postage : Java Glossary



This is an abbreviated table of postage rates.

Canadian Postage Rates
Last revised/verified: 2018-01-04
Cost $CAD Ratio Type Weight
$0.851.00light letter within Canada0 to 30 grams
$1.201.41heavy letter within Canada30 to 50 grams
$1.802.12overweight letter within Canada50 to 100 grams
$1.201.41light letter to the USA0 to 30 grams
$1.802.12heavy letter to the USA30 to 50 grams
$2.953.47overweight letter to the USA50 to 100 grams
$2.502.94light international letter0 to 30 grams
$3.604.24heavy international letter30 to 50 grams
$5.906.94overweight international letter50 to 100 grams
American Postage Rates
Last revised/verified: 2018-01-04
Cost $USD Ratio Type Weight
$0.491.00light letter within the USA0 to 1 ounces
$0.701.43midweight letter within the USA1 to 2 ounces
$0.911.86overweight letter within the USA2 to 3 ounces
$1.122.29heavy letter within the USA3 to 3.5 ounces
$1.152.35light letter to Canada0 to 1 ounces
$1.152.35midweight letter to Canada1 to 2 ounces
$1.613.29overweight letter to Canada2 to 3 ounces
$2.084.24heavy letter to Canada3 to 3.5 ounces
$1.152.35light International letter. Rate varies by country. England (group 3) shown0 to 1 ounces
$2.134.35midweight International letter. Rate varies by country. England shown1 to 2 ounces
$3.126.37overweight International letter. Rate varies by country. England shown2 to 3 ounces
$4.118.39heavy International letter. Rate varies by country. England shown3 to 3.5 ounces

The above table was automatically generated by a program called GrabPostageRates that screenscrapes the Canadian and US postal service websites. This helps ensure accuracy.

Permanent Stamps

Most Canadian $0.63/$0.85 stamps no longer usually spell out the denomination. They are still good for one letter even when the price rises. In Canada such stamps are called permanent stamps. Canada Post announced they are being discontinued, but they are still printing them and selling them. If you have choice, get permanent stamps. Otherwise it costs about $0.22 to upgrade each old stamp when the rates change. In the USA permanent stamps are called forever stamps. In the UK they are called non-value indicated stamps.


Postage meters get a discount. Postage meters also automatically adjust to new rates. Buying single stamps costs extra. The prettiest stamps require you to lick them. The more pedestrian ones are peel off and stick. They are the same price.

Printing the Tables

You could use FastStone Capture to snapshot either of the two panels above and print them out on card stock and store them with your postage stamps.

Mail Forwarding

Many American companies will only ship to the USA. You can use a forwarding service such as MyUs who give you an American mailing address and they forward any mail or packages you receive via DHL Express, FedEx Priority, USPS Express Mail or USPS Priority Mail.

The US postal service will not talk to you unless you have a valid US address.

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