Accept It |
Mark Allen |
Ocean of Love |
9 |
The blues. A great reprogramming song. |
The Addiction Song |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
5 |
All We Need Is Love |
Mark Allen |
Ocean of Love |
5 |
aka Love Is the Answer |
Be Gentle With Yourself |
Haven |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
Be The One |
Tom Dalton |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
This a great get-off-your-ass song, not in the mainstream of Living Love
songs. |
Beware What You Tell Yourself |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
3 |
Carry The Love |
Haven |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
aka We Are One Incredible Family |
Compassion |
Tom Dalton |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
Doin’ It |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
5 |
- |
Doin’ The Dance From Love |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
3 |
- |
Everyone’s Been Blue |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
5 |
Donny Cairn’s favourite song. |
I Can Surrender |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
4 |
I Just Go On Loving You |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
6 |
Ken Keyes’s favourite song |
I Love Myself The Way I Am |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Carry The Love |
6 |
- |
Louise Hay’s theme song |
I Love You |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
3 |
- |
I Release The Past |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Warriors of The Heart |
7 |
- |
Even though it has the word God in it, this
song has the most emotional punch for me. |
I Take Responsibility |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
3 |
This could be a children’s song to introduce Living Love
ideas. |
It’s A Beautiful Life |
Tom Dalton |
Carry The Love |
4 |
- |
It’s All All Right |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
It’s OK To Be Me |
Summer Raven |
Ocean of Love |
3 |
Whenever I sing this song I can’t help but laugh. It is pretty high
on the corn meter. |
I’ll Work On Me |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
6 |
- |
I’m Getting Free |
Summer Raven |
Ocean of Love |
3 |
This song perfectly sums up the three types of addiction. |
I’m The One That I’ve Been Looking For |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
5 |
- |
The Key To Understanding |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
5 |
- |
Let It Go |
Summer Raven |
Ocean of Love |
4 |
This is one of my favourites. Simple and to the point. |
Let It Out Let It In |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
6 |
- |
Living Love Is How I Start |
Summer Raven |
Ocean of Love |
5 |
Living Love anthem |
Living Your Life In Love |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
4 |
- |
Look For The Common Ground |
Tom Dalton |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
Love Center |
Mark Allen |
Ocean of Love |
4 |
- |
Lovin’ Me Is All I Have To Do |
Haven |
Carry The Love |
5 |
- |
Nothing’s More Important Than the Oneness Space |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
3 |
A child’s song about cosmic consciousness. |
Now I Gather My Wings |
Summer Raven |
Ocean of Love |
3 |
Ocean of Love |
Mark Allen |
Ocean of Love |
5 |
Difficult to sing. |
Om — Living Love |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
5 |
- |
You can hear Ken Keyes singing. |
On This Day — instrumental |
Angelica and Joseph Adams |
cassette |
32 |
- |
morning thoughts to start each day |
On This Day — Vocal |
Angelica and Joseph Adams |
cassette |
6 |
- |
morning thoughts to start each day. Joseph and Angelica were personal
friends who both died at a young age of health problems, so this song is a zinger
for me. |
Open Up Your Vision |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
6 |
- |
Playin’ The Money Game |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Open Up Your Vision |
5 |
- |
Precious Child of God |
Debbie Hamm |
cassette |
26 |
- |
Song used in a workshop process. |
Remembering and Forgetting |
Jai Michael Josefs |
Carry The Love |
6 |
- |
Sweet Surrender |
Mark Allen |
Oneness Space |
5 |
This is the Leonard Cohen of Living Love songs. |
Thank You For My Life |
Beth Towner Corwin |
Carry The Love |
4 |
- |
This is an advanced song about the third pathway. |
That’s the Way It Is By Golly |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
6 |
Bouncy fun song to sing in a group when you get to make up some of your own
verses. |
There is Only One |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
5 |
aka I Am A Humble Servant |
’Tis The Gift To Be Simple |
Shaker melody |
Oneness Space |
2 |
The Twelve Pathways |
Ken Keyes
sung by Beth Towner Corwin |
cassette |
21 |
- |
The pathways were originally composed as prose. This made it quite
difficult to set them to music. |
When I Opened Up My Heart |
Tom Dalton |
Carry The Love |
4 |
- |
The Whole Wide World’s My Home |
Summer Raven |
Oneness Space |
4 |
You Got Everything You Need |
Mark Allen |
Ocean of Love |
5 |
- |
aka You’ve Got Everything You Need |