Cited Book: An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terror

book cover recommend book⇒An End to Evil: Strategies For Victory in the War on Terror
by David Frum [Bush’s speechwriter] and Richard Perle [aka Prince of Darkness] 978-0-345-47717-0 paperback
birth 1960-06-30 age:57 978-1-4000-6194-5 hardcover
publisher Random House 978-1-58836-360-2 eBook
published 2003-12-30 978-0-7393-1088-5 audio
  B000FC0XZA kindle
I obviously don’t recommend this book, unless you want to study how neocons think, lie and cheat. These neocons argue the case for war with Syria and Iran and for a more belligerent stance with France and Saudi Arabia. Brought to you by the folks at PNAC, the presidential advisors who declared cold war against every other country on earth. PNAC figures other countries should not even be permitted to pursue legitimate economic interests.
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