Cited Book: The 2001-09-11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions

book cover recommend book⇒The 2001-09-11 Commission Report, Omissions and Distortions
by David Ray Griffin 978-1-56656-584-4 paperback
birth 1939-08-08 age:78 B004MDLJYW kindle
publisher Olive Branch
published 2004-11-30
300 pages dissecting the 2001-09-11 Commission Report.
  • Chapter 1: lies about the hijackers.
  • Chapter 2: collapse of the World Trade Towers, why it had to be a demolition.
  • Chapter 3: Pentagon strike, missing video, missing black boxes.
  • Chapter 4: Bush’s actions during the strike. The pet goat.
  • Chapter 5: Advance information about the strikes.
  • Chapter 6: the bin Ladens and their long time friendship with the Bushes.
  • Chapter 7: helping the bin Ladens escape when the rest of the county was in lockdown.
  • Chapter 8: FBI subversion
  • Chapter 9: Pakistan’s rôle
  • Chapter 10: Bush’s motives
  • Chapter 11:Timelines
  • Chapters 12-17: miscellaneous details
  • 36 pages of footnotes.
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