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Master Index to Downloads Popular Less Popular Command Line DOS 8.3 Icon Legend developed with IntelliJ banner

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Download Icon Legend
Icon Meaning
new Something relatively new, a month or so old.
details a short plain-text precis of what he program does.
manual a long htML document describing more than you wanted to know about using the program. The other way to understand the program is to download it and read the comments in the source code.
run run the program online and try it out without downloading it.
download click to download. Use WinZip to extract the directory tree to your C: drive. There are no automatic installers.
Java The program is written in Java. They require the latest Java JRE or JDK to run. There are extremely compact. IF you don’t have it installed already, here is how to get it and install it: jump to java.
MASM (Microsoft Assembler) The program is written in assembler. This means it they are very compact, just a few K and will download in under a second.
C The program is written in C. This means it they are fairly compact, just a few K and will download in under in a few seconds second.
C++ The program is written in C++. This means it they are fairly compact, just a few K and will download in under in a few seconds second.
FORTH The program is written in FORTH. These require BBL/Abundance.
Pascal The program is written in Pascal. This means it they are fairly compact, just a few K and will download in under in a few seconds second.
dinosaur Pretty much obsolete. May still be of interest, particularly to those who like to cannibalise code.
no long filename support No long filename support means the utility is older, originally written for DOS (Disk Operating System). It still runs in newer operating systems, but it does not directly support long file names. It is designed to work with 8.3 names.
no registry no registry means none of the CMP (Canadian Mind Products) utilities use the Windows Registry, the second stupidest idea in computing.

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