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Living Love Is How I Start

Living Love Is How I Start : Summer Raven : from Ocean of Love

It was just a week ago
I let my true self know
I’m ready to receive your love
Unite me with your light
Dancin’ on a sunbeam burnin’ bright
Make me one with the shinin’ sun above
Living Love is how I start
And sharin’ all the secrets I keep
Deep down in my heart

I spent such a lonely time
Puffin’ all my sorrows into rhyme
Runnin’ from a monster I call Fear
Now you’re telling me I know
I got no place to go
’Cause everything I need I got right here
Living Love is how I start
And sharin’ all the secrets I keep
Deep down in my heart

I don’t have to be afraid
Of all the monsters I have made
I’ll tame them with my love — I’m learning how
No matter where I roam
I’m always safe at home
When I can be in heaven here and now
Living Love is how I start
And sharin’ all the secrets I keep
Deep down in my heart

I used to think my rôle
Was more important than my soul
I used to think I needed lots of stuff
Now I’m content to be
Like the ever-changing sea
I’m happy being me
’Cause I’m enough
Living Love is how I start
And sharin’ all the secrets I keep
Deep down in my heart

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