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Books About 9/11

Bush Senior’s paedophilic Rapes 9/11 and Afghanistan Tyranny
Skull & Bones Bush’s Record Vaguely Related
Cocaine Use Corruption and Lies John Kerry
Elections Iraq War Links
Bushisms Torture


The War on Freedom by Nafeez Ahmed Debunking 2001-09-11 Debunking by David Griffin Through Our Enemies’ Eyes by Michael Scheuer
Fear Less by Gavin de Becker The New Pearl Harbor by David Griffin bin Laden by Michael Scheuer
9-11 by Noam Chomsky Screwed by Thom Hartmann Modus Operandi 2001-09-11 by Hal Sisson
America’s War on Terrorism by Michel Chossudovsky The Big Wedding by Sander Hicks 9-11 Evil by Victor Thorn
War and Globalisation by Michel Chossudovsky Painful Questions by Eric Hufschmid 9-11 On Trial by Victor Thorn
Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster by David Icke House of Bush, House of Saud by Craig Unger
I Is for Infidel by Kathy Gannon Without Precedent by Thomas Kean Dreaming War by Gore Vidal
2001-09-11 & American Empire by David Griffin 2001-09-11: The Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan Where Did The Towers Go by Judy Wood
The 2001-09-11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions by David Griffin The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast
Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 2001-09-11 by David Griffin Crossing the Rubicon by Michael C. Ruppert
Bush did a number of very strange things surrounding 2001-09-11. He will keep the conspiracy theorists and historians talking about him for centuries trying to figure out his motives. I just touch on a few of them with my essay on 2001-09-11.
book cover recommend book⇒Osama bin Ladento book home
by Michael Scheuer 978-0-19-989839-8 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-0-19-973866-3 hardcover
publisher Oxford University 978-0-19-975304-8 eBook
published 2012-03-16 B004JU1WJK kindle
Michael Scheuer was head of the bin Laden unit at the CIA until 2003. It points out that bin Laden’s goal was to lure the USA into a finanically ruinous war on terror.
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book cover recommend book⇒9-11: Was There an Alternative?to book home
by Noam Chomsky 978-1-60980-343-8 paperback
birth 1928-12-07 age:89 978-1-60980-154-0 eBook
publisher Seven Stories B004J4X780 kindle
published 2011-08-30
Chomsky’s thing is calmly explaining why countries behave the way they do, always acting out of short term self interest. His detractors find this calumny, but at the same time would be horrified if their governments acted in any other way.
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book cover recommend book⇒Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class — And What We Can Do about Itto book home
by Thom Hartmann 978-1-57675-463-4 paperback
birth 1951-05-07 age:66 978-1-57675-414-6 hardcover
publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers 978-1-60509-869-2 eBook
published 2007-04-28 978-1-4332-1514-8 audio
  B001AFF25M kindle
This book is simple and somewhat repetitive. It argues five main points.
  1. A vigorous middle class is essential for democracy.
  2. Throughout history, the elites have done battle to eliminate the middle class and scoop all the wealth for themselves.
  3. Starting with Reagan, the lower and middle classes in the USA have become poorer while the elite’s wealth has exploded into the stratosphere.
  4. The elites tell all manner of lies to trick the middle class into giving up their power and wealth to the elites.
  5. You have a choice:
    1. government can run things, via representatives responsible to the people.
    2. corporate CEOs can run things, responsible only to their shareholders.
    When you consider the alternative, big government managing society does not look so bad.

Hartmann argues that historically the wealthy elite have always worked to eliminate the middle class and hence stomp out democracy. They can then run things for their own ultimate financial benefit. We are going through a period now where the middle class is collapsing as a result of the corporatocracy and wealth of the tiny elite at the top is exploding. Since they control the media, they spread all manner of myths that make people vote against their own self interest in favour of those of the elites.

The book also discusses how the war business hijacks government to provide it with endless streams of money for perpetual unnecessary war.

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book cover recommend book⇒Debunking 2001-09-11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theoryto book home
by David Ray Griffin 978-1-56656-686-5 paperback
birth 1939-08-08 age:78
publisher Olive Branch
published 2007-03-30
As Griffin notes, the assumption that conspiracy theories are inherently irrational has recently taken root in American culture, making any attack on the official government record instantly dismissible. This is irrational since all major crimes are conspiracies and the people in government are far from angels. Characterising anyone who questions the Bush version of reality as a lunatic rather than presenting counter evidence is a desperate, but suprisingly successful move. There are many gaping holes in Bush’s story. One is that firefighters were told five hours in advance that WT7 was going to collapse Further, there were only tiny fires in WT7 and no fire before or since has caused a steel frame structure to collapse, including the a tower is Spain totally engulfed in flame for a day.
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book cover recommend book⇒Modus Operandi 9/11to book home
by Hal Sisson 978-0-9731109-2-0 paperback
birth 1921-03-16 2009-12-26 age:88
publisher Global Outlook
published 2007-02-01
Hal Sisson is a crown prosecutor, Queen’s Counsel, raconteur, punster and a rôle model for how I would like to be at 86. He is charming as Matlock. But what distinguishes him is his encyclopedic command of 9/11 trivia. I met him on 2007-10-26. His book is a humorous novel designed to introduce you to some of the bizarre facts surrounding 2001-09-11.
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book cover recommend book⇒I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror in Afghanistanto book home
by Kathy Gannon 978-1-58648-452-1 paperback
publisher Public Affairs 978-1-58648-312-8 hardcover
published 2006-09-04 978-0-7867-3550-1 eBook
  B004WK30HO kindle
I heard Gannon being interviewed on the CBC. She struck me as wise and informed on the matter of Afghanistan. She helps you understand the war from the point of view of Canadian military, Americans, the Taliban, the Karzai government, non-Taliban insurgents and ordinary Afghans. Her basic thesis is the war has been going on for five years and Afghanistan is less secure than it was in 2001. Obviously a new strategy is needed, one that will win the loyalty of the Afghan people.
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book cover recommend book⇒9/11 & American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Outto book home
by David Ray Griffin 978-1-56656-659-9 paperback
birth 1939-08-08 age:78
publisher Olive Branch
published 2006-08-23
A collection of essays, some about 9/11, others about American hegemony.
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book cover recommend book⇒Without Precedent: The inside story of the 2001-09-11 Commissionto book home
by Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton 978-0-307-27663-6 paperback
birth 1935-04-21 age:83 978-0-307-26377-3 hardcover
publisher Knopf 978-0-307-26549-4 eBook
published 2006-08-15 B000JMKNFG kindle
The most interesting thing about this book is that the authors were the co-chairs of the 2001-09-11 Commission. This book points out the false testimony given to the 2001-09-11 Commission. It also talks about how difficult it was to get the Bush administration to provide information. Keep in mind the authors were the men Bush hand picked to investigate his own crime, so they don’t finger him, just point to the facts of who was clearly lying about what. It is up to you to figure out why. You can’t get a more conservative authority that the public was repeatedly lied to about 2001-09-11.
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book cover recommend book⇒9-11 Evilto book home
by Victor Thorn 978-0-930852-51-1 paperback
publisher Sisyphus
published 2006-08-01
Thorn implicates the Israeli Mossad as the perpetrators of 2001-09-11. Of course, various American were complicit too. Partly motivated by general anti-Semitism.
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book cover recommend book⇒Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 2001-09-11 — a Call to Reflection and Actionto book home
by David Ray Griffin 978-0-664-23117-0 paperback
birth 1939 age:78
publisher Westminster John Knox
published 2006-07-01
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about this book is its publisher — the Presbyterian Church’s publishing wing, Knox Press. It summarises what has been discovered about how 2001-09-11 really happened and the major holes in the Bush conspiracy theory. Then it takes off comparing modern day America with ancient Rome and speculates on what Jesus would have you do.
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book cover recommend book⇒Through Our Enemies’ Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam and the Future of Americato book home
by Michael Scheuer 978-1-57488-967-3 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-1-57488-552-1 hardcover
publisher Potomac 978-1-59797-310-6 eBook
published 2006-01-15 B001E2M8IU kindle
Michael Scheuer was head of the bin Laden unit at the CIA until 2003. He chastises the politicians for feeding the public nonsense about bin Laden’s motives. They have nothing to do with American lifestyle, desire to curtail American freedom or desire to proselytise Islam. bin Laden’s complaints are with American foreign policy in the middle east, including America’s unqualified support for Israel. He chastises his fellow American for underestimating bin Laden and the Muslims in general. He thinks bin Laden’s next attack will be even more dramatic than 2001-09-11. He points out there is no small band of evil doers to arrest and punish. There are now millions of Muslims who are ready to use violence against the USA, living all over the world.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle Blowers and the Cover-upto book home
by Sander Hicks 978-0-9752763-1-0 paperback
birth 1971-02-01 age:47
publisher Vox Pop
published 2005-10-30
From Soft Skull Press who also published Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President by James H. Hatfield who was murdered for his trouble. It covers everything about the false flag hijackers including the infamous match call, the leak of which absolutely enraged Dick Cheney, since it revealed that the US government and not the hijackers, selected the actual date for the attack.
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book cover recommend book⇒America’s War on Terrorismto book home
by Michel Chossudovsky 978-0-9737147-1-5 paperback
birth 1946 age:71 B00A87I5FM kindle
publisher Global Research
published 2005-09-15
Chossudovsky explains how the War on Terrorism is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The War on Terrorism is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the New World Order, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex. 2001-09-11 provides a justification for waging a war without borders, including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State. Chossudovsky peels back layers of rhetoric to reveal a complex web of deceit aimed at luring the American people and the rest of the world into accepting a military solution which threatens the future of humanity.
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book cover recommend book⇒9-11 On Trial: Proof That the Government’s Official Version Is a Lieto book home
by Victor Thorn 978-0-9701950-8-1 paperback
publisher Sisyphus
published 2005-02-04
A simulated criminal prosecution based on physical evidence that 2001-09-11 was an inside job masterminded by Cheney/Bush. A bit hokey and folksy, but easily accessible.
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book cover recommend book⇒The 2001-09-11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortionsto book home
by David Ray Griffin 978-1-56656-584-4 paperback
birth 1939-08-08 age:78 B004MDLJYW kindle
publisher Olive Branch
published 2004-11-30
300 pages dissecting the 2001-09-11 Commission Report.
  • Chapter 1: lies about the hijackers.
  • Chapter 2: collapse of the World Trade Towers, why it had to be a demolition.
  • Chapter 3: Pentagon strike, missing video, missing black boxes.
  • Chapter 4: Bush’s actions during the strike. The pet goat.
  • Chapter 5: Advance information about the strikes.
  • Chapter 6: the bin Ladens and their long time friendship with the Bushes.
  • Chapter 7: helping the bin Ladens escape when the rest of the county was in lockdown.
  • Chapter 8: FBI subversion
  • Chapter 9: Pakistan’s rôle
  • Chapter 10: Bush’s motives
  • Chapter 11:Timelines
  • Chapters 12-17: miscellaneous details
  • 36 pages of footnotes.
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See his online video excerpt click to watch. I have not yet read this book myself and Griffin is a theologian which makes me distrust him. However, with the copious notes, you can check up on what he says yourself.
book cover recommend book⇒Crossing the Rubicon: 2001-09-11 and the Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oilto book home
by Michael C. Ruppert 978-0-86571-540-0 paperback
birth 1951 age:66 978-1-4176-6684-3 hardcover
publisher New Society Publishers 978-1-55092-318-6 eBook
published 2004-10-01 B005V63YGK kindle
Ruppert is an ex-Cop. He builds a solid case that Dick Cheney is the mastermind behind 9/11. See page 280 for a Mike Ruppert’s detailed analysis of why he too thinks Wellstone was murdered.
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book cover recommend book⇒The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11to book home
by David Ray Griffin 978-1-56656-552-3 paperback
birth 1939-08-08 age:78
publisher Interlink
published 2004-03
Griffin accuses the Bush administration of taking a dive on September 11 and giving Al Qaeda terrorists an unobstructed shot at the World Trade Center. According to Griffin, a case can be made that the Bush administration arranged the attack, or allowed it to happen.
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See his video excerpt click to watch
book cover recommend book⇒Against All Enemies: Inside the White House’s War on Terror — What Really Happenedto book home
by Richard A. Clarke 978-0-7432-6045-9 paperback
birth 1951 age:66 978-0-7432-6024-4 hardcover
publisher Free 978-0-7432-6640-6 eBook
published 2004-03-22 978-0-7435-3638-7 audio
  B000FC1CPK kindle
Watch out! There are at least four different books all titled Against All Enemies. Clarke was Bush’s #1 counter terrorist. He accuses Bush of doing a terrible job on the war against terrorism. When Clarke told Bush that U.S. intelligence agencies had never found a connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda, Bush said, Iraq! Saddam! Find out if there’s a connection! and in a way that made it clear he was to find a connection even if one did not exist.
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book cover recommend book⇒House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World’s Two Most Powerful Dynastiesto book home
by Craig Unger 978-0-7432-5339-0 paperback
publisher Scribner 978-0-7432-5337-6 hardcover
published 2004-03-16 978-0-7432-6623-9 eBook
  978-0-7435-3719-3 audio
  B000FC1BKG kindle
Best seller about the 30 year relationship between the Bush family and the House of Saud. It starts with the big question: how is it that two days after 2001-09-11, when U.S. air traffic was tightly restricted, 140 Saudis, many immediate kin to Osama Bin Laden, were permitted to leave the country without being questioned by U.S. intelligence?
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book cover recommend book⇒9/11: The Big Lieto book home
by Thierry Meyssan 978-1-59209-026-6 paperback
birth 1957-05-18 age:60
publisher Carnot USA
published 2003-01-10
The physical evidence why the Boeing 757 flight 77 could not possibly have hit the Pentagon as Bush claims.
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book cover recommend book⇒War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11to book home
by Michel Chossudovsky 978-0-9731109-0-6 paperback
birth 1946 age:71
publisher Global Outlook
published 2002
Available in six languages. Chossudovsky is a Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa in Ontario Canada. He provides compelling evidence that key members of the Bush regime played a complicit or near-complicit rôle in the 2001-09-11 terrorist attacks. It is a very scholarly work with meticulous detail.
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book cover recommend book⇒Dreaming War: Blood for Oil and the Cheney-Bush Juntato book home
by Gore Vidal 978-1-56025-502-4 paperback
birth 1925-10-03 2012-07-30 age:86 978-0-7867-5030-6 eBook
publisher Nation B002A7W8N8 kindle
published 2002-12-16
Gore Vidal is a man of letters, historian and novelist. This is where Vidal alleges that Bush Inc. were planning to invade Afghanistan long before 2001-09-11, to topple the Taliban and hence expedite the Unocal pipeline.
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book cover recommend book⇒Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11to book home
by Judy Wood 978-0-615-41256-6 hardcover
publisher The New Investigation
published 2010
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is hard data analysing the collapse. The debris turned to powder before it hit the ground. This should not happen. She has a PhD in Materials Engineering Science. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister, recommends it.
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book cover recommend book⇒Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attackto book home
by Eric Hufschmid 978-1-931947-05-3 paperback
publisher Endpoint Software
published 2002-09
Very detailed analysis of physical 2001-09-11 evidence, e.g. photos and videos of the three plane hits and the rubble. I was never much interested in the 2001-09-11 physical evidence until I heard Hufschmid. He makes a solid case that a Boeing 757 could not possibly have hit the Pentagon and that all three towers had to have collapsed from explosives rather than fires. His work does not require tea leaf reading fuzzy photographs. There is also corresponding movie available on DVD.
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book cover recommend book⇒Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disasterto book home
by David Icke 978-0-9538810-2-4 paperback
birth 1952-04-29 age:66
publisher David Icke
published 2002-09-30
Icke is the mother of all conspiracy theorists. My conspiracy theory about him is that he affects a few random lunatic beliefs, e.g. that reptiles are taking over people’s minds, in order to avoid being assassinated for spilling too many embarrassing facts about 2001-09-11. Like Rense, he mostly just points you to other sources where you can judge for yourself how credible the information is. He hosts a popular website:
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book cover recommend book⇒The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001to book home
by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, John Leonard 978-0-930852-40-5 paperback
birth 1978 age:39
publisher Progressive
published 2002-07
Historical background to 2001-09-11. Many revelations:
  • Afghan war was planned long before 2001-09-11.
  • CIA trained Al-Qaeda.
  • US military trained some of the hijackers.
  • The US gave money to the Pakistani secret service who gave it to hijacker Mohammed Atta.
  • Three FBI officers were silenced for claiming they knew 2001-09-11 was coming.
  • The US is deliberately protecting bin Laden from being caught.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance Fraudstersto book home
by Greg Palast 978-0-452-28567-5 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-0-7453-1846-2 hardcover
publisher Pluto 978-1-60980-776-4 eBook
published 2002-02-15 978-0-14-280065-2 audio
  B000OCXHL8 kindle
Palast (a reporter with the BBC and London Observer) updates the muckraking tradition with some 21st-century targets: the IMF, World Bank and WTO, plus oil treaties, energy concerns and corporate evildoers of all creeds. Palast in the one who did the BBC videos on How Bush stole the election (using computers to remove black Democrats from the rolls), Bush blocked bin Laden family investigation and Enron scandal. Michael Moore recommends this book.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Fear Less: Real Truth About Risk, Safety and Security in a Time of Terrorismto book home
by Gavin de Becker 978-0-316-08968-5 paperback
birth 1954-10-26 age:63 978-0-316-08596-0 hardcover
publisher Little 978-1-4025-4031-8 audio
published 2002-01-04
Gavin de Becker is a security expert. He talks about the measures that have been taken to reduce the risk of hijacking. However, he also points out that often the measures we take in response to terror are worse than the terrorism itself. For example, if bin Laden had demanded the government discard the right of habeas corpus, discard the right to a lawyer, start torturing POWS, start tapping phones and reading emails, the people would have rightly told him to get stuffed. Yet Americans have done these extremely drastic things to themselves to discard their liberties .
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