image provider

[M] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


M&T Books(800) 533-4372
Macesee Fifth Generation
Mace, Paul
(541) 488-1549Fax
(541) 488-2322
(800) 523-0258Tech Support
Mackenzie Labs(818) 579-0444
MacProducts(512) 343-9441
Macrochip Research(214) 578-5635
Macromedia(415) 252-2000
(415) 626-0554
(800) 288-4797
Macrotel(800) 826-1627
MacroVoice(407) 994-9781
Macsetra Technologies Intl(306) 934-6044Tech Support
(800) 661-6000Voice
MacUser(303) 447 9330
MacWarehouse(201) 367 0440Inquiries
(800) 255 6227US
(800) 255 6447Canada
Madge Networks(408) 441-1300Voice
(409) 441-1335Fax
(800) 876-2343Voice
Mag Innovision(714) 827-3998Monitors
(800) 827-3998Monitors
Magee Enterprises(404) 368-0719Fax
(404) 446-6611
Magellansee Lotus
Magellan Systems (navigation)(818) 358-2363
MagicSoftsee WordPerfect
Magnavox(615) 636-5100
Magnum(818) 701-5459Computer Telephony
Magnum Software(818) 701-5051
Magnus Technology(714) 363-9438
Mainstay(818) 991-6540Tech Support
Malibu Software Group(310) 456-8940
Malta(404) 409-4549
makes keyboards
Mannesmann-Tally(206) 251-5500printers
(206) 251-5524printers
(206) 251-5593Tech Support
(800) 843-1347
Mansfield Software Group(203) 429-8402Voice
Manylink(206) 881-5060
Manzanta Microsystems(805) 968-1387Tech Support
(805) 968-5449Fax
Mark Williams(708) 291-6700Voice
(800) 627-5967Toll Free
Mark Williams Software(800) 962-1700
Marketing Graphics(804) 747-6991Voice
Marketing Messages(800) 4-864237
(800) 486-4237
MarketWare(206) 626-6107
Markham(407) 394-3844Fax
(407) 394-3994NetOpPM OS/2 remote
Martin Fowler
Mass Optical Storage Tech.(714) 898-9400Tech Support
Mastercom Communication Prod(800) 759-0148
MasterMind(703) 848-9040Computer Telephony
Mastersoft(602) 277-0900
(603) 970-0706
Mathsoft(617) 577-1017Voice
Matrix, 20975 Swenson Dr(214) 798-8560
Matrox(514) 685-2630Voice
(514) 685-2853
(800) 462-8769Tech Support
Mavis Beaconsee Software Toolworks
Maxcess(215) 928-1213Tech Support
MaxLogic(415) 490-4199
Maxoptix(408) 954-9700Tech Support
(408) 954-9711Fax
(800) 848-3092Voice
Maxtech/DVC(201) 579-3630
Maxwell(213) 390-8591Tech Support
(416) 625-6559Tech Support Canada
Maxxar(810) 615-1414
Maya Computer Co(800) 541-2318
Maynardsee Archive
Maynard Electronics(407) 260-8541Fax
(407) 263-3500Tech Support
(800) 821-8782
Maynstreamsee Archive
McAfee Associates(408) 970-9727Fax
(408) 988-3832Office
see Network Associates
McCaw Cellular Communications(206) 282-8685
MCCT(603) 524-2214
McDATA(303) 460-9200
McGrath RenTelco(214) 234-2422
MCI(202) 872-1600
MCI Data Networks(800) 937-2862ALL trouble & support calls
MCI Developers Labs(214) 918-2815
MCK TeleCommunications(800) 661-2625
MDBs(708) 303-6300
MECA Softwaremakes Managing the Market
makes Managing Your Money
(203) 256-5000Voice
(203) 256-5159Fax sales/service
(703) 752-6300Taxcut Tech Support
(800) 288-6322Sales/Service
Meckler(203) 226-6967
(203) 454-5840Fax
Media Cybernetics(301) 495-3305
(301) 495-5964Fax
Media Logic(508) 695-2006
Media Magic(512) 339-3535Sound Cards
Media Vision(510) 770-9905Tech Support
(800) 638-2807Voice
Mediagenic / Activision(415) 329-0800Voice
MediaMagic(512) 339-3500
MediaSoft Telecom(514) 731-3838Computer Telephony
Mediatrends(508) 371-9588
Megadrive Systems(213) 556-1164Fax
(213) 556-1663Tech Support
(800) 327-4744Voice
Megahaus(800) 426-0560PS/2 disks
Megahertz(800) 527-8677??
Megahertz Corp(800) 527-8677
Mehta(617) 684-8330
MEI Micro(800) 634-3478Voice
Melissa Data Corp(800) 443-8834Zip code and mail software
Memorex(408) 957-1000Tech Support
Memorex-Telex(416) 494-4444
Memory Commandersee V Communications
MemoryMaxsee Digital Research
Memotec(508) 681-0600Voice
(508) 681-0660Fax
Memotec Data(800) 361-1962
(31 23470837)Netherlands
(31 23471196)Fax
Mentor Graphics(503) 685-7000
Menuetsee Ithaca Street Software
Mercury Computer Systems(508) 256-1300
Mercury Telemedia(800) 999-2329
Merge Technologies Group(800) 824-7763
Meridian Data(408) 438-3100Tech Support
(800) 755-8324Voice
Meridian Technology/Microc(714) 261-1050Fax
(7l4) 261-1199Voice
Merisel(514) 745-1695Orders Canada
(604) 273-2445Canadian Wholesaler
(800) 637-4735Orders
(800) 845-3744Fax
Metagraphics(408) 438-1550
(408) 438-5379Fax)
MetaSolv(214) 239-0623
Metheus(503) 690-1550
Metromail(800) 927-2238
Metrowerks(512) 346-1935
(512) 346-3329Fax
(800) 377-5416
Michael Moore
Micom Communications(800) 642-6687
(805) 583-8600
Micraflip(301) 262-6020
Micratronix Datacom(519) 659-9500
Micro 2000(818) 547-0125
(818) 547-0769Fax
Micro Alliance(619) 598-1900
Micro Channel Developers Assoc(916) 222 2262Voice
(916) 222 2528Fax
Micro Delta(305) 971-5650
Micro Design International(407) 677-8333Tech Support
(800) 228-0891Tech Support
Micro Electronic Technologies(800) 766-7466
Micro Express(714) 852-1400VGA
Micro Frontier(515) 270-8109
(515) 278-6828Fax
Micro Integrated Communications(408) 980-8061
Micro Memory(818) 998-0070Tech Support
Micro Net Technology(714) 837-1164Fax
(714) 837-6033
Micro Planning Software(415) 788-3324Tech Support
Micro Seven(503) 693-6982
Micro Solutions Computer Prod(815) 756-3411Tech Support
Micro Technology Unlimited(919) 870-0344
Micro-Integration(301) 777-3313
Micro-Labs(214) 702-8654Voice
Micro-Technology Concepts Inc(800) 366-4860
Microbotics(214) 437-5330Tech Support
Microbridge Computer Int(415) 593-8777
(514) 845-0818Canada
Microcal Software(413) 586-2013
Microcom Carbon Copy Plus(203) 798-3800Tech Support
(617) 551-1000Sales
(617) 551-1006Fax
(617) 551-1999Sales
(800) 822-8224Sales
Microcom/Relay(617) 551-1021Tech Support
(617) 551-2039Voice
Microcomputer Specialists(508) 449-0000Voice
Microcon(214) 727-1640
MicroFocus(800) 872-6265
MicroGate(800) 444-1982
(214) 234-1769Voice
(214) 234-2410Fax
(214) 234-2694Tech Support
(214) 994-6476Fax
(800) 417-8312
(900) 847-8477Tech Support
MicroHelp(770) 516-0898
Microlog(301) 428-9100
Micrologic(510) 652-5464Voice
Microlytics(716) 248-9150
(716) 377-0130Tech Support
Micron Electronics
(800) 438-3343Tech Support
Micron Technology(208) 368-4400Voice
(800) 642-7661Tech Support
Micronet(718) 463-1455
Micronet Computer Systems(714) 739-2244Tech Support
(800) 468-6273
Micronicssee Star Micronics
Micronics Computers (motherbd)(510) 651-2300
Microplex(604) 875-1461Printer servers
Micropolis(818) 709-3300Tech Support
(818) 709-3325Tech Support
(818) 709-3396Fax
Microprocessors Unlimited(918) 267-4961
Microprose(301) 771-1151Tech Support
Microrim(206) 885-2000Voice
see Abacus Accounting
Microscience(408) 433-9898Tech Support
Microscope(210) 690-5233
MicroSlate(514) 444-3680
(514) 444-3683Fax
Microsoftalso Fox
(206) 635-7050Microsoft Access
(206) 635-7056Microsoft Office
(206) 635-7070Microsoft Excel
(206) 635-7130Microsoft Works
(206) 635-7145Microsoft PowerPoint
(206) 635-7191Microsoft FoxPro
(206) 637-7096COBOL
(206) 637-7096Pascal
(206) 637-7098Microsoft Windows
(206) 637-7099Tech Support:Windows
(206) 646-5104MS-DOS
(206) 882-8080Voice
(206) 883-8101Fax
(206) 936-7329
(800) 227-4679US order NT SDK
(800) 563-9048Canada order NT SDK
Microsoft Basic PDS(206) 635-7053Toll Support
Microsoft C/C++(206) 635-7007Toll Support
Microsoft Canada(416) 568-0434Administration
(416) 568-1257Fax
(416) 568-3503Product Support
(416) 673-4811
(416) 673-7638Tech Support
(416) 673-9728Fax
(416) 673-9811Voice
Microsoft Consulting Services(415) 905-0235West
(617) 487-6400Fax East
Microsoft customer line(800) 426-9400e.g. Mouse driver upgrades
Microsoft Excel(206) 635-7070Toll Support
Microsoft Excel for Mac(206) 635-7080Toll Support
(206) 635-7081Automated Answers
Microsoft Excel for Windows(206) 635-7071Automated Answers
Microsoft FORTRAN(206) 635-7015Toll Support
Microsoft Install Entertain Pak(206) 637-9308
Microsoft Install Lan Manager(206) 635-7020
Microsoft Install Mail Gateways(206) 635-7242
Microsoft Install QuickBasic(206) 646-5101
Microsoft Install SQL Server(206) 637-7095
Microsoft Install Visual Basic(206) 646-5105
Microsoft Install Windows SDK(206) 635-3329
Microsoft Journal(800) 669-1002$34.95/year 6 issues ??
Microsoft Macro Assembler(206) 646-5109Toll Support
Microsoft Mail(206) 637-9307Toll Support
Microsoft Money(206) 635-7131Toll Support
Microsoft Mouse MS Hardware(206) 635-7040Toll Support
Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0(206) 646-5103Automated Answers
Microsoft Other Products(206) 454-2030Toll Support
Microsoft Press(800) 883-3303Order line
Microsoft Profiler(206) 635-7015Toll Support
Microsoft Project(206) 635-7155Toll Support
Microsoft Project for Windows(206) 635-7156Toll Support
Microsoft Publisher(206) 635-7140Toll Support
Microsoft Quick C/Quick Assem(206) 635-7010Toll Support
Microsoft Sales(800) 426-9400Sales 0630-1800 PST
Microsoft Test for Windows(206) 635-7052Toll Support
Microsoft University(206) 828-1507
Microsoft Visual Basic(206) 646-5107Automated Answers
Microsoft Win for WorkGroups(206) 635-7245Automated Answers
Microsoft Word for Mac(206) 635-7200Toll Support
(206) 635-7201Automated Answers
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS(206) 635-7210Toll Support
(206) 635-7211Automated Answers
Microsoft Word for Windows(206) 462-9673Toll Support
(206) 635-7231Automated Answers
Microsoft Works for Mac(206) 635-7160Toll Support
Microsoft Works for MS-DOS(206) 635-7150Toll Support
Microsync (Boomerang)(817) 831-7816
Microsystems Engineering(708) 882-0111
(708) 882-9397Fax
Microsystems Software
makes Cyberpatrol
(508) 626-8511
(508) 626-8515Fax
(508) 879-9000
Microteck International(203) 468-6223Voice
Microtek Lab(213) 321-2121colour scanners
(213) 538-1193Fax
Microtest(602) 971-6464
(602) 971-6963Fax
Microview(713) 871-1801
Microvitec(404) 991-2246monitors
(404) 996-2387Fax
Microvoice(805) 642-0202
Microway(508) 746-4678Fax
(508) 746-7341
MidiSoft(206) 883-1368Fax
(800) 770-6434Voice ??
(800) 776-6434Voice ??
Midnight Engineering Magazine(303) 225-1075Fax
(303) 225-1410Voice
Mikodi America(916) 274-9394
Milestone Technologies(908) 636-7973
Millidyne(919) 876-6413
Miniscribesee Maxtor
Minuteman UPS(800) 238-7272
Minzloff Data
MIPS (RISC)(408) 720-1700
Mirror Technologies(612) 633-3136Fax
(612) 633-4450colour scanners
(800) 654-5294colour scanners
Misco(800) 876-4726
Mitek Systems(703) 834-6600laser printers
(800) 367-5660
Mitel(800) 648-3579
(800) 64835-79
Mitsuba(800) 648-7822
Mitsubishi(212) 605-2607
(213) 217-5732Tech Support
(213) 324-6466Fax
(213) 515-3993Tech Support
(310) 821-6042Fax
(416) 475-7861Fax
(714) 220-2500
(714) 236-6171Fax
(800) 344-6352
(800) 387-9630Tech Support
(800) 843-2515monitors
MIX Software(214) 783-1404Fax
(214) 783-6001Tech Support
(800) 333-0330Orders
Mizar(214) 277-4600
Mobile Satellite Services(301) 869-5900
MOD-Tap(508) 772-5630
Mod-Tap System(508) 772-2011Fax
Modatech System International(214) 929-7111
Momenta(415) 969-3876
(415) 969-3877Fax
Momentum Data Systems(714) 557-6884
MonoLisasee Opta
Monolithic Systems (motherbds)(303) 790-7400
Montrose Products(508) 791-3161
(508) 793-9862Fax
Moore, Michael
Moral Optical Communications(310) 828-7496
MoreFontssee MicroLogic
Mortice Kern Sys(519) 884-8861
(519) 886-8619Fax
Morton Management(800) 548-5744
Moscom(716) 383-6831
Mosean(818) 331-5878Fax
(818) 332-1919
Motion Media Technology
Motorola(708) 307-5937
Motorola (open systems)(800) 624-8999x165
Motorola Codec(617) 821-7613
Motorola Codex(508) 261-1203Fax
(508) 261-4000Voice
(800) 446-6336
Motorola DSP, Dr Bub (212)(512) 891-3771
Motorola DSP, Dr Bub (2400)(512) 891-3773
Motorola DSP, Dr Bub (v.22)(512) 891-3772
Motorola UDS(205) 430-8000
Motorola Wireless(708) 576-3991
Motorola, Ottawa(613) 725-1231
Mountain Computer(408) 379-3402Fax
(408) 379-4300Voice
(408) 379-4302Fax
(408) 438-6650
(800) 458-0300Tech Support
Mountain Network Solutionssee Mountain Computer
Mountain Systems(703) 935-2275
Mountain View Presssee The Forth Source
Mouse Systems(510) 656-1117Tech Support was (415)
(510) 770-1924Fax
makes Firefox, Thunderbird
MPR Teltech(604) 293-6012
MRA Associates(703) 488-5373
MS Download Service(206) 936-6735Interactive voice response
MS IE 7 for XP
makes browser.
makes browser.
MS Incremental Network Support(206) 635-7022$175/call
MS LAN Manager for UNIX(206) 635-7021
MS Mouse, BallPoint & Hardware(206) 635-7096
MS OnCall for Basic(206) 646-5102$20/call
(900) 896-9999$2/minute
MS OnCall for MS-DOS(206) 646-5108$20/call
(900) 896-9000$2/minute
MS OnCall for Visual Basic(206) 646-5106$20/call
(900) 896-9876$2/minute
MSJ(610) 666-5005
MTC(214) 491-0481
MTEZsee MagicSoft/WordPerfect
MTR(510) 887-1151
Multi-Link(604) 294-1471
MultiLink(508) 667-3150
Multimatesee Ashton-Tate
Multisoft(503) 644-5644Voice
(800) 365-5945Voice
(800) 888-5945Tech Support
Multisoundsee Turtle Beach
(619) 484-9133voice
(619) 484-9134Fax
Multitask Consulting
Multitech(800) 328-9717Tech Support
MultiTech Systems(612) 785-3500
Multiverse Communications(212) 580-0541
Music Quest(214) 881-7408MIDI
(800) 876-1376MIDI
Mustang(805) 334-2240Tech support
(805) 395-0223Sales
Mustek(714) 453-1409Fax
(714) 833-7740colour scanners
Mylex(510) 656-7857Fax
(510) 796-6100Tech Support
(800) 776-9539Voice motherboards
Myoda(800) 562-1071
makes SQL database manager
Mystic Software(510) 865-9189

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