serialization : Java Glossary


snowflake  serialization
Serialization is a way of flattening, pickling, swizzling, serializing, or freeze-drying Objects so that they can be stored on disk and later read back and reconstituted, with all the links between Objects intact. I picked the polar bear logo for serialization because it suggests the freeze/thaw cycles of the polar bear’s habitat.
Overview Under The Hood
Pros readObject
Cons The Format of A Pickle File
Alternatives The Recursion Gotcha
Bulk The Symmetry Gotcha
Engaging Serialization Transient Gotcha
The Tar Baby Problem Generics Gotcha
The Deep Freeze Problem Serializable vs Externalizable
Fine Tuning Overriding readObject
The Asymmetry of Read and Write Overriding readExternal
SerialVersionUID Unserializable Objects
Example of Use Reconstitution Magic
Versioning Gotcha Format
Transient How God Would Have Implemented Pickling
Interning Speed
NotSerializableException Books
String Size Gotcha Learning More
Serialization Lore Links
Bill Wilkinson’s Take


Java has no direct way of writing a complete binary Object to a file, or of sending it over a communications channel. It has to be taken apart with application code and sent as a series of primitives, then reassembled at the other end. Serialized Objects contain the data but not the code for the class methods. It gets most complicated when there are references to other Objects inside each Object. Starting with Java version 1.1 there is a scheme called
that uses ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream. Cynthia Jeness did an excellent presentation at the Java Colorado Software Summit in Keystone on serialization. Unfortunately it is no longer available online.


The advantages of serialization are:



When do you use serialization and when some other solution?
When to use Serialization Alternatives
Method When To Use
Serialization When you have tree structured data or constantly changing data formats. Not suitable for long term storage. Only good for Java to Java. Easy to learn and terse to code.
Roll Your Own Protocol When the data structure is simple or the volumes are high. You can use a binary compressed stream of messages. Flexible. Allows integration with any language. Lowest learning curve. Hardest to maintain if the message structure is constantly changing.
XML/SOAP Handles nested data. Very fluffy. High parsing overhead. Works best for small complicated data streams, especially where the sender and receiver may not have identical versions of the software. XML ’s forté is ignoring that in the message stream it does not expect.
SQL Let an SQL (Standard Query Language) database engine you talk with over JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity) deal with the problem of persistence.
POD Use a POD (Persistent Object Database) to handle persistence.
CORBA Institutional heavy-duty solution. Steep learning curve. Works with various languages. You maintain IDL (Interface Definition Language) definitions of your messages and keep them in sync with the Java Object definitions. You must deal with integrating CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) implementations from different vendors.
RMI Very flexible. Allows remote procedure calls in addition to passing Objects back and forth. High overhead compared with lower level methods.
RMI over IIOP RMI (Remote Method Invocation) using Corba IIOP (Invocation over Internet Inter-Orb Protocol) marshalling protocol.
XML via JavaBeans java.beans.XMLEncoder. similar to serialization, but uses a fluffy XML format and the PersistenceDelegate class. I suspect his is orphaned technology.
XML done manually conceptually simple
XML via JAXB Too stupid for words.
XML via Swing archiver suggested by Tom Anderson. I am not familiar with it.
JSON more compact than XML. Human readable, looks a bit like JavaScript source code. lightweight. No validation via schemas.
ASN.1 very compact, flexible binary format. ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1) has been around since 1984. Solid, well-tested design. Requires writing the equivalent of a DTD (Document Type Definition).
Fast Object Serialization aka uka.transport, developed for the kaRMI project of the University if Karlsruhe in Germany. Claimed to be 10 times faster that Sun Java serialization. uka.transport is 100% compatible with the regular Java serialization mechanism. It is sligthtly more complicated to use than regular serialization.


Serialised Objects are very large. They contain the UTF-8-encoded classnames (usually 16-bit length + 8 bits for common chars and 16 bits or more for rarer chars), each field name, each field type. There is also a 64-bit class serial number. For example, a String type is encoded rather verbosely as java.lang.String. Data are in binary, not Unicode or ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). There is some cleverness. If a string is referenced several times by an Object or by Objects it points to, the UTF (Unicode Transformation unit) string literal value appears only once. Similarly the description of the structure of an Object appears only once in the ObjectOutputStream, not once per writeObject call.

Serialization works by depth first recursion. This manages to avoid any forward references in the Object stream. Referenced Objects are embedded in the middle of the referencing Object. There are also backward references encoded as 00 78 xx xx, where xx xx is the relative Object number.

While the lack of forward references simplifies decoding, the problem with this scheme is, you can overflow the stack if, for example, you serialized the head of a linked list with 1000 elements. Recursion requires about 50 times as much RAM (Random Access Memory) stack space as the Objects you are serialising. Another problem is there are no markers in the stream to warn of user-defined Object formats. This means you can’t use general purpose tools to examine streams. Tools would have to know the private formats, even to read the standard parts.

If your Object A references C and B also references C, and you write out both A and B, there will be only one copy of C in the Object stream, even if C changed between the writeObject calls to write out A and B. You have to use the sledgehammer ObjectOutputStream.reset() which discards all knowledge of the previous stream output (including Class descriptions) to ensure a second copy of C. Alternatively you can kludge with ObjectOutputStream. writeUnshared and ObjectInputStream readUnshared.

Happily, serialization of ArrayLists is clever. They take only a few bytes more than the equivalent array. It does not bother to serialise the empty slots at the end.

Engaging Serialization

Note the American spelling of Serialisable substituting a z for the s!

You don’t need to write any methods to implement Serializable. Serializable is just a dummy marker interface that turns on serializability. It is just a way of marking a class as I intend this class to be serializable. If I don’t mark it that way, Java run time, please stop me if I try to serialize it by mistake. The Serializable interface does not do anything other than mark classes.

You don’t have to write a readObject or writeObject method, but if you do, you still need the implements

The catch is not only must your class be Serializable, so must every Object it references and every Object in turn those Objects reference and so on. If there is a reference to a non-Serializable class anywhere in the tree, the write will fail with a NotSerializableException exception.

The superclasses of your serialized classes need not be Serializable. However, those superclass fields won’t be saved/restored. The fields will be restored to whatever you would get running the non-arg constructor.

The Tar Baby Problem

When you write a serialized Object, everything it points to gets serialized and written out too. Further, every Object those Objects point go gets serialized as well, ad almost infinitum. It is ok to have cycles, (circular references). Only one copy of each Object gets serialized, no matter how many times it is referenced. The usual problem is the tree of Objects written is much bigger than you imagined. You end up dragging along a huge retinue of Objects you did not intend.

Symptoms you have created an exponential tarball of sticking Objects are:

Ways to fix the problem include:

The Deep Freeze Problem

Serialising an Object effectively freezes its value, making the Object pseudo-immutable. What do I mean by that?

ObjectOutputStream.writeObject puts out at most one copy of each Object per stream, not one per writeObject call. This means if you change an Object in RAM after it has been written, when you read it back those changes will be lost. You get the value it had when it was written to the stream.

You can use ObjectOutputStream.reset () to make serialization forget what it has written and start over serialising Objects from scratch. However, that has untoward consequences that I describe in the Under The Hood section below.

Just be aware of this and avoid making changes to Objects while you are serialising. You won’t get any error messages if you do change Objects recently serialized.

Fine Tuning

You can roll your own serialization by writing readObject and writeObject to format the raw data contents, or by writing readExternal and writeExternal, that take over the versioning and labeling functions as well. You can see an example of readObject and writeObject in the BigDate class. There is nothing special you need do other than implement Serializable to register the fact your class is serializable and compose the writeObject and readObject methods. defaultWriteObject has at its disposal a native introspection tool that lets it see even private methods and reflect to pick out the fields and references. JavaSoft has written a spec on serialization that you should probably read if you want to do anything fancier than invoke the default writeObject method.

Don’t confuse the custom readObject method of a your class with the ObjectInputputStream. readObject method you use to read a whole tree of Objects.

You might wonder how serialization manages to get at the non-transient private members via reflection. It uses AccessController. doPrivileged() to override the general security privileges.

The Asymmetry of Read and Write

An Object can pickle itself, but it can’t reconstitute itself. The problem is an asymmetry in readObject and writeObject. writeObject is quite happy to work with this whereas readObject insists on creating a new Object. What do you do? Bill Wilkinson, the serialization guru, suggested two tactics:
  1. Your load code can open the ObjectStream and reconstitute a new Object, then copy the fields over to this.
  2. Your save code can save the fields of this individually, then your load code can reconstitute them individually.


It is probably best to assign your own serialVersionUID for each class:
 * Defining a layout version for a class.
 * Watch the spelling and keywords!
public static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
This must change if any relevant characteristics of the pickled Object change. If you don’t handle it manually, Java will assign one based on hashing the code in the class. It will thus change every time you make a very minor code change that may not actually affect the pickled Objects. This will make it more difficult to restore old Object streams.

You must spell it exactly, case-sensitive, as serialVersionUID. If you fail to, you won’t get an error message, just a randomly chosen value. Similarly, you must have public static final long though the public is optional.

Note it is spelled serialVersionUID not SERIALVERSIONUID as is traditional for static final constants.

You sometimes see bizarre, what appear to be random, numbers chosen for the serialVersionUID. This is just a programmer freezing an automatically generated serialVersionUID because he forgot to assign a sensible version 1 number to get started.

Not only should the base serialisable class get a serialVersionUID, but also could each subclass get its own. That way you can individually track which Objects are no longer consistent with the class definition. The serialVersionUID does not have to be globally unique. Think of it as a version number for tracking changes to the code in a particular class independently of changes in its base class.

I just increment the serialVersionUID by one each time I modify a class in a way that would change its serialization characteristics e.g.

Don’t try to get too clever deciding what constitutes a change that requires a new serialVersionUID. If you have the slightest doubt, increment.

When I make a minor compatible change, I don’t increment the serialVersionUID such as when I: It is not necessary to increment the serialVersionUID of every subclass when a field in a class changes. The UIDs of all the superclasses are checked too on read.

You can think of serialVersionUID as a primitive mechanism to record which version of a class was used to create any particular historical serialized file. Unfortunately, there is no tool to summarise a mysterious serial file, telling you which classes it uses and which versions of them. Hint, hint… If you try to read the file and you guess incorrectly, it just blows up. You can put some Longs and Strings at the head of every one of your serial files in as standard format to make it easy to identify what sort of file they are and which version. The version numbers of these classes will not change, so you will always be able to read the first few fields.

To partly get around this problem, at the head of the serialized file, as a separate Long, I write out the serialVersionUID of the key class of the file. There, it is easily accessible as an identifier to how old the serialized file is. It is automatically up to date. You can also write a similar file type identifier Long as the very first field. You can always read it, no matter how out of date your class files. It lets you create a meaningful error message with an indication of just how out of date your class/serial files are. By using the serialVersionUID of the key class, it automatically increments when the key class changes, so I am less likely to forget to bump it up.

Example of Use

The File I/O Amanuensis will generate you sample code with thousands of variations. Just tell it your data format is Serialized Objects. By playing with the controls you can get it to generate sample code for almost any circumstance.

Versioning Gotcha

Here is a common problem:
  1. You have serialized Objects written on filesystem or in database.
  2. You modify the class that is serialized.
  3. You want to copy the needed data from old class to the new one.

If the Objects have gone through a major reorg, use two different classLoaders, copy fields and do whatever else is necessary to upgrade your Objects.

If the Objects are actually identical, e.g. it is just you added another method to the class, you can manually give both classes a version id. of the form:

 * Defining a layout version for a class.
 * Watch the spelling and keywords!
public static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
If you don’t provide such an ID, one is automatically generated for you by hashing together bits of the class source code. Then you are hosed because the tiniest change of any kind will trigger a mismatch.

If the Objects are just a little bit different, e.g. a new field. You can use the manual version number method. I don’t recall the precise details, but under some circumstances, the serial loader won’t mind minor differences. It just zeros out new fields and drops unused ones. Keep in mind the serial loader does not use your constructor! You can’t count on it to do any initialisation of transient fields, especially the new ones.

If you so much as sneeze, the default automatically generated serialVersionUID will change, so make sure you specify your own more stable serialVersionUID.

Lots of thing will invalidate the serialized stream you might not immediately think of:

I believe the following are safe so long as you don’t change the serialVersionUID. It is unbelievably difficult to upgrade a your code to handle serialized files and to the upgrade the files themselves. The basic steps are these:
  1. Save a copy of your old code away safely. You must not touch a thing or you won’t be able to read your old files.
  2. Rename the classes that will change. Make sure you don’t rename your backup copy of the old files. Add the new fields, methods etc. Use Eclipse, or similar IDE (Integrated Development Environment), to do the global renaming. It is almost impossible to do all the renaming manually. If you slip and fail to rename, the compiler won’t complain. Both the old and new class names are legit, at least in the conversion program.
  3. Any classes that reference those new classes will have to get new names as well. This, of course, triggers a gut-wrenching chain reaction of other classes that must also be renamed.
  4. Once you get your new code to compile and run with new data files, you can think about how you are going to rescue your old datafiles. In most cases you will just give up and regenerate them from scratch. Serialised files are not good for permanent storage. yet another reason serialized files are not good for permanent storage is they are a Java-only format. You can’t do thing with them in other languages. Consider ASN.1 binary formats or CSV text formats for interchange, import/export. Even simple DataOutputStreams are much more portable.
  5. One approach is to use your old class files and write a program to read the serialized files in and write them out as flat files, e.g. CSV format. Then you write a new program to read them back into your new classes, filling in the missing fields. With a modification of this approach, you don’t rename any class files. You use totally separate import and export programs, using the same names for the classes, but one with the old classes and one with the new. Just make sure you keep track of old and new, very carefully, so you don’t muddle them. The main difficulty with is approach is you must find some way of flattening all your references and reconstituting them exactly as they were, not to some similar Object.
  6. Another approach is to use the old class files to read a tree of Objects into RAM. Then you build a new tree of Objects similar, plucking fields from the old one Objects and poking them into the new ones. Since few fields are likely public, you may find you cannot get at some data in the old classes and/or there is no way to baldly insert it in the new ones. You must adjust both old and new class files to give you needed access, taking extreme care not to do anything that would make your old class files stop working to read the serialized data.
  7. You might think you would just read in a tree of old Objects, chase the tree replacing each Object in place with a new one, patching references both to and from the Object. Unless the replacing Object is a subclass of the old Object, Java’s strict typing system won’t let you do that. It would if you had the foresight to have both old and new Objects implement a common interface and if your links were all of that type, but that would impair your ability to use the features of the new Objects.
  8. After you run your conversion program, scan the new serialized files with a hex editor for any signs of the names of the old classes. If they are in there, you have screwed up. The compiler will give you precious little help tracking down errors.
  9. Consider putting your old classes and conversion software in its own package so you can easily detect improper use of any old classes or the conversion methods. The catch is you may run into scope problems since your old classes can no longer see default scope methods and field in fellow classes. If you use GenJar to prune unnecessary classes, when you are done, use jarlook to make sure none of the old classnames are in your jars.
  10. Recall that reconstitution of serialized files uses Class. forName to instantiate all the classes buried in the files. Genjar or equivalent does not know to include these classes in your jar. It is up to you to include all the classes you need manually. You will keep getting the dreaded NoClassDefFoundError until you have nailed them all.
  11. Invest some time in adding a dump method to each serialisable class. It should produce a human-readable String summarising the contents of all the fields in the Object. You have to get clever in ways to meaningfully represent references. Be careful you don’t endlessly recurse. These methods will be invaluable in tracking down problems. You can use if ( DEBUGGING ) to effectively delete the dump code bodies from your production jars if you are not debugging.
  12. If things don’t work, consider when you copy over an Object from old to new, you drag with it, all it points to, or points to indirectly. Those Objects all must be converted as well.
  13. If things don’t work, consider that constructors don’t get run on reconstitution. It is up to you to patch up the missing uninitialised fields.
  14. If things don’t work, consider that if you fail to copy a field, the compiler will not warn you. This is tedious business. You must meticulously check and recheck that every field and reference in every class and all the Objects referenced directly or indirectly are all handled.
  15. If things don’t work, consider that it is not just enough to convert Objects, you must make sure references point to the exact corresponding Object, not a duplicate. Similarly you don’t want to unintentionally collapse references to duplicate Objects to a common one. Think ahead. You will want equals and hashCode implementations on all your serialized Objects for deduping.
There is an other quite different approach to solving the versioning problem by adding readObject methods to deal with handling the differences. Sun talks about it in their versioning guide.
Serialized File Recovery student project


You can reduce the size of your serialized Object by marking some fields transient. The values of these fields won’t be written. When the Object is read back, it is up to you to reconstitute the fields. You can put your reconstituting code in a custom validateObject or in a custom readObject after a in.defaultReadObject() call. Note that you must manually reconstitute all the transient fields. None of the initialisation or constructor code will be run for you. Unless you specify implements ObjectInputValidation, your validateObject method will be ignored.

If you have a reference to a non-Serializable Object, you have no choice but to make it transient. You will have to figure out some way to reconstitute the reference in a custom readObject method.


Interned Strings reconstitute as ordinary Strings. It is up to you to write a custom readObject method to reintern them.


IF you get a NotSerializableException, you forgot to put
on the class you are doing a writeObject on. Since writeObject also writes out all the Objects pointed to by that Object, by the Objects those Objects point to, ad infintum, all those classes too must be marked implements Serializable. Any references to non-Serializable classes must be marked transient. While you are at it, give each of those classes an explicit version number.

String Size Limit Gotcha

When Java serialises a String, it outputs it using DataOutputStream. writeUTF. It puts a big-endian, 16-bit, signed short, length count on the front of the UTF-8-encoded String that gives the count of encoded bytes (not the count of original characters). Since chars are encoded in UTF-8 with 1 to 3 characters, the limit on how long a String can be is as low as 10,922, a limit you could easily bang into. For details see UTF.

Serialization Lore

The now defunct Lotus Ensuite made great use of serialization. They would freeze dry the entire running state of an application, run another app, then reconstitute the previous one, bringing it back exactly where you left off.

You can’t serialise Images and send them via RMI to another platform because Images are platform specific. You need to convert your Image to a platform independent format. You can use the JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) API (Application Programming Interface) or you can write a class with ints only and use a PixelGrabber to create an int array representation of that Image (you also need the height and width). Then you can send the int[] representation of the class over the ObjectStream and cast it back at the destination. Then use createImage from the java.awt.Toolkit on a MemoryImageSource to recreate the Image data type.

Bill Wilkinson’s Take

Bill Wilkinson has been writing in the newsgroups for years explaining the pitfalls of Java serialization. I have been bugging him to collect these posts into a coherent essay. He said, perhaps for Groundhog day 2000. I am going to make a first cut at that essay for him, hoping it will prod him to finish it properly. This first cut is taken from one of his posts.

Serialization, or serialization in American, is Java’s way of providing persistent Objects, or transmitting Objects over a wire (in conjunction with RMI ). People like to concoct flavourful terminology to describe the saving (pickling, free drying, swizzling) and restoring (depickling, deswizzling, reconstituting) processes.

In theory all you have to do is save an Object and all its dependent Objects will automatically go with it. However, there are many pitfalls. The Java Gotchas.

Under the Hood

The rules of Object streams say that the first time a given Object is encountered, its actual contents are written out. All subsequent references to that same Object cause only a handle (actually, simply a monotonically increasing counter) to be written out. [This is the source of the frequent complaint that modifying an Object and then rewriting it doesn’t cause a change in the Object on the other end of the stream.]

When you read in a stream, then, serialization has to keep a map of all read-in Objects, relating them to the handle numbers, so that when a given handle number is later encountered a reference to the proper Object can be substituted, thus creating a valid newly reconstituted Object.

Serialization has no way of knowing that Object number 13 in your stream is never referenced again anyplace in the stream, so, of course, it has to keep everything in that map (which is ever-increasing in size!) forever!


Unless you call the reset method on the stream. In which case everything starts all over again. (Object numbers restart from zero, etc., etc.)

Wow! you say, what a simple solution. Yes, but…

Once you do a reset, none of the Objects previously written will be known to the stream, so once again the first reference to a given Object will cause its data to be written to the stream. "Well, what’s wrong with that?"

Answer: When you then read that stream and the reset; is seen (a special code in the stream), then all knowledge of already-read Objects is lost and… yep, you guessed it: You’ll read the same Object again!!! If you aren’t prepared for this and you don’t program accordingly, the results can be disastrous.

There is another negative consequence of doing reset. The first time any class is written (or the first time after a reset), an incredible amount of junk that describes that class is written to the stream. If you use reset too often, you will bulk up the stream with class descriptors, duplicate Strings and Objects you have already transmitted.

On the other paw, if you don’t use reset from time to time, the receiver will have to maintain an ever-growing catalog of all the Objects it has received, just in case you send an Object containing a reference to one of them. You can run out of RAM in either the sender or receiver in a pathological case if you never use reset.

If you will only be serializing a handful of classes and if you only need to do a reset every few hundred kilobytes, then this overhead isn’t too onerous. But if you need to do a reset after every small group of Objects and if nearly every Object in the group is a different type, then this overhead will bite you. (Note that even predefined system types, such as java.lang. Integer, must be fully described in the stream.)

So what’s the solution, if reset isn’t appropriate to your needs? Dump Serialization. It’s slow and clumsy and has a lot of overhead. But that may not be viable if you really do depend on its ability to maintain Object references in large networks of Objects. On the other hand, if you are simply sending pure numeric and textual data back and forth--if connections between Objects are uninteresting to you--then do consider rolling your own DataOutputStream format instead of using serialization.


At first glance, readObject seems to have magical properties of being able to create and initialise arbitrary Objects. java.util. ObjectInputStream. readObject uses ObjectStreamClass. newInstance() to create an empty shell of an Object later filled in with the read. ObjectStreamClass. newInstance creates a new instance of the represented class. If the class is Externalizable, it invokes its public no-arg constructor; otherwise, if the class is Serializable, it invokes the no-arg constructor of the first non-Serializable superclass. So, those superclass fields won’t be saved/restored. The superclas fields will be restored to whatever you would get running the non-arg constructor.

This means the code in the outer layers of constructor of a Serializable Object will not be invoked, but the inner core, e.g. the Object root constructor code will be. In effect, the constructor is not called. It also means Serializable Objects don’t need a no-arg constructor. This short-circuited constructor call is why you must manually initialise reconstituted transient fields that would normally be handled by the constructor. The advantage of not calling the constructor is efficiency. Most of its work will be soon overridden by data from the stream.

Externalizable Objects on the other hand must have a no-arg constructor and it will be called when that Object is reconstituted, before any of the stream data is read.

Then how does readObject take the stream of bytes from the stream and put them in the proper spots in the Object? It does not just do a byte block move. The first time a class is encountered in the Object stream, serialization uses reflection to build a table for that class of all its fields, types and their JVM (Java Virtual Machine) virtual machine offsets. readObject uses ObjectStreamClass. setPrimFieldValues that uses the table to field by field copy the bytes into the proper slots in the newly created Object. This is clearly a much more CPU (Central Processing Unit) intensive operation that reading a C++ struct or a nio buffer read.

You might think most of this code would have to be native, but it is not. The only code that has to be native in the code that converts JVM offsets into internal byte offsets for the store. The rest is all platform independent.

The Format of A Pickle File

This changes between Java versions, constantly improving.

The Recursion Gotcha

Very briefly, the serial writer uses recursion in early versions of Java and hence can easily overflow the stack, when for example serialising a LinkedList.

The Symmetry Gotcha

There is a fundamental asymmetry in the way you read and write Objects: You can write out the current Object, but you can’t read it back. All you can do is read back creating some other Object, then copy the fields into this Object.

The Uninitialised Transient Fields Gotcha

Transient fields are ones the serial writer does not bother to save. It saves disk space to reconstruct them later when the Objects are reconstituted. Since the serial loader does not invoke your constructor, transient fields will not be initialised. They will be merely zeroed.

Generics Serialization Gotcha

Code like this will cause problems:

// generates type mismatch error
ArrayList<Thing> things = ois.readObject();

You can try to fix it with a cast like this:

// generates cast warning
ArrayList<Thing>things = (ArrayList<Thing>)ois.readObject();

but that generates a warning message. The problem is type erasure. The generic type is not stored with the serialized object. Java could check that the Object read back was an ArrayList, but not that it was an ArrayList< Thing>. Since it can’t guarantee, it gives the warning. The problem is the lame type erasure way generics were implemented. Had the type information been included, Java could check and the cast would be valid. So what do you do? You can just live with the warning, suppress it with an annotation like this:

// suppress unchecked warning
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
void restore()
   // Java cannot check that the object is actually an ArrayList<Thing>.
   // It will just trust that it is.
   ArrayList<Thing> things = (ArrayList<Thing>) ois.readObject();

or you can copy the fields one by one like this:

If your ArrayList is already allocated and final, you can do it this way:

// copy with a temporary array, generates no warning
final ArrayList<Thing> things = new ArrayList<Thing>( INITIAL_SIZE );
final ArrayList<Object> temp = (ArrayList<Object>)ois.readObject();
for ( Object item : temp )
   things.add( (Thing)item );

It is much simpler to read and write serialized arrays than ArrayLists. They don’t have this problem since you are not relying on generics for your type information. For arrays, the Java type system embeds the actual type in the ObjectStream. The problem is you may not be able to switch your ObjectStream ArrayLists to simple arrays when your clients have many files in the old serialized ArrayList format. Arrays are also slightly more compact.

Serializable vs Exteralizable

Overriding readObject

Overriding readExternal

Unserializable Objects

The literal reason a Object can’t be serialized is because it class does not have implements Serializable on the class declaration. Why would an author make his class unSerializable?
  1. He did not need it, so it just never occurred to him.
  2. Laziness. He did not want to deal with transient fields and writing code to deal with reconstituting them.
  3. The class changes so frequently you would never be able to read the old files.

Reconstitution Magic

The process of serialization does what appear to be magic things:


You don’t have to know anything about the format of the stream to use serialization, but if you are curious
It has about 7 bytes of overhead per Object for an Object with a single String reference in it. You can look at the stream with a binary editor. you will notice a lot of hex 73s, ’s', which are the code for an Object and 71s, 'q', the code for a reference to something.

How God Would Have Implemented Pickling

To come some day.


Here are things to experiment with to speed up your serialized I/O, particularly on sockets.

Have you buffered the stream? See the File I/O Amanuensis for how.

Have you compressed the stream? See the File I/O Amanuensis for how. Try it both ways.

You may be sending along all kinds of parasite Objects that are referred indirectly by your base Object. Get in there and be ruthless with transient. Anything you can reconstruct on the other end need not go over the wire. Make sure your Object references nothing you don’t intend to ship and the things it references also reference nothing you don’t intend to ship.

Try dumping your Object to a file instead of a socket and have a look at it with a hex viewer to see if there is junk it there you don’t need.

Think carefully about calling reset. If forces every Object already sent to be resent if it is referenced. On the other hand, changed Objects won’t be resent until you call reset.


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publisher Prentice Hall B000WJOUPA kindle
published 2008-05-28
No design patterns, just generic advice on good Java programming style. This is considered the best explanation of generics, even though it has just one chapter on generics. People claim it all came clear after reading his explanation. It is also consider the best explanation of serialization. Not to be confused with his earlier Effective Java Programming Language Guide. book website
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Learning More

Oracle’s Javadoc on Serializable Interface : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on XMLEncoder class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on Serializable class : available:
enum serialization
File I/O Amanuensis: generates code to read/write Serialized Objects
GSBase: test serialization is saving/restoring properly
intelligent serialization
Serialization gotchas
Serialized File Recovery: Student Project
serializing enums
XML Serialization

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