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[D] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


D/A Technologies(800) 700-9751
DAC Systems(203) 924-7000
(203) 924-7900Computer Telephony
DacEasy Software (accounting)(800) 877-8088Voice
Daetech Computer Technologies(604) 294-6135
DAISI(713) 224-4000
DallasFAXsee Freedom Microtech
Damark(612) 531-0281TeleFAX
(612) 531-0380Customer Service Fax
(800) 729-4744Product Information
(800) 729-9000Orders
(800) 733-9070Customer Service
Danmar Systems(305) 388-4671
Dantz Development(510) 849-0293
(510) 849-1282Fax
Darome Teleconferencing(312) 399-4439
Dash Open Phone Systems(913) 888-6555
Dash-Find(716) 235-0168Larry Foresley. Forth jobs
Data Access(305) 238-0012
(305) 238-0017Fax
Data Assist(614) 888-8088
Data Cal(602) 545-8090Fax
Data Race(512) 558-1900
(800) 329-7723
Data Technology Corp DTC(408) 262-7700Tech Support
(408) 727-8899laser printers
(408) 942-4153Tech support
(408) 986-1426Fax
(408) 986-4052Fax
(408) 986-4062Fax
(617) 935-8820Tech Support
Data Translation(508) 481-3700
Data-Cal(602) 545-1234outside USA
(800) 223-0123Voice keyboard overlays
Database Designssee Periscope
DataBeam(606) 245-3500
Datacom(416) 471-7384Fax
(416) 472-8128
Datacopy(415) 965-7900Voice
(415) 985-3474Fax
(800) 821-2898Tech Support
DataEase(203) 265-2311FAXBACK
(203) 365-2317Fax
(203) 374-2825Tech Support
(203) 374-8000Tech Support
Datalux(514) 694-0870
(514) 694-0871Fax
(703) 662-1682Fax
(800) 328-2589VGA-LCD displays, keyboards
Datalux Europe
Datamax Services(716) 381-8590
Datapac Info
DataProbe(201) 967-9300
Dataproducts(818) 888-4071printers
Datashield(408) 439-6600
Datastorm(314) 474-8461Tech Support
(314) 474-8477Procomm
(314) 875-0530
Datasure Technologies(510) 935-9899parallel port tape
DataTrek(219) 522-8000
David Suzuki
David Systems(408) 720-6867
(408) 720-8000Voice
(408) 720-9485Fax
Davidson And Associates(213) 534-4070Tech Support
DaVinci Systems(919) 787-3550Fax
(919) 881-4320
Davis Software Engineering(214) 746-5210
Davox(508) 952-0252
Dayna Communications(801) 531-0203Voice
(801) 972-2000Tech Support
(801) 972-6955Fax
Daystar Digital(404) 967-2077Voice
DBA Communication Systems(604) 985-9521
dBasesee Borland
DCA(404) 442-3210
(404) 442-4000
(404) 442-4356Fax
(404) 442-4358Fax
(404) 641-1879Fax
(404) 740-0300Tech Support
(404) 998-3998Voice
(404) 998-7798Tech Support
(416) 226-6166Voice
(800) 544-6105Tech Support
DCB of Champaign(800) 637-1127
DCSsee Fortis
DECsee Digital Equiment
Decibel Products(214) 634-8502
Dees Communications(206) 869-1963
Deft(416) 249-2246
Dekeloy(508) 251-0201
Dell Computer(512) 338-4400
(512) 728-3653
(800) 624-9896Tech Support
(800) 624-9897
Delmar Systems International(619) 633-1411
Delorme Mapping(207) 865-1234(Mapping cd-roms)
(416) 441-3676
see Symantec
Delrina Technology(416) 423-0456Tech Support
(800) 268-6082Sales
Deltasee OPENetwork
Delta Microsystems(415) 449-6881
(415) 449-6885Fax
Delta Point(408) 648-4000
(408) 648-4020Fax
deltaComm Development(919) 460-4531Fax
Deltec Electronics(619) 291-4211
Deltiac Systems(408) 954-1055Tech Support
DemoSource(800) 964-9994
Deneba Software(305) 477-5794Fax
(305) 594-6965Tech Support
Denon America(201) 575-7810Tech Support
DeoxITsee Caig
Describe(416) 441-3676??
(813) 732-5414Fax
Desert Microsystems(800) 633-0448
DeskStation(913) 599-1900
Desktop Dialer(305) 433-0161
Desper Products(415) 428-0400
DESQviewsee Quarterdeck
Destiny Technology(408) 733-3171laser printers
Develcon Electronics(306) 931-1370Fax
(306) 933-3300
Deviant Art
DFM Systems(515) 225-0388Fax
(515) 225-6744
DGCS(301) 916-5285Caller ID boxes
DGM&S(609) 866-1212
DiagSoft(408) 438-7113Fax
(408) 438-8247Voice
Dialogic(201) 993-3000
(201) 993-3030
(201) 993-9000
Diamond Computer Systems(408) 730-5750Fax
(408) 736-2000
Diamond Multimedia Systems(408) 325-7000
(408) 325-7070Fax
(800) 468-5846
Dianatel(408) 428-1000
Dick Baldwin
Diconixsee Kodak
makes shareware HTML editor
makes crooked voting machines
Digi International(612) 943-9020
Digiboard(612) 922-8055Tech Support
(800) 344-4273
Digicom Systems(800) 833-8900
Digisoft Computers(212) 490-7980
Digital Composition Systems(602) 870-7667Voice
(602) 870-7690Tech Support
Digital Eclipse Software(510) 547-6101
Digital Equipment DEC(212) 889-8988
(508) 493-5111General
(508) 493-8780Fax
(508) 635-8293Tech Support
(800) 332-3366Voice
(800) 343-4040Voice
(800) 344-4825
Digital IDsee VeriSign
Digital Ocean(913) 888-3380
Digital Products(800) 561-8880
Digital Researchalso Novell
(408) 646-6464Tech Support
(408) 649-0750Fax
(408) 649-3896Voice
Digital Sound(805) 566-2000
Digital Speech Systems(214) 235-2999
Digital Systems International(206) 556-8006
Digital Techniques(800) 634-4976
Digital Technologies(215) 540-9241
Digital Transmission Systems(404) 798-1300
Digital Voice(214) 888-6380
Digitalk (Smalltalk/V)(213) 645-1082Voice
(213) 645-1306Fax
(800) 922-8255Voice
Dirad Technologies(518) 438-6000
Direct Drives(708) 481-1111Disk Drive Trivia Catalog
Directory Assistance(800) 555-1212
Directory Servicessee Network Solutions
directPhonesee Pro CD
Disk Technologies(407) 645-0001Tech Support
(800) 553-0337Voice
makes DVD accessories
Distribution Plus(301) 695-0478Fax
(301) 695-5300Orders
Ditek(800) 753-2345
Diverse Logic(416) 657 7841
Diversified Technology(601) 856-4121
(800) 443-2667
DNAsee Dynamic Microprocessor Asso
DNSsee Network Solutions
Dolch Computer Systems(510) 661-2220
Dolphin Systems Technology(714) 558-3220Tech Support
Domain Technologies(214) 985-7593
Dove(919) 763-7918Voice
Dowty Communications(800) 424-4451
Dowty Direct(800) 553-6989
DPT (Dist Process Tech)(407) 260-5366Fax
(407) 830-5522Tech Support
Dr.Taylor�s Software(802) 848-3502Fax
(802) 848-7731Voice
Dranetz Power Technologies(908) 287-3680
(908) 287-8627Fax
Drive Probesee Accurite
DSC Communications(214) 519-3000
DSP Communications(301) 961-1588
DSP Group(208) 986-4300
(408) 986-4300
DSP Software Engineering(617) 275-3733
DTCsee Data Technology
DTG(213) 987-2000Tech Support
DTI Computers
DTK(818) 810-0098West Coast
(908) 562-8800East Coast
DuPont Electro-Optic Products(800) 888-5261Voice
(919) 481-0753Fax
(919) 481-5100Voice
Durant Technologies(800) 451-4813
Dvorak International(802) 247-6747Brian Trask
DW Electrochemicals Ltd(416) 889-1522Stabilant
(905) 508-7500Stabilant
Dynamic Microprocessor Assoc.(212) 687-7520Tech Support
(212) 983-0971Fax
(516) 462-0440Voice
(516) 736-0500Sales
(516) 736-2209Fax
Dynatek Automation Systems(416) 636-3000Tech Support
Dysansee Xidex

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