iPhone : Computer Hardware Buyers’ Glossary

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iPhone iPhone
Apple’s cellphone. What makes it different is that it has no buttons. The entire front surface is a colour touch-pad screen that senses the heat of your fingers. It runs the Macintosh OSX operating system. The apps are written in Objective-C. It uses GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) or Cingular’s Edge digital data transmission system. It ties into WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) Ethernets and speaks bluetooth.

It cleverly switches from landscape to portrait depending on how you hold the phone and, to conserve power, it automatically turns off the display when you hold the phone to your ear. It comes in 4 and 8 GB flash drive versions.

For eBook reading, use ePub or PDF (Portable Document Format) format.

It will set you back in the order of  $600.00 USD for the basic hardware and software. This is so ridiculously overpriced, it means the phone is primarily a status symbol, roughly half the cost of Rolex watch. The advantage of the watch is you don’t need to buy a new model every 6 months to avoid looking passé.

It has mapping software that lets you know about traffic density.

Unfortunately, though the phone is theoretically capable of functioning on other networks, Apple has chosen to artificially lock it into the A T & T network. You can buy unlocked models at extra cost.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit), its speed and the size of RAM (Random Access Memory) are closely guarded secrets. I have written Apple chastising them for being so close-mouthed. However, shortly after the iPhone went on sale, buyers discovered the iPhone is using an ARM1176JZF-based processor, probably the 667 MHz Samsung S3C6400. This chip sports an embedded Java acceleration engine called Jazelle. ARM processors traditionally support two instruction sets; ARM state, with 32-bit instructions and Thumb state which compresses the most commonly used instructions into 16-bit format. The Jazelle technology extends this concept by adding a third instruction set, Java bytecode, to the capability of the processor, together with a new Java state, so it looks as though Jobs has not closed off the possibility of Java in future. The big problem is Java is not gesture-based like the iPhone.

You need iTunes and a desktop PC (Personal Computer) to activate the cellphone setting up your air time billing account.

The iPhone does not support Java or Applets. If it happens, Steve Jobs has said it won’t come from Apple. However, it does have a proprietary Apple SDK (Software Development Kit). Apple forbids companies or individuals to write their own apps for the iPhone. This is probably the main reason it is not that big a threat to the BlackBerry.

Oracle has announced cellphone very similar to the iPhone informally called the jPhone. The official product name is Java Mobile FX It has 32 megabytes of RAM and a 200 megahertz ARM processor. There are also dozens of Chinese knockoffs.


iPhone 7

The big change is wireless earbugs which allows the unit to to be somewhat whaterproof.

iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 is huge 6.70 × 3.81 × 0.69 cm (2.64 × 1½ × 0.27 in) 129 grams (4.55 oz). The iPhone 6+ is even bigger. It is not really cellphone, more a tablet with communication ability. It comes with 16, 64 or 128 GB of flash ROM (Read Only Memory). It has a high resolution screen. The limit is your eyes, not the screen. The text on the screen is in microscopic razor sharp letters.

iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 is deliberately incompatible with previous phones so you also have to buy new accessories. It has a slightly larger screen, but lower weight.

iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 boasts a 960 × 640 Retinal display (the resolution used in DOS (Disk Operating System)). These phones are more expensive than laptops and have no hard disk, decent sized screen or touch keyboard.

iPhone 3G

Apple announced in an improved model at half the cost called the iPhone 3G. It uses the higher efficiency 3G cell phone networks. It has built-in true GPS (Global Positioning System), not just rough cellphone signal strength triangulation. Apple has also opened it up to third party applications, though only Apple-sanctioned ones. To use the phone in Europe, you need the extra cost GSM model.

Rogers in Canada are charging $60.00 CAD per month, giving 1/3 the minutes Americans get for the same money. Further, downloads are limited to 400 MB a month, where Americans get unlimited downloads. Canada has a near monopoly with only 3 cellphone providers. This situation may improve over the next few years bringing prices down.

Shopping for an iPhone

electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 4 4G Quad-band World GSM Phoneto electronic home
asin B004YXMGN8
dim 4.90 × 7.40 cm
1.93 × 2.91 in
Replaced by the iPhone 5. 3.2 GB, factory unlocked, white. There are cheaper models available. diagonal: 8.9 cm, 3.50 inches, 640 × 960 pixels.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 5 16GB (White), Unlockedto electronic home
asin B0097CZJEO
dim 5 × 8.90 cm
1.97 × 3½ in
Requires 4G network. Overpriced fashion accessory and status symbol. diagonal: 10.2 cm, (4.00 inches), 640 × 1136 pixels. The chip is faster than the iPhone 4. The screen is slightly larger. The iPhone 5 uses a nano SIM card, incompatible with the micro SIM cards used in most phones. It uses smaller connectors. It comes in 16, 32 and 64 GB versions. Has camera and video. The 5s is deluxe version of the 5c. The 5, advertised here, is the older version.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone SE 16 GB Silver Unlocked GSMto electronic home
dim 12.38 × 5.86 × 0.76 cm
4.87 × 2.31 × 0.30 in
16 GB is the minimum memory configuration. It also comes in 64 GB. The display is a tiny 4 inches. Comes in gold, silver, space grey and rose gold. Also works with WiFi, saving carrier charges. Apples say it is 3 times faster than the Apple 5, but they don’t say 3 times faster at what.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 6, Space Gray, 16GB (AT&T)to electronic home
asin B00NK332IG
dim 6.60 × 13.72 × 0.76 cm
2.60 × 5.40 × 0.30 in
These cell phones also come is gold and silver at extra cost. You can also get them locked for TMobile. This one has 16 GB. You can also get them with 128K and 64 GB. 50 x 1334 pixels. 8-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 1.2-megapixel front shooter for selfies.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 5s 64GB (Gold) -Unlockedto electronic home
asin B00F3J4ZA4
This 5s is the deluxe version of the 5c. It comes in 16, 32 and 64 GB versions. It has a motion coprocessor, fingerprint scanner and faster CPU. It comes in gold, yellow, green, blue, pink and white to match your shoes. Just to annoy you and jerk you around, Amazon sells this under 9+ different part numbers (ASINS), with 9+ different prices and 9+ independent inventories. To get the best deal you must check them all.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 7 Plus Unlocked Phone 128 GB - US Version (Gold)to electronic home
asin B01M13AGM6
dim 5.82 × 7.79 × 0.73 cm
2.29 × 3.07 × 0.29 in
This is Apple’s latest most overpriced cell phone. It is slightly larger than the iPhone 7. It uses batteries that last 5 hours to provide wireless ear buds. It also comes in 32 and 256 GB. Water resistant. Be careful. Amazon sells the same model under different numbers for many different prices. They also sell different colours for wildly different prices. Shop around. They also sell covers for iPhones for thousands of dollars. They should cost no more than $20. Make sure you don’t buy one mistaking it for an iPhone.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Apple iPhone 7 128GB (Rose Gold)to electronic home
asin B01M145G6K
dim 6.71 × 0.71 × 13.83 cm
2.64 × 0.28 × 5.44 in
Unlocked. smaller than the iPhone 7+. This is Apple’s latest most overpriced cell phone. It uses batteries that last 5 hours to provide wireless ear buds. Also comes in 32 and 256 GB. Water resistant. Be careful. Amazon sells the same model under different numbers for many different prices. They also sell different colours for wildly different prices. They even sometimes sell the iPhone 7 for more than the iPhone 7+. Shop around. They also sell covers for iPhones for thousands of dollars. They should cost no more than $20. Make sure you don’t buy one mistaking it for an iPhone.
American flag amazon.com bestbuy.ca Canadian flag
Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
German flag amazon.de ncix.ca Canadian flag
Spanish flag amazon.es newegg.ca Canadian flag
French flag amazon.fr www.staples.ca Canadian flag
Italian flag amazon.it tigerdirect.ca Canadian flag
UK flag amazon.co.uk bestbuy.com American flag
India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock

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