Company | Phone | Type |
RAAC Technologies | (414) 277-1889 | |
Racal Interlan | (508) 263-8655 | Fax |
(508) 263-9929 | Voice | |
(800) 526-8255 | Voice | |
Racal-Datacom | (305) 846-6808 | |
Racal-Milgo | (800) 722-2555 | |
RAD Data Communications | (201) 529-1100 | |
RAD Network Devices | (800) 969-4123 | Voice ?? |
see Lannet | ||
Radcom Equipment | (201) 529-2020 | |
Radish Communications | (303) 443-1659 | Fax |
(303) 443-2237 | VoiceView | |
RadiSys | (800) 950-0044 | |
Radius | (408) 434-0127 | Fax |
(408) 434-0770 | Fax | |
(408) 434-1010 | monitors | |
(408) 434-6437 | Fax | |
(408) 954-6857 | Voice | |
(800) 227-2795 | monitors | |
Radix II | (301) 567-5200 | |
Ralph Nader | | |
RAM Research | (510) 603-1122 | Computer Telephony |
Rambus | (415) 903-3800 | |
(415) 965-1528 | Fax | |
Rancho Technology | (714) 987-3966 | Tech Support |
(714) 989-2365 | Fax | |
Ranmar Business | (514) 875-6709 | |
Rapid Systems | (206) 784-4311 | |
Rapier | see VideoLogic | |
RasterOps | (408) 562-4065 | Fax |
(408) 562-4200 | monitors | |
(800) 729-2656 | monitors | |
Rational Systems | (800) 666-2585 | |
RCA/Data Communications Divisio | (717) 295-6000 | printers |
ReadRight | see OCR Systems | |
ReadRight Personal | see OCR Systems | |
RealAudio | | |
see Progressive Networks | ||
RealVideo | see Progressive Networks | |
ReCall International | (214) 772-3200 | ?? |
Recognita | (408) 241-5772 | Voice |
(408) 241-6009 | Fax | |
Recognita Plus | see Recognita | |
RED Electronics | (416) 492-2510 | Fax |
(416) 492-3333 | ||
(800) 387-6121 | Network equipment | |
Redcom Laboratories | (716) 924-7550 | |
Reference Software | (415) 541-0222 | Tech Support |
(415) 541-0509 | Fax | |
(800) 872-9933 | Voice | |
Reference Technology | (303) 449-4157 | Tech Support |
Reflections | (613) 230-4321 | |
(613) 448-2588 | ||
Relax Technology | (415) 471-6112 | Tech Support |
Reliable Communications | (800) 222-0042 | |
Relisys | (408) 945-0587 | Fax |
(408) 945-1062 | printers | |
(408) 945-9000 | monitors | |
(800) 635-0999 | ||
Reltek | (613) 592-2411 | |
REMS Software | (201) 744-2150 | |
Remuera Corp | (613) 235-2321 | |
(613) 235-4949 | Fax | |
Renaissance GRX | (206) 454-0511 | Voice |
Reply | (800) 955-5295 | Cables |
ReporiSmith | (900) 555-1011 | PC/SQL |
ReportSmith | (408) 461-9150 | PC/SQL |
(800) 673-2288 | cedit card help PC/SQL | |
see Borland | ||
Resource Partners | (603) 522-9500 | |
Response Logic | (617) 969-0818 | |
Restore | see Canadian Mind Products | |
Results Technologies | (305) 921-2400 | |
Retix | (213) 399-2200 | Voice |
(213) 458-2685 | Fax | |
(800) 255-2333 | Voice | |
Reveal | (818) 704-6300 | |
Revelation Tech (Cosmos) | (206) 643-9898 | Voice |
(206) 746-1629 | Tech Support | |
Revol | makes shareware HTML editor | |
Rhetorex | (408) 370-0881 | |
Richard Clement EDV | ||
Richard Dawkins | | |
Richmond Software | (604) 299-0947 | Tech Support |
(604) 299-2121 | Voice | |
(604) 299-6743 | Fax | |
Ricoh | (201) 882-2000 | |
(415) 962-0441 | Fax | |
(415) 962-0443 | Tech Support | |
Right to Die Society | | |
RightFAX | (602) 327-1357 | |
RighTime | see Air System Technology | |
Rightsoft | (813) 952-9211 | Tech Support |
RightWriter | see Que Software | |
RING! Service Centre | (905) 672-9227 | Computer Telephony ?? |
RingDirector | see Lynx Automation | |
River, James Group | see James River Group | |
RJD Associates | (800) 543-8234 | |
RMT Systems | (714) 863-1092 | Tech Support |
Robert-Andrew Associates | (609) 662-1290 | Voice |
(609) 662-8540 | Fax | |
Rochelle Communications | (512) 339-8188 | |
Rockwell International | (708) 960-8000 | |
Rodime Systems | (407) 994-6200 | Tech Support |
(407) 997-6135 | Fax | |
(800) 688-9390 | Voice | |
Roedy Green | see Canadian Mind Products | |
Roedy Green Phone List | | |
Rogers Cable | makes The Wave cable | |
(800) 446-0792 | The Wave Hotline | |
Rogers Telecomm | | |
Roland | (213) 685-5141 | MIDI boards |
(416) 624-5944 | Canada | |
Roland Projects | (303) 220-9969 | |
RoseSoft | (206) 562-0225 | Orders |
Roykore | (415) 563-0836 | Fax |
(415) 563-9175 | ||
RSA Data Security | (650) 295-7600 | |
(650) 295-7700 | Fax | |
RSI Systems | (612) 896-3020 | |
Ruby on Rails | | |
Ryan Macfarland | (512) 343-1010 | |
(800) 762-6265 | RM COBOL | |
Ryan Mcfarland | (213) 541-4828 | Tech Support |
RYBS Electronics | (303) 444-5073 | |
(303) 444-9727 | ||
RZ-1000 | see PC Tech |
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