If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
Aharoni | DotumChe [あ ㌂ 丂 Korean] [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] |
Lucida Sans Unicode | NSimSun [あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese] |
Andalus | Estrangelo Edessa | Malgun Gothic [あ ㌂ 丂 Korean] |
Nyala |
Angsana New | EucrosiaUPC | Mangal | Palatino Linotype |
AngsanaUPC | Euphemia | Marlett | Plantagenet Cherokee |
Arabic Typesetting | FangSong | Meiryo [ぁ Japanese] |
PMingLiU [あ ㌂ 丂 serifed traditional Chinese] |
Arial | Franklin Gothic Medium | Microsoft Himalaya | PMingLiU-ExtB |
Arial Black | FrankRuehl | Microsoft JhengHei [あ ㌂ 丂 traditional Chinese] | Raavi |
Batang | FreesiaUPC | Microsoft Sans Serif | Rod |
BatangChe | Gautami | Microsoft Uighur | Segoe Print |
Browallia New | Georgia | Microsoft YaHei [あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese] |
Segoe Script |
BrowalliaUPC | Gisha | Microsoft Yi Baiti | Segoe UI Designed to label fields |
Calibri | Gulim | MingLiU [あ ㌂ 丂 traditional Chinese] |
Shruti |
Cambria | GulimChe | MingLiU-ExtB | SimHei |
Cambria Math | GulimChe [あ ㌂ 丂 Korean] [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] |
MingLiU_HKSCS | Simplified Arabic |
Candara | Gungsuh | MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | Simplified Arabic Fixed |
Comic Sans MS | GungsuhChe | Miriam | SimSun [あ ㌂ 丂 simplified Chinese] |
Consolas [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] Designed as a replacement for Courier. |
Impact | Miriam Fixed | SimSun-ExtB |
Constantia | IrisUPC | Mongolian Baiti | Sylfaen |
Corbel | Iskoola Pota | MoolBoran | Symbol (Symbol) |
Cordia New | JasmineUPC | MS Gothic | Tahoma |
CordiaUPC | KaiTi | MS Gothic [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] |
Times New Roman |
Courier New [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] |
Kalinga | MS Mincho [ぁ Japanese] |
Traditional Arabic |
DaunPenh | Kartika | MS PGothic | Trebuchet MS |
David | KodchiangUPC | MS PMincho [ぁ Japanese] |
Tunga |
DFKai-SB | Latha | MS Sans Serif | Verdana |
DilleniaUPC | Leelawadee [Thai] |
MS UI Gothic | Vrinda |
DokChampa | Levenim MT | MV Boli | Webdings [✐ ❦ 𧦽] (Webdings) |
Dotum | LilyUPC | Narkisim | Wingdings [✐ ❦ ➽] (Wingdings) |
DotumChe | Lucida Console [uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ {[()]} m nn rn] |
Nina |
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