Company | Phone | Type |
Galacticomm | (305) 583-5990 | |
Galaxy Networks | (818) 998-7851 | |
Gammalink | (408) 744-1430 | Tech Support |
(408) 744-1549 | Fax | |
(800) 755-4444 | ||
GammaTech | see SofTouch | |
Gandalf Data | (800) 426-3253 | |
Gandalf Premier | (613) 723-6500 | |
Gardner Communications | (801) 975-7200 | |
Gateway | (714) 553-1555 | |
(800) 367-6555 | ||
GateWay 2000 | (605) 232-2000 | Voice |
Gateway 2000 | (605) 232-2023 | Fax |
GateWay 2000 | (800) 523-2000 | Voice |
Gateway 2000 | (800) 846-2301 | | | | |
Gazelle Systems | see GTM | |
GCH Systems | (800) 366-4560 | |
GE Info Services | (416) 858-5146 | |
(416) 858-5216 | Fax | |
General DataComm | (203) 574-1118 | Voice |
(203) 758-8507 | Fax | |
(800) 777-4005 | ||
General Electric Co. | (800) 626-2000 | printers |
General Engineering Corp | (604) 983-2830 | Fax |
(604) 983-3232 | modem interruption blockers | |
General Fax | (215) 277-1722 | |
General Microsystems | (206) 644-2233 | Tech Support |
Generic Software | (206) 483-6969 | |
(206) 487-2233 | Voice | |
(206) 487-2934 | Tech Support | |
(206) 867-0909 | Fax | |
(800) 228-3601 | ||
Genesys Labs | (415) 827-2711 | |
Genie customer service | (800) 638-9636 | |
Geniecom | (703) 969-1000 | printers |
(800) 436-4266 | ||
Genius Display | (612) 437-2233 | |
(612) 437-7325 | Fax | |
(800) 366-4364 | ||
Genius LAN | see Kye Systems | |
Genoa | (408) 432-9090 | VGA |
(408) 434-0997 | Fax | |
Genoa Technology | (805) 531-9030 | |
Geoclock | (703) 241-2661 | orders |
(703) 241-5809 | Fax | |
GeoTel Communications | (508) 486-1104 | |
Gerdes | (603) 434-0311 | |
Germetek | (408) 752-5000 | |
Ghost | see Dr. Taylor�s Software | |
Gibson Research (SpinRite) | (714) 362-8800 | Sales/Tech:Spinwrite |
Gigabyte | | |
makes motherboards | ||
Gigatrend | (404) 578-2886 | Voice |
(404) 578-2887 | Fax | |
Gimpel | (610) 584-4261 | Voice C Tools |
(610) 584-4266 | Fax | |
GL Communcations | (301) 670-4784 | |
Glenayre Electronics | (404) 623-4900 | |
Global Communications | ||
Global Engineering | (202) 331-0960 | Eastern Region Fax |
(202) 429-2860 | Eastern Region | |
(314) 726-0444 | Central Region | |
(314) 726-6418 | Central Region Fax | |
(800) 624-3974 | Customer Service | |
Global Engineering Documents | (714) 261-1455 | Western Region |
(714) 261-7892 | Western Region Fax | |
(800) 854-7179 | Fax | |
Global Link | (403) 250-2111 | |
Global Village Communication | (415) 329-0700 | |
Globe Star Systems | (905) 839-0893 | |
Glossary | | |
GMX/GIMIX | (708) 559-4909 | |
Go | (415) 345-7400 | |
(415) 345-9833 | Fax | |
Go DSP | (416) 214-1919 | |
GO-CR | see Recognita | |
Godaddy | | |
Gofer | see Microlytics | |
Gold Star | (800) 255-2550 | |
Gold Systems | (303) 447-2837 | |
Golden Bow | (619) 298-9349 | Tech Support |
(800) 284-3269 | Voice | |
GoldStar Technology | (408) 432-1331 | monitor, tech support |
(408) 432-6053 | Fax | |
Goldwave | | |
makes sound file editor and converter. | ||
Google Books | | |
Google Chrome | | |
makes browser. | ||
Google Code repository | | |
Google groups | | |
Google maps | | |
Google news | | |
Gordon Kapes | (708) 676-1750 | |
GoScript | see LaserGo | |
Government of Canada | | |
Governmnent Technology | | |
GPT | ||
Gradient Technology | (609) 387-8688 | |
Grammatik IV | see Reference Software | |
Granada Systems Design | (212) 686-6945 | |
Grand Well Industries | (919) 557-1221 | |
GrandView | see Symantec | |
Granite Microsystems | (800) 822-2983 | |
Grantville Associates | (619) 497-4711 | |
Grapevine Technologies | (800) 888-5112 | |
Graphnet | (201) 837-5100 | |
Gray Associates | (408) 251-0263 | |
Graybar Electric | (314) 727-3900 | Voice |
(314) 727-8355 | Fax | |
Graychip | (415) 323-2955 | |
Great Software Ideas | see GSI | |
Green, Roedy | see Canadian Mind Products | |
Greenpeace | | |
Grid Systems | (510) 656-4700 | |
(510) 683-9895 | Fax | |
Group Technologies | (703) 528-1555 | |
Groupware | (206) 565-1735 | TP4BIX |
GSI | (714) 261-7949 | ide/floppy/2.88 controller |
(714) 757-1788 | Fax | |
GTI | (718) 760-5555 | |
GTM | makes QDOS | |
(801) 235-7000 | ||
Guinness Telli*Phone | (415) 389-9442 | |
Gupta Technologies | (415) 321-4484 | Technical Support |
(415) 321-9500 | Customer Service | |
GVC Technologies | (800) 289-4821 |
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