Unless you have a Mac, or have the Mac OS X fonts installed on your machine, most of these will render as a vanilla monospace font:
If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
#GungSeo | Charcoal | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std | Party LET |
#HeadLineA | Charcoal CY | Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro | Perpetua Titling MT |
#PCMyungjo | Chicago | Hiragino Mincho Pro | Plantagenet Cherokee |
#PilGi | Cochin | Hoefler Text | Playbill |
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold | Colonna MT | Humana Serif ITC TT | PMingLiU |
Abadi MT Condensed Light | Comic Sans MS | Humana Serif Md ITC TT | PortagoITC TT |
Al Bayan | Cooper Black | Impact | Raanana |
American Typewriter | Copperplate | Imprint MT Shadow | Rockwell |
Andale Mono | Copperplate Gothic Bold | InaiMathi | Rockwell Extra Bold |
Apple Chancery | Copperplate Gothic Light | Jokerman LET | Sand |
Apple LiGothic | Corsiva Hebrew | Kai | sans-serif |
Apple LiSung | Courier | Kino MT | Sathu |
Apple Symbols | Courier Final Draft | Krungthep | serif |
AppleGothic | Courier New | KufiStandardGK | Silom |
AppleMyungjo | cursive | LiHei Pro | SimSun |
Arial | Curlz MT | LiSong Pro | Skia |
Arial Black | DecoType Naskh | Lucida Blackletter | Song |
Arial Hebrew | Desdemona | Lucida Bright | Stencil |
Arial Narrow | Devanagari MT | Lucida Calligraphy | STFangsong |
Arial Rounded MT Bold | Didot | Lucida Fax | STHeiti |
Aristocrat LET | Edwardian Script ITC | Lucida Grande | STKaiti |
Ayuthaya | Engravers MT | Lucida Handwriting | Stone Sans ITC TT |
Baghdad | Euphemia UCAS | Lucida Sans | Stone Sans OS ITC TT |
Baskerville | Eurostile | Lucida Sans Typewriter | Stone Sans Sem ITC TT |
Baskerville Old Face | Fang Song | LunaITC TT | Stone Sans Sem OS ITC TT |
Batang | fantasy | Machine ITC TT | Stone Sans Sem OS ITCTT |
Bauhaus 93 | Footlight MT Light | Marker Felt | Stone Sans Sem SC ITC TT |
Bell MT | Futura | Matura MT Script Capitals | STSong |
Bernard MT Condensed | Gadget | Mistral | Symbol |
Bertram LET | Garamond | Modern No. 20 | Tahoma |
BiauKai | GB18030 Bitmap | Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT | Techno |
Bickley Script LET | Geeza Pro | Monaco | Textile |
Big Caslon | Geneva | monospace | Thonburi |
BlairMdITC TT | Geneva CY | Monotype Corsiva | Times |
Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT | Georgia | Monotype Sorts | Times New Roman |
Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT | Gill Sans | MS Gothic | Trebuchet MS |
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT | Gill Sans Ultra Bold | MS Mincho | TremorITC TT |
Book Antiqua | Gloucester MT Extra Condensed | MS PGothic | Verdana |
Bookman Old Style | Goudy Old Style | MS PMincho | VT100 |
Bordeaux Roman Bold LET | Gujarati MT | Mshtakan | Wanted LET |
Bradley Hand ITC TT | Gulim | MT Extra | Webdings |
Braggadocio | Gurmukhi MT | Nadeem | Wide Latin |
Britannic Bold | Haettenschweiler | New Peninim MT | Wingdings |
Brush Script MT | Harrington | New York | Wingdings 2 |
Calisto MT | Hei | News Gothic MT | Wingdings 3 |
Capitals | Helvetica | Onyx | Zapf Dingbats |
Century | Helvetica CY | Optima | Zapfino |
Century Gothic | Helvetica Neue | Osaka | |
Century Schoolbook | Herculanum | Palatino | |
Chalkboard | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro | Papyrus |
If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
#GungSeo [あ ㌂ 丂] |
Capitals | Hei | Palatino |
#HeadLineA | Century | Helvetica | Papyrus |
#PCMyungjo [あ ㌂ 丂] |
Century Gothic | Helvetica CY | Party LET |
#PilGi [あ ㌂ 丂] |
Century Schoolbook | Helvetica Neue | Perpetua Titling MT |
Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold | Chalkboard | Herculanum | Plantagenet Cherokee |
Abadi MT Condensed Light | Charcoal CY | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro | Playbill |
Academy Engraved LET | Cochin | Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std | PMingLiU |
Al Bayan | Colonna MT | Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro | PortagoITC TT |
American Typewriter | Comic Sans MS | Hoefler Text | Princetown LET |
Andale Mono | Cooper Black | Impact | Raanana |
Apple Chancery | Copperplate | Imprint MT Shadow | Rockwell |
Apple LiGothic | Copperplate Gothic Bold | InaiMathi | Rockwell Extra Bold |
Apple LiSung | Copperplate Gothic Light | Jazz LET | Santa Fe LET |
Apple Symbols | Corsiva | Kai | Sathu |
AppleMyungjo | Corsiva Hebrew | Kino MT | Savoye LET |
Arial | Courier | Krungthep | SchoolHouse Cursive B |
Arial Black | Courier New | KufiStandardGK | SchoolHouse Printed A |
Arial Hebrew | Cracked | LiHei Pro | Silom |
Arial Narrow | Curlz MT | LiSong Pro | SimSun |
Arial Rounded MT Bold | DecoType Naskh | Lucida Blackletter | Skia |
Ayuthaya | Desdemona | Lucida Bright | Snell Roundhand |
Baghdad | Devanagari MT | Lucida Calligraphy | Stencil |
Bank Gothic | Didot | Lucida Fax | STFangsong |
Baskerville | Edwardian Script ITC | Lucida Grande | STHeiti |
Baskerville Old Face | Engravers MT | Lucida Handwriting | STKaiti |
Batang | Euphemia UCAS | Lucida Sans | Stone Sans ITC TT |
Bauhaus 93 | Eurostile | Lucida Sans Typewriter | Stone Sans Sem ITC TT |
Bell MT | Footlight MT Light | Marker Felt | STSong |
Bernard MT Condensed | Futura | Matura MT Script | Symbol |
BiauKai | Garamond | Mistral | Synchro LET |
Big Caslon | GB18030 Bitmap | Modern No. 20 | Tahoma |
Blackmoor LET | Geeza Pro | Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT | Thonburi |
BlairMdITC TT | Geneva | Monaco | Times |
Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT | Geneva CY | Monotype | Times New Roman |
Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT | Georgia | MS Gothic | Trebuchet MS |
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC | Gill Sans | MS Mincho | Type Embellishments One LET |
Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT | Gill Sans Ultra Bold | MS PGothic | Verdana |
Bodoni SvtyTwo SC ITC | Gloucester MT Extra Condensed | MS PMincho | Webdings[✐ ❦ 𧦽] (Webdings) |
Book Antiqua | Goudy Old Style | Mshtakan | Wide Latin |
Bookman Old Style | Gujarati MT | MT Extra | Wingdings [✐ ❦ ➽] (Wingdings) |
Bordeaux Roman Bold LET | Gulim | Nadeem | Wingdings 2 [✐ ❦ ➽] (Wingdings 2) |
Bradley Hand ITC TT | Gurmukhi | New Peninim MT | Wingdings 3 [✐ ❦ ➽] (Wingdings 3) |
Braggadocio | Haettenschweiler | News Gothic MT | Zapf Dingbats [✐ ❦ ➽] (Zapf Dingbats) |
Britannic Bold | Handwriting - Dakota | Onyx | Zapfino |
Brush Script | Harrington | Optima | |
Calisto MT | Hebrew | Osaka |
If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
cursive | fantasy | monospace | sans-serif | serif |
If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.
Dialog | DialogInput | Monospaced | SansSerif | Serif |
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