Cited Book: I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror in Afghanistan

book cover recommend book⇒I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror in Afghanistan
by Kathy Gannon 978-1-58648-452-1 paperback
publisher Public Affairs 978-1-58648-312-8 hardcover
published 2006-09-04 978-0-7867-3550-1 eBook
  B004WK30HO kindle
I heard Gannon being interviewed on the CBC. She struck me as wise and informed on the matter of Afghanistan. She helps you understand the war from the point of view of Canadian military, Americans, the Taliban, the Karzai government, non-Taliban insurgents and ordinary Afghans. Her basic thesis is the war has been going on for five years and Afghanistan is less secure than it was in 2001. Obviously a new strategy is needed, one that will win the loyalty of the Afghan people.
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