image provider

[W] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


WA(203) 925-6806
Wabco(916) 274-9390
Waber(609) 866-1945Fax
(609) 866-8888
Walker, Richer & Quinnsee REFLECTIONS
Wallsoft Systems(212) 406-7026Tech Support
Wandel & Goltermann(613) 592-6043Fax
(613) 592-8023
Wang(508) 459-5000
Wang Laboratories(800) 835-9264
WangDAT(714) 241-9571Fax
(714) 241-9613Voice DAT backup tape
WangDAT East(603) 424-9563Fax
(603) 424-9565Voice
WangDAT West(415) 967-6496Voice
(415) 967-9534Fax
Wangtek(805) 583-5255
(805) 583-8249Fax
Washburn Electronics(716) 381-7549Fax
(800) 836-8026AMI BIOS updates
Washburn, Clyde(716) 248-3627
Watcom(519) 747-4971Fax
(519) 886-3700Voice
(800) 265-4555Orders
Watson(508) 650-1300Voice ??
(800) 692-8766Touch Tone controlled demo
Watson, Paul
Wave, Thesee Rogers Cable
Weird Stuff(408) 746-1100
WellCom(408) 441-4482Tech Support
(408) 441-6499Voice
Wellfleet(617) 275-2400
(617) 275-5001Fax
Weltec(800) 333-5155
Western DataCom Co.(800) 262-3311
Western Digital(416) 566-4702Voice Canada
(714) 474-2033Voice
(714) 660-4909Fax
(714) 863-0102Tech Support
(714) 863-1656Fax
(800) 448-8470
(800) 777-4787Tech Support Canada
(800) 832-4778Product info/tech support
(800) 854-7525
Western Digital/Paradise(415) 960-3353Tech Support
(415) 968-1584Fax
(415) 968-1834
Western Telematics(800) 854-7226
Westlake Data(512) 328-1040Fax
(512) 328-1041Voice
(800) 628-2828
WGC(202) 546-1110
White House
White Mounfian DSP(603) 883-2430
White Pine Software(603) 886-9050Voice
Whitewater Tech Support(708) 328-3800Tech Support
(708) 328-9386Fax
Whittaker Communications(503) 626-9000
WikiMedia Commons
Wildcatsee Mustang
Wildfire Communications(617) 674-1715
Wind River Systems(714) 365-5745
Windata(508) 393-3330Wireless data link
(508) 393-3694Fax
(508) 952-0170
Windows Magazine(303) 447-9330International Subscriptions
(516) 562-5000Voice
(516) 562-5833Fax
(800) 284-3584American Subscriptions
Windsor Electronic Products(608) 244-2886
WinLink Onlinemakes BBS server for Windows
(604) 925-9630voice
(604) 925-9631Fax
makes archiver, compressor.
WinSpeedsee Panacea
Wintek(317) 448-4823Fax
(800) 742-6809bus power monitor
Wintriss Engineering(619) 550-7300
WinZipmakes archiver, compressor.
WinZip Command Line
makes command line control of WinZip.
Wireless Telecom(303) 338-4200
makes packet sniffer formerly known as Ethereal. Monitor Internet or LAN traffic.
Wizardware(215) 866-9613PD Clipart
Wolfram Research(217) 398-0700
Wondercardsee ATI
WonderPlussee Bourbaki
Woodward McCoach(610) 692-9526
Word Tech Systemssee WordTech
WordPerfect(800) 321-0034Other
(800) 321-3280Other
(800) 321-3383Graphics/Macros
(800) 321-3389Networks
(800) 451-5151Product info
(800) 533-9605Installation
(800) 541-5095Tech Support
(800) 541-5096Features
(800) 541-5097Other Printers
(800) 541-5160Dot Matrix Printers
(800) 541-5170Laser Printers
(801) 222-4200international
(801) 222-4277international Fax
(801) 222-4555customer registration
(801) 225-5000Product info
see Novell
WordPerfect (MTEZ/ExpressFAX)(801) 222-4377Fax - Tech Support
(801) 222-4577Fax - Registration Info
WordPerfect/Novell Appl Group(800) 321-4566
(801) 228-5077
WordScansee Caere
Wordstar(416) 548-3440Voice
(812) 323-8825Tech Support
WordTech Systems(415) 254-0900
Working Software(408) 423-5696
(408) 423-5699Fax
Workstation Technologies(714) 250-8983
World Yellow Pages Network(510) 528-9895
WorldPortsee Touchbase
Wreyford and Associates(318) 424-5407
Wye Technologies(410) 268-1500
Wygant Scientific(800) 688-6423
Wyse Technology(408) 435-2770Tech Support
(408) 922-4390Fax tech support
(800) 438-9973Voice
(800) 800-9973Tech Support
Wyse/Amdek Canada(416) 470-2810Tech Support
(416) 470-2817Fax

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