
publisher Random House 978-0-7393-5900-6 audio
published 2007-12-26 B000SHUY3S kindle
Spirited Bush-bashing. Spells out the crimes of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld… with ringing righteous indignation. Olbermann was the host of NBC Countdown, a cable news program.
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book cover recommend book⇒Curveball, spies lies and the con man who caused a warto book home
by Bob Drogin 978-1-4000-6583-7 hardcover
birth 1952-03-29 age:66 978-1-58836-736-5 eBook
publisher Random House B000SHMJIQ kindle
published 2007-10-16
The only evidence Bush had that Iraq had WMDs was from an alcoholic that the CIA had never even interviewed. They did not even know his name. They referred to him as Curveball. Germans passed on some of his tall tales with the warning there was no corroboration for any of it. Bush used this as his excuse to invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands of people. Of course, he kept on killing even after no WMDs were found, so we know it was just an excuse.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Mess They Made: The Middle East After Iraqto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-7710-2980-6 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75 978-1-55199-260-0 eBook
publisher McClelland & Stewart B003BI8IXO kindle
published 2007-06-11
Dyer’s third book on the Iraq war, discusses what will happen after the Americans withdraw from Iraq. As a military historian, he predicts a major power shakeup.
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book cover recommend book⇒Holding the Bully’s Coat: Canada and the U.S. Empireto book home
by Linda McQuaig 978-0-385-66012-9 hardcover
birth 1951 age:66 978-0-385-67216-0 eBook
publisher Doubleday Canada B003Q6DG60 kindle
published 2007-03-22

As the United States has become a belligerent and lawless force under George W. Bush, the Canadian government has followed in close step. Attempting to please our powerful neighbour, Ottawa has abandoned Canada’s traditional rôle as a leading peacekeeping nation and instead adopted a more militaristic, warlike stance, battling insurgents in Afghanistan as a junior partner in the U.S. war on terror Ottawa has also abandoned Canada’s traditional attempt to be a fair-minded mediator, most notably in the Middle East. And it has joined the United States as a leading obstructionist in worldwide efforts to tackle global warming. Altogether, there’s been a dramatic shift in the way Canada operates in the world, as our country has been transformed into a helpful assistant to an aggressive U.S. power, increasingly out of sync with our European allies and with the rest of the world.

This new rôle has been actively encouraged by powerful members of our elite who want to incorporate us more deeply into America’s military and economic empire. As Washington runs roughshod over international law, with its imperial wars, illegal prisons and torture, they want Canada to stand by helpfully, holding the bully’s coat.

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book cover recommend book⇒Web of Deceit: The History of Western Complicity in Iraq, from Churchill to Kennedy to George W. Bushto book home
by Barry M. Lando 978-0-385-66368-7 paperback
publisher Other 978-1-59051-238-8 hardcover
published 2007-01-23 B0041G5X4W kindle
This book traces the history of foreign intervention in Iraq starting in WW I. Lando figures the best thing the USA can do at this point is announce a withdrawal, then organise a conference including the Iranians, Syrians and Saudis since they all have a vested interest in stability and have a much deeper understanding of the complexities of the conflict.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Deserter’s Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraqto book home
by Joshua Key and Lawrence Hill 978-0-8021-4345-7 paperback
birth 1978 age:39 978-0-87113-954-2 hardcover
publisher Atlantic Monthly B00166J8JQ kindle
published 2007-01-17
Key, a young husband and father from a conservative background, enlisted in the Army in 2002 to get training as a welder and lift his family out of poverty. A year later, Key was sent to Ramadi in Iraq where he found himself participating in a war that was not the campaign against terrorists and evildoers he had expected. He saw Iraqi civilians beaten, shot and killed for little or no provocation. Nearly ever other night, he participated in raids on homes that found only terrified families and no evidence of terrorist activity. He tells of American soldiers playing soccer with a decapitated Iraqi’s head. On leave, Key knew he could not return so he took his family underground, finally seeking asylum in Canada. As of 2007 he was fighting extradition from Canada.
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book cover recommend book⇒State of Denial: Bush at War, Part IIIto book home
by Bob Woodward 978-0-7432-7224-7 paperback
birth 1943-03-26 age:75 978-0-7432-7223-0 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-9325-9 eBook
published 2006-09-30 978-0-7435-6567-7 audio
  B000JMKVMQ kindle

Woodward has written a number of previous books praising Bush, but now he has had a second look and has decided Bush has been deceiving the American public about the Iraq war. The Iraq war is accomplishing nothing and gradually getting more and more violent.

George W. Bush emerges as a passive, impatient, sophomoric and intellectually incurious leader, presiding over a grossly dysfunctional war cabinet and given to an almost religious certainty that makes him disinclined to rethink or re-evaluate decisions he has made about the war.

It reveals that former Chief of Staff Andrew Card talked to Bush on two different occasions about replacing Rumsfeld. Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and even Laura Bush supported the decision, but it didn’t happen.

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book cover recommend book⇒It’s the Crude, Dude: Greed, Gas, War and the American Wayto book home
by Linda McQuaig 978-0-312-36006-1 hardcover
birth 1951 age:66 978-0-385-67216-0 eBook
publisher Thomas Dunne B003E4CXQ8 kindle
published 2006-09-19

McQuaig points out that for decades Washington has been intensely focused on gaining control of the oil reserves of the Middle East. That focus took on new urgency under the Bush administration, with its close ties to Big Oil, including a vice-president who’s gotten rich going back and forth between Big Oil and the top echelons of the U.S. government. The urgency was driven by the fact that the vast oil reserves of Iraq — the last unharvested oil bonanza left on earth — were in the process of being parceled off to foreign competitors.

Iraq represented the alluring prospect of future energy security for the United States, even as America’s own oil reserves were dwindling. And, with potential profits in the range of $100 billion a year, Iraq also represented the future of the oil industry. In the words of Wall Street oil analyst Fadel Gheit, Iraq is the big dance. Everyone wants to be there.

But the U.S. oil giants hadn’t been invited to the big dance. Instead, Saddam Hussein had been busy making deals with oil companies from other nations, including America’s arch-rivals: China, Russia and France.

All this was on the minds of top executives of the big U.S. oil companies when they met, amid great secrecy, with Dick Cheney and his task force on energy, which had been set up within days of the new administration taking office. Although the administration has fought fiercely to prevent information about the deliberations of the task force being released, task force documents obtained under court order reveal an intense focus on Iraq and the question of how to gain control of its massive reserves — even as the administration was drawing up plans for toppling Saddam.

All this was underway, months before the attacks of 2001-09-11.

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book cover recommend book⇒The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 2001-09-11 to Katrinato book home
by Frank Rich 978-0-14-311234-1 paperback
birth 1949-06-02 age:68 978-1-59420-098-4 hardcover
publisher Penguin 978-1-101-21809-9 eBook
published 2006-09-19 978-0-14-305905-9 audio
  B000PC0S7I kindle
How Bush and his team bamboozled even the sophisticated Americans into attacking a country that had nothing to do with 2001-09-11. Rich is a newspaper columnist who has been studying American popular culture.
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book cover recommend book⇒Oath Betrayed: Torture, Medical Complicity and the War on Terrorto book home
by Dr. Steven H. Miles 978-1-4000-6578-3 hardcover
publisher Random House 978-1-58836-562-0 eBook
published 2006-06-27 B000JMKNLA kindle
About doctors in Iraq helping torture patients and also falsifying death records to cover up deaths by torture. Backed by 35 pages of government records.
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book cover recommend book⇒The One Per Cent Doctrineto book home
by Ron Suskind 978-0-7432-7110-3 paperback
birth 1959-11-20 age:58 978-0-7432-7109-7 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-1-4165-3433-4 eBook
published 2006-06-20 978-0-7435-5202-8 audio
  B000NY12N2 kindle
. It gives an insider view of what went on in the CIA and the White House in their battles with Al Qaeda through 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq. It covers the bungling, the lying, the idiocy — torturing a mentally ill man who would spin out the craziest plots then send thousands of uniformed men out on wild goose chases.
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book cover recommend book⇒Armed Madhouse: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats, Bush Sinks, The Scheme to Steal '08, No Child’s Behind Left and Other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class Warto book home
by Greg Palast 978-0-452-28831-7 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-0-525-94968-8 hardcover
publisher Dutton 978-1-101-21341-4 eBook
published 2006-06-06 978-0-7435-5582-1 audio
  B000O76ODG kindle

Greg Palast made his mark exposing the fraud in the 2000 US presidential election.

Here he shoots buckshot into the Bush administration. One of the most interesting salvos is his discovered of government documents proving the Iraq war was fought for price fixing — to limit the flow of oil to raise oil prices and deliver the highest profit of any corporation in world history to Exxon.

To get a sampling of what the book is about, watch this Amy Goodman NPR interview with Palast.

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book cover recommend book⇒10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Militaryto book home
by Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg [Editor], Cindy Sheehan [introduction] 978-1-59558-066-5 paperback
publisher New 978-1-59558-675-9 eBook
published 2006-05-01 B004VRP3EG kindle
Some of the reasons include:
  • Over 2,000 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq and over 14,000 have been wounded.
  • Nearly 100,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq as a result of the U.S. invasion.
  • One in six soldiers returning from Iraq experiences mental health problems.
  • Two-thirds of all recruits receive no college funding from the military and only 15 percent graduate with a four-year degree.
  • According to the VA, 90 percent of recent women veterans reported experiencing sexual harassment; a third were raped.
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book cover recommend book⇒Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracyto book home
by Noam Chomsky 978-0-8050-8284-5 paperback
birth 1928-12-07 age:89 978-0-8050-7912-8 hardcover
publisher Metropolitan 978-1-4299-0640-1 eBook
published 2006-04-04 978-1-59397-939-3 audio
  B000Q9IU7U kindle
The three characteristics of a failed state are:
  1. An inability to protect its citizens.
  2. The belief that it is above the law.
  3. A lack of democracy.
The USA has repeatedly asserted is right to intervene militarily against failed states, yet ironically the USA itself is well on its way to becoming a failed state. The book also details the many war crimes of the USA in Iraq and explains that by law this means those who ordered them could receive the death penalty. It discusses the incredible hypocrisy of the US government, reaching as far back as Roosevelt. Every time the administration claims to be fighting to create democracy, they are actually installing brutal dictators. Find out the name of Bush’s friend in Uzbekistan who, according to a British diplomat, likes to boil people to death. It explains how bogus fear of the Soviet union and fear of terrorists has been used to sell all manner of unbelievably foul deeds to force other countries to the American will, all for economic motives. Also available in audio form on 10 CDs.
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book cover recommend book⇒American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21stCenturyto book home
by Kevin Phillips 978-0-14-303828-3 paperback
birth 1940-11-30 age:77 978-0-670-03486-4 hardcover
publisher Viking 978-1-101-21884-6 eBook
published 2006-03-21 978-0-14-305844-1 audio
  B000PDYVQQ kindle
Kevin Phillips is a Republican strategist. He argues there are three main threats to America:
  1. reckless dependency on shrinking oil supplies
  2. milieu of radicalized religion (the Christian right)
  3. reliance on borrowed money (domestic and international debt)
Americans are lulled into complacency as were other great nations by belief they were the darlings of God.
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book cover recommend book⇒DC Confidential: the Controversial Memoirs of Britain’s Ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 2001-09-11 and the Iraq book home
by Christopher Meyer 978-0-7538-2091-9 paperback
birth 1944-02-22 age:74 978-0-297-85114-1 hardcover
publisher Orion 978-1-78022-077-2 eBook
published 2006-01-01 978-0-7528-7556-9 audio
  B00590YJQ2 kindle
Christopher Meyer was Britain’s Ambassador to the United States from 1997 to 2003, during which time he was an eyewitness to and participant in the events following 9/11 and the preparations for the Iraq war. As an insider, he is able to talk about the dark side of both the USA and Britain during this period.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle Eastto book home
by Robert Fisk 978-1-4000-7517-1 paperback
birth 1946-07-12 age:71 978-1-4000-4151-0 hardcover
publisher Knopf B000SEIHAS kindle
published 2005-11-08
Very fat book of over 1000 pages about the history of conflict in the middle east. Fisk is a journalist who has been at the center of the storm continuously for decades more than any other journalist risking his life to see the story directly.
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book cover recommend book⇒Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisisto book home
by President Jimmy Carter 978-0-7432-8501-8 paperback
birth 1924-10-01 age:93 978-0-7432-8457-8 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-9236-8 eBook
published 2005-11-01 978-1-4193-6278-1 audio
  B000FCKI6E kindle
A broad brush attack on the Bush administration’s immoral polities, including forging evidence of WMDs to trick America into war.
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book cover recommend book⇒With Every Mistaketo book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-679-31403-5 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75 978-0-679-31402-8 hardcover
publisher Random House Canada 978-0-307-37583-4 eBook
published 2005-10-25 B003WEA5CE kindle
Dyer’s second book on the Iraq war. Canada’s most famous military historian tackles the big picture including why the USA invaded Iraq. Also discusses how and why the press don’t bother to get stories correct.
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book cover recommend book⇒War: The New Editionto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-679-31312-0 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75 978-0-679-31311-3 hardcover
publisher Vintage Canada 978-0-307-36901-7 eBook
published 2005-10-11 B00492CNUK kindle
The original version of this book was published some time ago.
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book cover recommend book⇒Imperial Ambitions: Conversations on the Post-9/11 World [American Empire Project]to book home
by Noam Chomsky, David Barsamian 978-0-8050-7967-8 paperback
birth 1928-12-07 age:89 978-0-241-14333-9 hardcover
publisher Metropolitan 978-1-4299-8081-4 eBook
published 2005-09-15 978-1-59397-793-1 audio
  B003E4CYEY kindle
As usual this book has the right spitting angry, spouting ad hominems, but not a word to counter a thing Chomsky says. It covers American imperialism from Kosovo to Iraq.
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book cover recommend book⇒Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Husseinto book home
by Scott Ritter 978-1-56025-887-2 paperback
birth 1961-07-15 age:56 978-1-56025-852-0 hardcover
publisher Nation
published 2005-09-15
Scott Ritter was the American leader of the WMD inspection teams in Iraq. Bush ignored his findings and went to war anyway. Washington was only interested in disarmament as a tool for its own agenda. Operating in a fog of espionage and counter-espionage, Ritter and his team were determined to find out the truth about Iraq’s WMD. The CIA were equally determined to stop them. The truth, as we now know, was that Iraq was playing a deadly game of double-bluff and actually had no WMD. But to have revealed this would have derailed America’s drive for regime change.
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book cover recommend book⇒Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societiesto book home
by Richard Heinberg 978-0-86571-529-5 paperback
birth 1950-10-21 age:67 978-0-613-92089-6 hardcover
publisher New Society Publishers 978-1-55092-334-6 eBook
published 2005-06-01 B004FPZ3DK kindle
Oil is peaking. The supply is getting smaller each year. Just what are the implications? Heinberg sees the only viable option as a global program of resource conservation and sharing. Predicting chaos unless the U.S. — the world’s foremost oil consumer — is willing to join with other countries to implement a global program of resource conservation and sharing, he also recommends a managed collapse, that might make way for a slower-paced, low-energy, sustainable society in the future. website. The opening chapters of the book give a lucid, simple, but not simplistic recap of the basic physics, biology, history and ecology you need to know as background to understand the energy crunch. When I was reading this section, it dawned on me that most Americans are completely ignorant of this basic science. That is why they approach the energy and global warming problem is such a superstitious and irrational way.
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book cover recommend book⇒A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agenciesto book home
by James Bamford 978-1-4000-3034-7 paperback
birth 1946-09-15 age:71 978-0-385-50672-4 hardcover
publisher Anchor 978-0-307-27504-2 eBook
published 2005-05-10 978-0-7393-1254-4 audio
  B000FCK4OA kindle
Analysis of the floundering of the intelligence community — the C.I.A., N.S.A. and Defense Department. He says they are all incompetent and politicised. A Defense Department intelligence unit was set up to tout trumped-up evidence against Saddam, which CIA analysts were pressured into endorsing. Read an interview with the author.
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book cover recommend book⇒War: The Lethal Customto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-7867-1771-2 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75 978-0-7867-1538-1 hardcover
publisher Carroll & Graf B001T4YWDC kindle
published 2005-04-10
The original version of this book was published 20 years ago. It is about the history of war and the human species, how war has evolved to an ever more lethal game. Seeing the big picture make it clearer that what is going on today in Afghanistan and Iraq is more of the same old same old.
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book cover recommend book⇒Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terrorto book home
by Michael Scheuer 978-1-57488-862-1 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-1-57488-849-2 hardcover
publisher Potomac 978-1-59797-308-3 eBook
published 2005-03-04 B001R23DFE kindle

Michael Scheuer was head of the bin Laden unit at the CIA until 2003. He chastises the politicians for feeding the public nonsense about bin Laden’s motives. They have nothing to do with American lifestyle, desire to curtail American freedom or desire to proselytise Islam.

He explains that Osama bin Laden is a competent, religiously motivated, charismatic leader. It is foolish to try to dismiss him as a madman or a criminal. You will never understand what makes him tick that way.

Al Qaeda is primarily a defensive organisation. Again pretending otherwise keeps you from understanding them.

bin Laden’s five demands are quite specific, but few people pay any attention to:

  1. End all aid to Israel.
  2. Withdraw military forces from the Arabian Peninsula and all Muslim territory.
  3. End all involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  4. End U.S. support for the oppression of Muslims in China, Russia, India and elsewhere.
  5. restore Muslim control of the Islamic world’s energy resources for the benefit of Muslims.

He points out the invasion and occupation of Iraq was a huge gift to bin Laden because it has just tied down more U.S. forces that otherwise could be fighting Al Qaeda. Further, it proved bin Laden’s claim that the U.S.A. is aggressively targeting the Muslim world.

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book cover recommend book⇒Future: Tense, The Coming World Orderto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-7710-2978-3 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75
publisher McClelland & Stewart
published 2004-11-02
Understanding what Bush is up to with his Iraq war. Also an overview of the economic collapse of America.
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book cover recommend book⇒Will They Ever Trust Us Again?to book home
by Michael Moore 978-0-7432-7309-1 paperback
birth 1954-04-23 age:64 978-0-7139-9854-2 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-7379-4 eBook
published 2004-10-05 978-0-7435-4424-5 audio
  B000FC2JIY kindle
A collection of letters written to Michael Moore by American G.I.s in Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, with commentary.
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book cover recommend book⇒Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush’s War Cabinetto book home
by James Mann 978-0-14-303489-6 paperback
birth 1946 age:71 978-0-670-03299-0 hardcover
publisher Penguin 978-1-101-10015-8 eBook
published 2004-09-07 B002DYMB4Y kindle
Bush core group, consisting of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage and Condoleezza Rice, has a long history together dating back 30 years in some cases. The call themselves the Vulcans, presumably after the god of the underworld rather than the ultra-rational peaceful beings of Star Trek.
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book cover recommend book⇒Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominanceto book home
by Noam Chomsky 978-0-8050-7688-2 paperback
birth 1928-12-07 age:89 978-0-8050-7400-0 hardcover
publisher Holt Paperbacks 978-1-4299-0021-8 eBook
published 2004-08-12 978-1-55927-941-3 audio
  B000QXCZUY kindle
This is about hypocrisy, primarily American, over the decades, pretending to be acting out of humanitarian motives while mass butchering for relatively minor self interests. It is a bit a shock how the USA bullies the world quite shamelessly. It is also a bit of a shock how ridiculously paranoid the American administration is. The USA often retaliates, not out of threat, but merely to punish lack of sufficient subservience. It is a book you have to read in small bits so not to get too depressed. Consider though, that the world of international relations has always been thus. All you are doing is seeing it with the cloak of respectability removed. Nothing has actually changed — just your understanding. Also available in audio CD, eBook and audio download.
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book cover recommend book⇒All the President’s Spin: George W. Bush, the Media and the Truthto book home
by Ben Fritz, Bryan Keefer, Brendan Nyhan 978-0-7432-6251-4 paperback
publisher Touchstone 978-0-7432-7071-7 eBook
published 2004-08-03 B000NY11KG kindle
How Bush crafted his lies to sell the Iraq war.
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book cover recommend book⇒Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesiato book home
by Gore Vidal 978-1-56025-744-8 paperback
birth 1925-10-03 2012-07-30 age:86 978-1-56025-585-7 hardcover
publisher Nation 978-0-7867-3826-7 eBook
published 2004-05-10 B001T4ZKBK kindle
A collection of essays about America’s various misadventures in imperialism.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife’s CIA Identity: A Diplomat’s Memoirto book home
by Joseph Wilson 978-0-7867-1551-0 paperback
birth 1947-07-31 age:70 978-0-7867-1378-3 hardcover
publisher Carroll & Graf 978-0-7867-1527-5 eBook
published 2004-04-30 B0046A8SHM kindle

In response to a request from Cheney’s office, the CIA sent former ambassador Joe Wilson to investigate the possibility that Niger was selling uranium to Saddam.

Wilson reported back that the letter alleging that was obviously a fake. It was not even signed by the right bureaucrats. Further, Niger had no uranium to sell. France had long ago bought up the entire supply.

The Italians had a copy of the letter and it was obvious to them it was a forgery. They were puzzled why the high tech experts in the CIA were taking it as genuine. So they wrote and presented their evidence that it was a forgery.

Yet Bush went ahead anyway, pretending it was genuine.

Wilson went public and Scooter Libby, Cheney’s top aide, outed Wilson’s wife Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, thus endangering her life and those of her fellow agents.

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book cover recommend book⇒Plan of Attackto book home
by Bob Woodward 978-0-7432-5548-6 paperback
birth 1943-03-26 age:75 978-0-7432-5547-9 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-6287-3 eBook
published 2004-04-19 978-0-7435-3824-4 audio
  B000FC1LOM kindle
Reveals hawks Vice-President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were part of a group leading the charge to war while Secretary of State Colin Powell, General Tommy Franks and others actively questioned the plan to invade Iraq which had nothing to do with the 2001-09-11 attacks. Woodward’s previous book Bush At War was rather sucky and tried to spin Bush in the most positive light. Woodward bills himself as a Republican. Bob Woodward is the Washington Post reporter who helped bring Nixon down in Watergate. Also available from
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book cover recommend book⇒Disarming Iraqto book home
by Dr. Hans Blix 978-0-7475-7359-3 paperback
birth 1928-06-28 age:89 978-0-375-42302-4 hardcover
publisher Pantheon 978-0-375-42323-9 eBook
published 2004-03-09 B000FC1ADO kindle
Dr. Hans Blix was the Swede who lead the U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq in 2000. Saddam’s removal was neither the avowed aim nor the justification given for the war — WMDs were the issue. Therefore, he believes the invasion was unnecessary and possibly counterproductive in the long run and is disappointed that they were not given enough time to complete their task.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy and the End of the Republic [The American Empire Project ]to book home
by Chalmers Johnson 978-0-8050-7797-1 paperback
birth 1931-08-06 2010-11-20 age:79 978-0-8050-7004-0 hardcover
publisher Metropolitan 978-1-4299-0051-5 eBook
published 2004-01-13 978-1-4332-0483-8 audio
  B003J48BU0 kindle
A university professor argues the case that America has gone too far in the direction of militarism and secrecy in its quest for world domination. He predicts a collapse.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O’Neillto book home
by Ron Suskind 978-0-7432-5546-2 paperback
birth 1959-11-20 age:58 978-0-7432-5545-5 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7432-6579-9 eBook
published 2004-01-13 978-0-7435-3651-6 audio
  B000FC0ZSU kindle
Paul O’Neill, who served nearly two years in Bush’s Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury, was asked to resign by the White House in December 2002 over differences he had with the president’s tax cuts. O’Neill asserts that Saddam Hussein was targeted for removal not in the 2001-09-11 aftermath but soon after Bush took office.
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book cover recommend book⇒Blowback: The costs and Consequences of American Empireto book home
by Chalmers Johnson 978-0-8050-7559-5 paperback
birth 1931-08-06 2010-11-20 age:79 978-0-8050-6238-0 hardcover
publisher Holt Paperbacks 978-1-4299-0050-8 eBook
published 2004-01-04 978-1-4332-0476-0 audio
  B003JH8MAG kindle
Johnson is a right wing university professor who late in life began to notice the negative effects of America’s covert operations to dominate the planet. Bush’s empire uses military bases to dominate the world. Read an excerpt online.
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book cover recommend book⇒An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terrorto book home
by David Frum [Bush’s speechwriter] and Richard Perle [aka Prince of Darkness] 978-0-345-47717-0 paperback
birth 1960-06-30 age:57 978-1-4000-6194-5 hardcover
publisher Random House 978-1-58836-360-2 eBook
published 2003-12-30 978-0-7393-1088-5 audio
  B000FC0XZA kindle
I obviously don’t recommend this book, unless you want to study how neocons think, lie and cheat. These neocons argue the case for war with Syria and Iran and for a more belligerent stance with France and Saudi Arabia. Brought to you by the folks at PNAC, the presidential advisors who declared cold war against every other country on earth. PNAC figures other countries should not even be permitted to pursue legitimate economic interests.
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dvd cover recommend DVD⇒Secrecyto dvd home
byPeter Galison, Robb Moss
birth1955 age:62
A discussion of the pros and cons of government secrecy. Heavyweights heads of the NSA, CIA etc. speak. There is one particular evil blond woman, Melissa Boyle Mahle of the C.I.A. who argues for torture and every other imaginable evil in the name of protecting democracy and fair play. She is like encountering the reincarnation of Hitler. Be warned, most of the movie expounds the Nazi point of view without editorial comment. The right wingers imagine any rag tag band of Muslims that takes a pot shot will be victorious unless the USA uses torture and abrogation of all civil rights for citizens. They seem to think the USA is the feeblest nation an earth.
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dvd cover recommend DVD⇒Uncovered — The Whole Truth About the Iraq Warto dvd home
byRobert Greenwald
birth1945-08-28 age:72
The story of how truth became the first American casualty in Iraq. It consists of interviews with varied U.S officials and experts offer a deconstruction on the Bush administration’s case for war in Iraq in the wake of 9/11. He interviews dozens of people in government, the CIA and the Pentagon, including Thomas White (secretary of the army), Scott Ritter (arms inspector), George Tenet (C.I.A. chief), Richard Clarke (terrorism tsar), Philip Coyle (assistant secretary of defence), Joseph Wilson (diplomat) and George W. Bush (president). You are allowed to make copies of this DVD and pass them on. You can get it free with BitTorrent.
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book cover recommend book⇒How Much Money Did You Make On the War, Daddy?: a Quick and Dirty Guide to War, Profiteering in the Bush Administrationsto book home
by William D. Hartung 978-1-56025-561-1 paperback
birth 1955-06-07 age:62
publisher Nation
published 2003-12-05
Hartung gives chapter and verse, sourced and annotated, on the crony capitalism and brazen conflicts of interest which reek from the highest levels of the Bush Administration. His particular bête noir is the Vice- President, Dick Cheney, who even while in office receives hundreds of thousands of dollars in deferred payments from his old company, Halliburton, a giant oil services conglomerate which now has the lion’s share of (untendered) Pentagon contracts to rebuild Iraq.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraqto book home
by Christopher Scheer, Lakshmi Chaudhry, Robert Scheer 978-1-58322-644-5 paperback
publisher Seven Stories 978-969-402396-0 hardcover
published 2003-11
Bush’s lies were not exaggeration or spin. They were deliberate malicious outright lying. Scheer has a great way of writing. He is clear, concise and quickly gets to the point without pulling punches. See this example.
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book cover recommend book⇒Dude, Where’s My Country?to book home
by Michael Moore 978-0-06-098726-8 paperback
birth 1954-04-23 age:64 978-0-446-53223-5 hardcover
publisher Warner 978-0-7595-0810-1 eBook
published 2003-10-07 978-1-58621-588-0 audio
  B000FBJDCU kindle
Not as funny as his previous work. It tracks down all those vague stories and rumours you heard surrounding the Iraq war and nails them clearly. Very well researched. Very readable. Get the hardcopy so you it will survive lending to all your friends.
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book cover recommend book⇒Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraqto book home
by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed 978-0-86571-506-6 paperback
birth 1978 age:39
publisher New Society Publishers
published 2003-09-01
Ahmed is a British history scholar who uses official sources to prove his startling assertions.
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book cover recommend book⇒Ignorant Armies: Sliding into War in Iraqto book home
by Gwynne Dyer 978-0-7710-2977-6 paperback
birth 1943-04-17 age:75
publisher McClelland & Stewart
published 2003-03-05
Dyer’s first book on the Iraq war.
And here we are as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and fight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
~ Matthew ArnoldDover Beach
Written just prior to the Iraq war. He argues why the war is a foolish idea. He explains the motivations of the various players, Bush, Saddam, Israel, bin Laden.
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book cover recommend book⇒One Big Party: To Keep Canada Independentto book home
by Paul Hellyer 978-0-9733116-0-0 paperback
birth 1923-08-06 age:94
publisher Chimo
published 2003-01
Paul Hellyer was Canada’s former defense minister. He methodically builds a case that George Bush is out for military domination of the whole planet, which includes Canada. He lets the neocon villains condemn themselves in their own words. Bush it turns out is far worse that your worst nightmares, not only for the USA, but for the entire world. He explains why, if NAFTA is extended with the FTAA, it will be the end of Canada.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Gas War: The Truth Behind the American Occupation of Afghanistanto book home
by Ted Rall 978-0-595-26175-8 paperback
birth 1963-08-26 age:54 978-1-4759-0481-9 eBook
publisher Writers Club B007KJ2H78 kindle
published 2002-12

Documents the lies behind purported motives for invading Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with bin Laden. It was about securing an oil pipeline route.

Under the Taliban, Afghans were subjected to brutal Islamist law. Women, banned from holding jobs, rarely ventured outside. Punishment was medieval, adulterers were stoned to death and thieves had their limbs amputated in the local soccer stadium. But if nothing else, these strictures eliminated the banditry and rape gangs that terrorized the nation before 1996.

Post-Taliban Afghanistan is essentially the Taliban Afghanistan minus law and order. Stonings continue and women remain under burqas, but now thugs and rapists roam the streets unchecked.

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book cover recommend book⇒Ten Reasons Against War with Iraqto book home
by Milan Rai, With Noam Chomsky 978-1-85984-501-1 paperback
publisher Norton
published 2002-11
War Plan Iraq brings together the arguments that can shake George W. Bush and Prime Minister Blair’s determination to start an illegal war with Iraq. Despite Washington’s claims that the only options are inaction or invasion and that inaction is not an option, War Plan Iraq demonstrates that inspection is an option and that inspection and monitoring are the only way to ensure real disarmament in Iraq. For the Bush Administration, UN weapons inspectors are an obstacle to war; they are part of the problem, not part of the solution. War Plan Iraq uncovers Washington’s hidden rôle in the collapse of the first UN weapons inspection agency, UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission) and the paralysis of UNSCOM’s successor. Based on the popular ARROW (Active Resistance to the Roots of War) Anti-War briefings, War Plan Iraq rigorously dissects official propaganda and exposes government lies. Milan Rai demonstrates that Bush’s claims to change the regime in Iraq, despite intentions to impose another Sunni general to replace Saddam Hussein, are not in fact a regime change, but a leadership change. He also shows that the war would be in violation of international law; that there is no hard evidence that Iraq possesses any weapons of mass destruction; that there is no substantiated connection between the government of Iraq, September 11th and the al Qaeda network; that the proposed war carries a high risk of triggering a humanitarian disaster in Iraq, especially for the Kurds of northern Iraq; and that the war could precipitate a world recession with dire consequences for the world’s poor. Iraq’s neighbors, the ones most at risk from Iraq’s weapons, are against the proposed war, as are top military professionals in Britain and the US, many international organizations and countries around the world and a great majority of people in the US and the UK.
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book cover recommend book⇒Endgame: Solving the Iraq Crisisto book home
by Scott Ritter 978-0-7432-4772-6 paperback
birth 1961-07-15 age:56 978-0-7881-9940-0 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-0-7435-2991-4 audio
published 2002-11-01

Republican Scott Ritter spent seven years in Iraq as an arms inspector for the United Nations. His 1998 resignation as the U.N. chief weapons inspector there made front-page headlines around the world. In Endgame, Ritter draws on his experiences to take us inside Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and to explain where U.S. policy in Iraq went wrong.

According to the blurb, Ritter describes in detail the ways that Saddam tried to foil inspectors by concealing his weapons programs. He brings readers with him inside some of Iraq’s most carefully guarded sites and shows us dramatic face-offs between U.N. inspectors and hostile Iraqi guards and officials. But Ritter criticizes the U.S. for squandering an international consensus on Iraq and trying to use the inspections process for uniquely American goals. He argues strongly against the proposed American military strike against Iraq, suggesting instead a bold and innovative solution to the long-standing crisis.

But in reality, Ritter is a bit like Wile E. Coyote going after Saddam as the Road Runner. The more Ritter can’t find any weapons the more convinced he became that Saddam had them. He admits one time his for sure nuclear facility turned out to be a pump house for luxury fountains at a compound for the Iraqi elite. Ritter is a superhawk. Even back in the 1990s he desperately itched for war on Iraq if even so much as a can of poison gas could be found to justify it. Most of the book is primarily about events prior in the 1990s. He leaves out some key facts, e.g. the sanction bombings or that his hero Chalabi was a convicted embezzler. He has absolutely no understanding of or curiosity about the motives of the USA. He takes the official statements completely at face value with the dedication of a high school drop out Republican. However, he does admit that Iraq had at most 100 weapons and was not a military threat at the time the USA invaded.

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book cover recommend book⇒Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got To Be So Hatedto book home
by Gore Vidal 978-1-56025-405-8 paperback
birth 1925-10-03 2012-07-30 age:86 978-1-56858-653-3 eBook
publisher Nation B003B0W1US kindle
published 2002-03-10
Gore Vidal is a man of letters, historian and novelist. Mostly about 2001-09-11. Michael Moore recommends this book.
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book cover recommend book⇒Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Pressto book home
by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair 978-1-85984-258-4 paperback
birth 1941-06-06 age:76 978-1-85984-897-5 hardcover
publisher Verso 978-1-78478-260-3 eBook
published 1999-10 B00PP2ZWG0 kindle
It chronicles of the US intelligence agencies’ ties to drug runners, stretching from World War 2 through the Contra Wars and the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Taliban had all but wiped out the opium trade. Under US control, it exploded to 92% of the world’s supply.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperativesto book home
by Zbigniew Brzezinski 978-0-465-02726-2 paperback
birth 1928 age:89 978-0-465-02725-5 hardcover
publisher Basic 978-0-465-00434-8 eBook
published 1998-10 B005OSFX0A kindle
Brzezinski was the conservative military advisor to presidents both Democrat and Republican. The book explains America’s military plan to dominate the world to control the remaining oil reserves. Brzezinski has since announced that the USA should withdraw from Iraq.
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book cover recommend book⇒Catch-22to book home
by Joseph Heller 978-1-4516-2665-0 paperback
birth 1923-05-01 1999-12-12 age:76 978-0-679-43722-2 hardcover
publisher Simon & Schuster 978-1-4516-3296-5 eBook
published 1996-09-04 978-0-06-089009-4 audio
  B0048WQDIE kindle
Heads I win, tails you lose. Bush demands Saddam prove he has no weapons. Saddam lets him inspect. Bush finds nothing. That doesn’t count. If Saddam doesn’t produce some weapons soon, Bush will nuke him. Catch-22.
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book cover recommend book⇒Iraq: From Sumer to Saddamto book home
by Geoff Simons, Tony Benn [Introduction] 978-0-312-16052-4 paperback
publisher Palgrave Macmillan 978-0-312-10209-8 hardcover
published 1996-08-15
History of Iraq, including all the mutual backscratching that went on between George Bush Sr. and Saddam Hussein prior to the Iraq war and the famous American Ambassador Glaspie giving Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait. I admire your extraordinary efforts to rebuild your country. I know you need funds. We understand that, and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on Arab-Arab conflicts like your border disagreement with Kuwait.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Puzzle Palace: Inside America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organizationto book home
by James Bamford 978-0-14-006748-4 paperback
birth 1946-09-15 age:71 978-0-395-31286-5 hardcover
publisher Penguin
published 1983-09-29
History of the NSA (National Security Agency) from day 1. The author participated in PBS’s documentary on Dick Cheney.
If this government ever became a tyranny … the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny and there would be no way to fight back because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government … is within the reach of the government to know.
~ Frank Church, senator
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