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I Release The Past

I Release The Past : Jai Michael Josephs : from Warriors of the Heart


I release the past
And allow the healing power of love
Into my life.
I release the past
And allow the healing power of love
Into my life.

The past is real.
So is what we feel.
Oo and we can’t deny it.
What we feel can be healed
And the future is ours to reveal.
Oh, all we’ve got to do is try it.
Put it to the test.
Open up our hearts and let spirit do the rest.


Each and every day
There’s some things that won’t go our way.
There’s nothin’ we can do about it.
But we don’t have to be in pain.
And we don’t have to hide it away.
We really can live without it.
Put it to the test.
Open up our hearts and let spirit do the rest.


It’s too late to start
Cause we’ve already been dealt the cards.
Oo and we can’t undo it.
You know, we’re precious children of God
and although it may sometimes seems hard
He always leaves us some way through it.
Put it to test.
Open up your heart and let spirit do the rest.

I release the past
And allow the healing power of love
Into my life.

I release the past
And allow the healing power of love
Into my life. Into my life.
Into my life. Into my life.
Into my life. Into my life.
Into my life. Into my life.

I release the past
And allow the healing power of love
Into my life.

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