image provider

[A] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


A&A Connections(610) 354-9070
A&G Graphics(617) 492-0120
A+ Systems(203) 221-8181
Aamazing Technologies(714) 255-1686Fax
(714) 255-1688
Abacus Accounting
Abington Computers(215) 887-0472
Above Software(714) 851-2283Tech Support
(714) 851-2285Fax
ABS TALK(516) 333-7900
Abundancesee Canadian Mind Products
ACCsee Advanced Computer Comm.
Accel Computer(714) 757-1212Tech Support
Access Technology(508) 655-9191Tech Support
Access Voice Systems(305) 251-4653
Access-ISDN(800) 333-4736
AccessLine(206) 621-3500
Acco(416) 499-1000Tech Support
Accton Technology(415) 226-9800
(510) 226-9800Voice
(510) 226-9833Fax
(800) 926-9288Voice
Accu-Tech(800) 221-4767
Accurite(408) 433-1716Fax
(408) 433-1980Voice
Accusoft(800) 525-3577
Ace Utilities
makes Registry cleaner. Junk file deleter. Autorun manager.
Acer Computers
makes computers
(408) 432-6200
(408) 922-0333Tech Support ??
(800) 733-2237Voice
ACI US(408) 252-4444
(408) 252-7765Fax
ACM(212) 869-0481Fax
(212) 869-7440Voice
ACS(800) 995-5500
Action Technologies(415) 547-2190Fax
(415) 654-4444Voice
Active Voice(206) 443-9440
Acumen Computer(714) 386-7740Fax
AcuVoice(408) 289-1661
Adak Communications(800) 336-7483
Adanac Cable(416) 828-2700
(416) 828-5561Fax
Adaptec(408) 262-2533Fax
(408) 945-2550Tech Support
(408) 945-8600Voice
Adaptive Solutions(503) 690-1236
Adax(510) 548-7047
ADC Telecommunications(612) 835-6800
(612) 893-3292Fax
(800) 255-3891Cabling hardware
Addtron Technology(510) 770-0120
(510) 770-0171Fax
ADI Electronics(404) 552-0053
ADIC(206) 881-2296Fax
(206) 881-8004Tech Support
Admax Computer(603) 881-4909Ruggedized computers
makes PostScript, Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Flash, Shockwave
(206) 628 5737FAXBACK
(206) 628-3954Adobe Illustrator
(206) 628-3956Adobe Photoshop
(206) 628-4531Adobe PageMaker
(206) 628-4533Adobe Persuasion
(415) 961-0911Tech Support
(415) 961-3769Fax
(415) 961-4400
(800) 344-8335Open Systems
(800) 447-3577Tech Support
(800) 668-8986Canada
(800) 833-6687Fonts
(900) 555-2200Adobe PageMaker
(900) 555-2200Adobe Persuasion
(900) 555-4558Adobe Illustrator
(900) 555-7468Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver
makes WYSIWYG HTML editor
Adobe Flash
makes lightweight animation viewer.
Adobe Reader
makes PDF reader.
Adtech Micro Systems(415) 659-0756
Adtran(205) 971-8000
Advance-Interface Electronic(416) 479-1443Voice Canada
(416) 479-1834Fax Canada
Advanced Communications(404) 667-3777
Advanced Computer Comm.(800) 444-7854Voice
(805) 962-8499Fax
(805) 963-9431Voice
Advanced Computer Innovations(716) 383-1939Voice
(716) 383-8428Fax
Advanced Digital Info(800) 336-1233Voice
Advanced Graphics & Imaging(410) 771-4666
Advanced Gravis Computer Tech.(604) 434-1807Tech Support
(604) 434-7274Voice (joysticks)
(604) 434-7809Fax
(800) 434-7274Order Desk
Advanced Image Communications(510) 947-1000
Advanced Information Concepts(408) 433-9776Tech Support
Advanced Logic Researchsee ALR
Advanced Micro Devices(512) 385-8542
Advanced Microcomputer Systems(800) 972-3733
Advanced Multimedia Solutions(206) 623-4011
Advanced Storage Concepts(713) 879-4090Tech Support
Advanced System Architectures
Advanced Technology Development(408) 954-0725Fax
(408) 954-8525Tech Support
Advanced Vision Research(408) 956-0350colour scanners
(408) 956-0365Fax
Advantage Memory(314) 453-8111
(714) 453-8111
Advotech(412) 283-4497
AEC Management(703) 450-1980Tech Support
(703) 450-9786Fax
AEG Olympia(201) 231-8300Tech Support USA
(201) 526-6349Fax
(216) 292-3388Tech Support USA
(216) 292-3767Fax
(416) 445-3480Fax Canada
(516) 755-1212Tech Support USA
(516) 755-1215Fax
(800) 268-6464Tech Support Canada
(800) 999-6872
Affin fly(303) 693-2743
Affinitec(800) 325-2250
AG Communications(602) 582-7000
AG Group(415) 937-2479Fax
(415) 937-7900Etherpeek protocol analyzer
AGE(619) 565-7373Voice
(619) 565-7460Fax
AGFA Corporation(508) 658-5600
(800) 424-8973
Ahead Systems(510) 623-0900VGA
Ahearn & Soper(613) 226-1183Fax
(613) 226-4520
Ahmdahl(800) 538-8460Open Systems
Aines Manufacturing(516) 471-3900
Air System Technology(214) 402-9660RighTime (fixes 24 hour bug)
Alacron(603) 891-2750
Aladdin Systems(408) 761-6200
(408) 761-6206Fax
Alantec(408) 955-9000PowerHub, PowerBits
(408) 955-9500Fax
(510) 770-1050Voice
(510) 770-1054Fax
(800) 727-1050Voice
Alcom(415) 694-7000
Aldridge(713) 953-1940Tech Support
(800) 548-5019Voice
Aldridge Software(908) 846-7242
Aldus(206) 343-4240Fax
(206) 622-5500Canada Tech Support
(206) 628-2040Canada
(206) 628-2320voice
(206) 628-6593
(416) 925-1288Canada
(416) 944-0249Fax Canada
see Adobe
Alert Communications(818) 576-7477
ALFa(908) 789-2068
AlgoRhythms(202) 332-2110
Alias Research(416) 362-0630Fax
(416) 362-9181
Alki Software(206) 286-2600
(206) 286-2785Fax
(800) 669-9673French thesaurus/dictionary
All Computers(216) 564-7875USA
(416) 960-0111Canada
(416) 960-5426Fax USA
(800) 627-4825Canada
All Posters
makes posters
Allan Crawford Assoc(416) 890-1959Fax
(416) 890-2010
makes key accents and symbols.
Alliance Systems(214) 250-4141Ruggedized computers
Allied Telesis(415) 964-0944Fax
(415) 964-2771Voice
(603) 433-2071
(603) 433-2471Fax
(800) 424-4284Voice
Allis(404) 664-4744
Alltel Supply(800) 533-3161Telephone test equip
Allways Technology(818) 597-1400Sales/Tech Support
(818) 597-1496Fax
Alp Systems/Lexpertise(801) 359-0059Tech Support
(801) 359-0189Fax
Alpha Software
(617) 229-2924Voice
(617) 272-3680Tech Support
(617) 272-4876Fax
(617) 273-1507Fax
(800) 368-8872FAXBACK
(900) 555-2574Tech Support
Alpha Systems Lab(800) 576-4275
Alpha Technologies(800) 322-5742
Alpha Telecom(205) 881-8743
Alphatronix(919) 544-0001Tech Support
ALPS Electric(408) 432-6000printers, mice (OEM)
ALR(714) 581-6770Tech Support
(714) 581-9240Fax
(800) 443-4226Tech Support
(800) 465-1305Voice
Alta Group of Cadence Design(415) 574-5800???
Altec Lansing MultiMedia(717) 296-1287
AltiGen Communications(510) 252-9714
Altima(800) 356-9990
Altos (Open Systems)(800) 258-6787
Altos Computer Systems(408) 258-6787General
makes HTML editor and browser
Amazon books
AMBIT Systems(214) 239-9796
Amcom Software(800) 852-8935
makes cpu chips
(512) 385-8342
Amdek(408) 435-2832Tech Support
(408) 436-8570Voice
(408) 473-1222Fax
(408) 473-2328
(800) 722-6335
see Wyse
Amdev Communications(209) 962-5900
Amdex Industrial Computer(203) 268-8000Ruggedized computers
American Communications(800) 944-9222
American Cybernetics(602) 966-1654Fax
(602) 968-1945Voice
American Data Technology(818) 578-1339Voice (Smart Fax Plus, B4 docs)
American Design Components(800) 776-3700
American Digital Systems(508) 443-7711Tech Support
American Megatrendssee AMI
American Micro Devicessee AMD
American Mitac(800) 648-2287
American Multisource(415) 657-2288Tech Support
American Multisystems
(408) 945-2296voice
(800) 888-6615
American Nat. Standards Inst.see ANSI
American Power Conversion(401) 789-3710Fax
(401) 789-5735Tech Support
(800) 443-4519Voice
(800) 541-8896
(800) 800-4274
American Small Business(918) 825-4644Tech Support
American Small Business Comp(918) 825-6359Fax
(918) 825-7555
AmeriFAX(216) 253-8787
Ameritech(708) 248-2000
(800) 327-9346
AMI(404) 263-8181Tech Support
(404) 263-9381Voice, BIOS
(800) 828-9265
Amko Marketing Services(800) 543-7030diskette mailers
AMP(717) 564-0100
(800) 245-4356FAXBACK
AMT Communications(310) 320-7757labels for ports
AMT International Industries(714) 955-2440
Amtelco(800) 356-9224
Analog Devices(617) 461-4010
Analogic(508) 977-6813
Analogical Systems(415) 323-3232
Anasco(800) 826-2726
Anchor Automation(818) 998-6100
Andersen Consulting(800) 541-7512Arthur Andersen
Andrea Electronics(800) 442-7787
Andrew(213) 320-7126Voice
(213) 618-0386Fax
(800) 733-0331Voice
Andrew VSAT Systems(510) 226-8728
Andyne Computing(613) 548-4355
Anixter Bros(708) 677-2600
ANSI(212) 642-4900
AnswerSoft(214) 612-5100
makes Java make utility and platform-independent scripting.
Antel Optronics(214) 690-5200OTDR PC card
(214) 690-5302Fax
Anthem Electronics(408) 452-2281Fax
(408) 453-1200Tech Support
(703) 739-0500Voice ??
AOC International(816) 891-7882Fax
(816) 891-8066
AOX Microsys(310) 642-0250
Apache Tomcat
makes Servlet Womb and HTTP server.
APDA(408) 562-3910International
(800) 282-2732USA
(800) 637-0029Canada
Apex Voice Communications(818) 379-8400Computer Telephony
Appian(206) 649-8086Tech Support
(408) 730-5400Voice
Appintec(510) 450-1550
Apple Computer(408) 922-0333Tech Support ??
(408) 974-9974Fax
(408) 996-1010monitors
(800) 776-2333monitors
Apple developer
Apple iPhone
Apple iTunesmakes music player.
Apple Programmers & Devs Assocsee APDA
Apple QuickTimemakes movie player.
Apple/MAC user group info(800) 538-9696x100 Open Systems
Applied Business Technology(212) 219-8945Tech Support
Applied Engineering(214) 241-6060
Applied Silicon(613) 738-2434
Applied Systems Engineering(817) 249-4180
Applied Voice Technology(206) 820-6000Computer Telephony
Applitek(508) 475-0550Fax
(508) 475-4050Voice
(800) 526-2489Voice
Applix(800) 827-7549
Appoint(805) 238-9690
Appro International(408) 452-9200
Aprotek(503) 582-2120
Arch Telecom(800) 272-4835
Arche Technologies(415) 623-8100
Archive(714) 966-2296
(800) 227-6296
Archive (QICstream)(714) 641-0279
Area Codes
Areal Technology(408) 954-0360Tech Support
(408) 954-1952Fax
Ares Microdevelopment(313) 473-0808
(313) 473-4450Fax
Ares Software(415) 578-8999Fax
(415) 578-9090Voice
Ariel(908) 249-2900
ARIS Entertainment(310) 824-0234(Media Clips cd-roms)
Aristocadsee Aristosoft
Aristosoft(408) 946-2747
(415) 426-6703Fax
(800) 338-2629Calif. Only
Arix Computer(408) 432-1200Tech Support
makes posters
Artel Communications(508) 562-2100Voice
(508) 562-6942Fax
(800) 225-0228Voice
Articulate Systems(617) 935-5656
Artisoft(602) 293-1397FAXBACK
(602) 293-6363LANTastic
(602) 293-8065Fax
(602) 670-7000
(602) 670-7359Fax
(800) 846-9726
Artix Technologies(408) 956-0144colour scanners
(408) 956-1552Fax
(800) 643-0666colour scanners
Artright Software(613) 820-1000Tech Support
Arts & Letterssee Computer Support
Ascend Communications(510) 769-6001
(510) 814-2300Fax
(510) 814-2321
Ascom Telecommunications
Ashlar(408) 746-0749Fax
(408) 746-1800
(800) 877-2745
Ashton Macaulay Group(902) 453-5011Fax
(902) 453-6355
Ashton-Tate(213) 329-0086Tech Support
(213) 329-8000Voice
(408) 461-9000dBase customer Support
(416) 229-6000Voice Canada
(416) 229-6123Fax Canada
(416) 287-6102Canada
(416) 964-1022Tech Support Canada
(800) 828-2515Tech Support
see Borland
Ashton-Tate Decision Resources(203) 222-1974Tech Support
Ashton-Tate MultiMate(203) 247-3445Tech Support
(408) 268-1711Voice
Asksam Systems(904) 564-6590Voice
Aslea International(617) 275-5440
Aspect(800) 541-7799
ASPIsee Adaptec
Assoc. for Computing Machinerysee ACM
Associated Information Services(612) 753-3994
(612) 753-3995
Association For Shareware Professionals
makes motherboards
ASUSTeK(408) 956-9077
Asymmetrix(206) 637-1500Voice
(206) 637-1560
(800) 448-6543
AT&T(800) 922-0354Nat�l Repair
AT&T American Transtech(904) 636-1000
AT&T Computer Systems(800) 247-1212Voice
(904) 636-3078Fax
AT&T GBCS(800) 247-7000
AT&T Graphics Software Labs(317) 844-4364(RIO & TOPAS Software)
AT&T Paradyne(800) 482-3333Extension 448
Atari(408) 745-2000General
Atasi Technology(408) 986-0201Fax
(408) 986-1303Tech Support
Atelco(613) 724-1104
Atelco, Montreal(514) 733-6230
Atelco, Toronto(416) 882-9455
Athenna�s Computer Services(905) 685-8726
(905) 882-0546Fax customer support
(905) 882-2600Main Corporate Number
(905) 882-2620Fax
(905) 882-2626Customer Support
see AMD
Atlanta Signal Processors(404) 892-7265
Atlantic Digital Systems(908) 972-0088
Atlantic Scientific(407) 725-8000
ATLast!see RYBS Electronics
Atronics Int(408) 942-3344motherboards
ATS Telephone & Data Systems(901) 797-3000
ATT systems hotline(800) 992-0354Voice
Audiocom(305) 825-4653
AudioFAX/FAXLink Plus(404) 933-7600
AudioSpectrumsee Media Vision
Auropacific(609) 784-7700
Aurora Systems(508) 263-4141
Aurora Technologies(617) 577-1288Tech Support
Austin Code Works(512) 258-0785
AustraliaPhonesee Pro CD
Autodesk(415) 289-2304Fax
(415) 331-4030Tech Support
(415) 332-2344Voice
(415) 507-5000
(415) 507-5100Fax
(800) 445-5415Voice
Automated Design Systems(404) 394-2191Fax
(404) 394-2552
Automated Technical Services(314) 997-1736
Autotrol(416) 624-5908
AVA Technology(800) 488-8840
Avalanche(303) 449-3246Fax
(303) 449-5032SGML translation software
Avantmakes browser.
Avatex Modems(800) 428-2839Voice ??
AVG Eagle(708) 668-3355
Avistar Systems(415) 617-1350
Award (Bios)(408) 370-7979Tech Support
Aware Electronics(302) 655-3800
(800) 729-5397Geiger Counter for PC
AXIS Communications(508) 777-7957
(508) 777-9905Fax
Axon Communications(714) 648-0263
Axonix(801) 466-9797printers
Aztech Labs(510) 623-8988

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