Cited Book: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance Fraudsters

book cover recommend book⇒The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons and High Finance Fraudsters
by Greg Palast 978-0-452-28567-5 paperback
birth 1952 age:65 978-0-7453-1846-2 hardcover
publisher Pluto 978-1-60980-776-4 eBook
published 2002-02-15 978-0-14-280065-2 audio
  B000OCXHL8 kindle
Palast (a reporter with the BBC and London Observer) updates the muckraking tradition with some 21st-century targets: the IMF, World Bank and WTO, plus oil treaties, energy concerns and corporate evildoers of all creeds. Palast in the one who did the BBC videos on How Bush stole the election (using computers to remove black Democrats from the rolls), Bush blocked bin Laden family investigation and Enron scandal. Michael Moore recommends this book.
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