Google has released an open source browser based on Apple’s Safari rendering engine. The current version
is 53.0.2785.92 Last revised/verified: 2016-09-06.
It comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Just to confuse you, it will install the 64-bit version
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe".
- It is the fastest browser
- Google translate integrates beautifully. It automatically translates as you go. You can flip back and forth
between the language and English with the click of a button.
- Available for Windows, Linux and Mac.
- When you enter the name of a file to browse, it lets you use any combination of / and \ in the URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
- It multi-threaded with isolation between the threads so if one goes berserk, it takes only one window down,
not the whole browser.
- It generates native code on the fly for JavaScript much the way HotSpot works for Java.
- It has a JavaScript console and a JavaScript debugger. Its whole focus is improved JavaScript.
- It has constantly updated lists of sites that are malware or phishing sites.
- It is very good at importing bookmarks from other browsers or from html.
- When you reload a page, it does not make you grant permissions all over again.
- Like other browsers it has add-on apps, called extensions, though not as many as Firefox. Most of them are
just silly diversions, not productivity tools.
- Like other browsers Chrome has themes, a special type of extension. Chrome’s are more practical
without a lot of distracting contrast. Most of them are pretty gross, car and girl. I liked Snow
Fox, A Bit Windy and Tree. Browsers generally work best with light colored
themes. With a black one, it is hard to see the buttons. The only time you see the picture is when you open a
new tab.
- Chrome can import/export its settings to other browsers.
- You write add-ons in JavaScript and JSON (Java Script Object Notation). This may
not sound like a plus, but compared with writing XML (extensible Markup Language), it is.
- It has a clean look. Most of the screen is for displaying the document. It does not use up a lot of space
with bars and buttons.
- It has its own Flash player which automatically updates with Chrome. You cannot update it separately.
- Chrome’s inspect element is excellent. It helps me rapidly figure out why
my CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
is not doing what I expect. I use it on other people’s sites to find out the full
they used to create logo images with CSS. I can then
easily download them to use as logos on my own site. Without it, I would have to use FastStone, which would
lose any transparency info. Browsers will usually tell you the URL
of images created with <img but not with CSS.
- It has no edit button to let you edit the current page in your favourite text editor. Every
other browser has one. This is a showstopper! The Chrome people think of this as a feature. Chrome cannot be
used to modify files even via an external editor. This makes it very safe. They are being pedantic twits. When
you are creating HTML/CSS markup, you need to go back and forth between editor and browser. Chrome won’t
let you invoke the editor for a page you see. You must capture the file: url and paste
it into your editor, converting it to a file name if your editor cannot handle URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).
- It does not support Java Applets with the usual Java version 1.7, even though it claims to work. You must install a
special Chrome version of Java including
JRE (Java Runtime Environment)
version 1.6.0_29. Once that is done, Chrome will start using your
1.8.0_131. I gather the Chrome version of Java includes a Plugin for Chrome, which is the
crucial piece. It should be bundled with Chrome itself. This problem may now be cleared up. Try installing your
Javas before you install Chrome.
- It says it does not support Java Web Start, but it does. It just takes several clicks to
- It does not support classes or styles on <COL tags.
- You would think if you hovered over a link it would provide a tooltip as to where that link goes. It does
not. You would think right clicking the link would let you discover where it is going. It does not. However, if
you hover over link, in faint type, at the bottom left of the screen, it will tell you the partial url.
- It ignores width in CSS
styles. You must use min-width.
- It crashes often, then quickly recovers and carries on.
- It sometimes takes a long time to start because it is resolving proxy.
- If you edit an image, you can’t proofread the new version without exiting Chrome and restarting.
Reloading the page will not suffice.
- You cannot exit with a download in progress, without terminating the download.
browser colgroup support
Browser Colgroup Support |
browser |
version |
col class
supported |
col align
supported |
HTML5 entities
supported |
Firefox |
59.0.3 |
Chrome |
53.0.2785.92 |
Opera |
48.0.2685.52 |
SeaMonkey |
2.49.2 |
Safari |
5.1.7 |
Avant |
2018:1 |
Edge |
25,10586.0.0 |
IE 11 |
11.0.9600.17239 |
IE 10 |
10.02.9200.16521 |
IE 9 |
9.0.8112.16421 |
IE 8 |
8.0.7601.17514 |
IE 7 |
7.0.6000 |
Those browsers marked with an x all have a bug. They will not render <col class="xxxx">s
correctly. The ones with a tick render it correctly. The Opera people say this is a feature not a bug. The language lawyers claim the W3 spec says that the browser is supposed to ignore the color
attribute from the <col class. Logically, I think the <col styles should apply to the entire column, but not to <th rows. In addition Firefox, SeaMonkey, Safari and Flock also ignore the <col align attribute. Opera and IE render
it properly.
Firefox, SeaMonkey and Opera support almost all the HTML5 entities. Chrome and Safari support many of them.
colgroup test
Colgroup Test |
Style Test |
Alignment Test |
On Every row |
style |
alignment |
Using Colgroup |
style |
alignment |
If both cells in the left hand Style Test column are the same colour, then your browser (the one you are using now to view this page) supports
<col class=.
If both cells in the right hand Alignment Test column right-align, then your browser supports <col align=
Dreamweaver lets you apply a css style to all rows individually. Last revised/verified: 2018-05-06
- When the download is done, it won’t notify you. You have to guess when it is complete and you have to
go find the file and execute it. It does not make it easy for you to run the install. I can’t believe
Google could screw up something so basic that every other browser does in its sleep.
- Some programs such as Avant and JPSoft Take Command are updated frequently using the same downloadable name
for each version. Chrome renames your download to avoid overwriting the old one. If are not aware it has done
this, you will just install the old version again, and gradually accumulate obsolete update downloads. You have
to manually modify the download name to get Chrome to write over top of the old download. On paper, this sounds
like a good idea, but in practice, Chrome’s behaviour is almost never what you want.
- When you save an image it takes 12+ seconds before it even asks you where to store
the image. It is similarly slow starting downloads.
- It cannot print white writing on a black background. Use Firefox instead.
- There is no 64-bit version.
- It works only on Windows and works only with Java 1.8.0_131+
- It is based on an older Safari engine which still has a serious security flaw.
- There does not appear to be any way to customise the toolbars.
- It does not have a way to launch Java Web Start automatically.
- It does not yet support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
client authentication, though it does support access to SSL
end EVSSL (Extended Verification Secure Socket Layer)
secure sites.
- It is quite slow at saving images.
- Sometimes your computer slows to a crawl. If you look in the task manager, you will see dozens of copies of
Chrome running.
Chrome maintains its own list of SSL root certificates
independent of Windows. You can manage it with:
- Click the hamburger icon

- Click settings.
- At the bottom, click Show Advanced Settings.
- Under HTTPS/SSL click manage certificates.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
~ William Shakespear (1564-04-23 1616-04-23 age:52)
Marcellus in Hamlet Act I scene iv
There is something a little fishy about Google. First they discontinued support for Java Applets, but
maintained the fiction they were by having a button to turn it on. It does not work in beta either. They have
fiddled with Java Web Start to make it clumsy to use, rather than a one-click as intended. Why are they trying to
ruin Java Applets while simultaneously promoting Java for use inside Android cellphones?
Second, Google Chrome seems to be the only browser that can deal with Google Adsense and Google Translate
reacting so slowly. There is a technical reason for this — their superior multi-thread JavaScript engine.
However, it is almost as though the deliberately hobbled Google AdSense so that Chrome would look better compared
with other browsers. They properly should fix AdSense, Translate and the like to work properly in any browser
when the Google server is slow or the proxy server is slow.
RFE (Request For Enhancement)
- Chrome should stop dicking around and run Java Applets and Java Web Start right out the box.
- It should only require one click per page ever to OK the running of signed Applets. It should require no
clicks to run unsigned Applets.
- When you hover over a link, Chrome should display the URL. You should be able to know where you are going before you commit yourself to
going there.
- By clicking a button, you should be able to open the current webpage in your favourite text editor.
- When you are downloading a file, you should see how big it is before you commit to the download.
- You should be able to view the raw webpage, before JavaScript has modified it.
- Chrome should let you close all the tabs without exiting the program. A kludge to get around that is to
click new tab, then close others.
- If you accidentally close the last tab, Chrome exits. It shouldn’t.
- If you ever change your mind and want to download files to examine them, or run them later, rather than
execute them, you are out of luck with Chrome. You will have to use some other browser.