monospaced fonts : Java Glossary


fonts  monospaced fonts

To tell if a font proportional, look at the i and m. In a monospace font the i will be artificially widened and the m will be cramped looking to make them exactly the same with. These are commonly used by programmers for program listings, though programmers have some additional requirements besides.

If the font is installed, the sample text will show up in that font. If the font is not installed it will show up in a spindly vector font.

Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

Century Schoolbook Monospaced
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

aka CentSchbook Mono BT
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

bit map. Comes with Win2K+.
Courier New
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
Courier SudEuro [ĝ]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

[あ ㌂ 丂 Korean]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’ m nn rn {[()]} m nn rn]

free, proofreading
EF Cash Monospaced
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

bit map. Comes with Win2K+.
[あ ㌂ 丂 Korean]
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
Letter Gothic Line
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

Lucida Console
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
Lucida Sans Typewriter
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Java.
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

guaranteed available in CSS.
MS Gothic
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

comes with Vista+.
[uvw wW gq9 2z 5s il17|!j oO08¤ ;:,‚„. "`‘’
{[()]} m nn rn]

bit map. Comes with Win2K+.

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