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CD/DVD burning
Creating a CD (Compact Disc) or
DVD (Digital Video Disc) by writing to a one-time recordable disc, or an
erasable re-writable disc. To do this from Java, you need software that makes the
look like a hard disk, e.g. Roxio DirectCD. However, this creates
CDs (Compact Discs)
that can only be read with Roxio software. Alternatively you can exec some utility to do the work. The catch is most utilities are
GUIs (Graphic User Interfaces)
that require human interaction to make them work. There are a few however, you can
control from the command line, most notably Cdrtools.
Compressing and Archiving
To pack the most files onto a DVD,
and to burn as quickly as possible, you want to pre-compress the files (using BackUptoZip, WinZip, or compression built-into the backup/burn utility).
BackupToZip is particularly efficient at this since
it only compresses files that have recently changed. Further, it clever enough to
drop recently deleted files from the compressed archives, something WinZip cannot do.
You also want to archive the files, so that large
collections of small files are combined into one big one. The same utilities that
handle compression usually also handle archiving.
The disadvantage of compressing/archiving is you must unpack the files on the
DVD before you can
use them. That means anyone using the DVD
must have suitable unpacking software installed, e.g. WinZip or the corresponding restore utility to a backup.
Types of CD/DVD Filesystem Formats
You chose the file system for your burn based on the type of computer that will read the CD/DVD.
Types of CD/DVD File Systems
Types of CD/DVD File Systems
Filename Length
In Bytes
Filename Encoding
upper case only
-iso-level 4
The original Spartan format. Universally supported
no limit
Microsoft’s extension to ISO-9660. Do not use in combination with -iso-level
no limit
Popular in Unix/Linux. Extension to ISO-9660. 255-bytes of UTF-8 and Unix file meta information such as permissions and extended timestamps.
HFS (Hierarchical File System)
no limit
Mac OS Roman
Was popular on Apple. No longer supported.
HFS+ (Hierarchical File System Plus)
no limit
Popular on Apple OS 8.1+, iPod.
Free CD/DVD (Compact Disc/Digital Video Disc)
Burning Utilities
Ordered Alphabetically:
Burner: free, GUI (Graphic User Interface) only,
W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64 easy to figure out, easy to select files and
directories, lets you know what it is doing. About the only thing wrong with it
is it is pure GUI. You cannot control it from the command line. It
does not have a manual or help. The layout seems a bit wobbly. The licence
agreement is in German. You can see how it works with a FIFO-buffer it reads the
files ahead, prepares the files in DVD
format and puts them into a drive buffer, from which the hardware writes the bits
to DVD/CD. You can see the two buffers filling and emptying as AmoK works to keep
up. AmoK thus does not need a big chunk of disk space to create the DVD/CD image.
It supports only one DVD
writing format. It seems slower than other programs, though I did not benchmark.
Cdrtools: free, command-line only,
open source. Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64 and Linux
A complicated suite of command line C utilities ported to many platforms. They
are essentially Unix utilities. To use them under Windows, you must run them from
a BASH (Bourne Again Shell) script run under Cygwin.
Final Burner:
free, GUI only, W2K and XP,
handles data, audio and video CDs
and DVDs (Digital Video Discs). It has a feature to
create an autorun program with multiple buttons to launch various files on the
DVD. It asks you
to install some codecs which have nothing at all to do with
CD/DVD burning. It has an annoyance — you must add
directories one at a time. However, it has a fatal flaw. You can only add
individual directories, not directory trees. Further, you cannot control it from
the command line. The pro version costs
Oddly it has the same fatal flaws.
Free ISO Burner: free,
XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64, GUI
InfraRecorder: free,
GUI, open
source, for W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP, W2003 and Vista, recommended
by Ubuntu, can burn iso images. Be careful to download the correct program, not
one of those in the many ads.
Alex Feinman’s ISO (International Standards Organisation) Recorder, by donation.
GUI only.
XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64
Also his CreateCD, command line
backup a file set to CD/DVD for XP.
Nero KwikMedia: free,
GUI only,
W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64. Aka Quick Burn, BurnLite and Nero Lite. Nero keeps
repacking its code in different bundles with different names and prices. However,
it always has a free GUI-based CD
/ DVD burner.
Burner: freeware, GUI and command-line, W95, W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP, W2003 and Vista
BurnCDCC: free, command-line only, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64.
It does not create ISO images, just copy
them to CD/DVD.
burner. This is what I use. Just unzip it to some directory on the PATH then invoke it from the command line or create a shortcut.
Commercial CD/DVD Burning Utilities
Select the currency you would like prices in:
Commercial utilities you might use to burn a CD
or DVD
include (ordered by increasing cost):
GUI and
command-line, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64,
It uses whatever compressor software you have to create an archive then burns it
to DVD. Its main
claim to fame is it can be controlled completely with a
XML (extensible Markup Language)
configuration file mentioned on the command line. It does no other
CD/DVD burning duties.
NCH Express
Burn: trialware, GUI or command line, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32, W10-64 and OSX,
The Express Burn Plus Video for
Also handles CDs/DVDs/Blu Ray/image
files/video/audio/hard disk files,. The Express Burn Plus Video Edition
well documented (asks you what you want to accomplish, then tells you the steps
you need). Burns CDs
only with ISO/Joliet/UDF and optional verify. It is a bit of a bait and switch
since it suddenly stops burning DVDs
just after you have gotten comfortable with it. They don’t let on it is
effectively trialware. It is a nice little program, but has no business charging
the same as the mega-mother suites and especially since there are similar free
programs. You can specify most of the options on the command line, but you still
need to manually click to start the burn and acknowledge the burn completion. To
run it run it completely unattended, use the -hide
option. Handles video disks too.
Media Maker 9 Premium
only. XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64. A slightly stripped down version of this program
comes bundled with Acer computers. I found it relatively straight forward. This
class of program tends to be aimed at the technogeek. NTI (NewTech Infosystems)
Media Maker 9 Ultimate is
Nero 11 Burning ROM
only. W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64, A friend of mine who has tried many of these burner
programs says this one is the best. To get the trial version to install on Vista,
I had to use the custom install option and select F:\Program
Files as the install directory. Nero Ultra is an enormous suite of
utilities that do many things besides burn CDs
and DVDs. To burn a CD,
click Nero Burning ROM (Read Only Memory)
the start menu. Then open the ISO
image file. Then click burn. It could not get
much simpler than that, unless it prompted you. The utility to burn a collection
of files is also unusually simple and fast, but GUI
However, it proved overly sensitive, aborting when I tried to do little text
editing on unrelated files while it ran. Nero keeps repacking its code in
different bundles with different names and prices. However, it always has a free
GUI-based CD/DVD
Roxio Creator 2012
only. XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64. Handles Blu-ray. Upgrades are not free. Roxio
Creator 2012 Pro is
LG Burning
Tools It comes bundled free with LG/RetailPlus
DVD drives. It
is simple and well done. You add files or drag and drop and click burn. It always
tells you what it is doing and shows a progress meter to let you know how much
longer you have to wait. It tell you how much longer you have to wait in
minutes/seconds. Nero should learn from them, yet reputedly Nero wrote them. They
are much better than the Nero commercially released products. As you add files,
it shows a thermometer to show you how full you
have packed your DVD.
The following tools are sometimes recommended for the purpose, but I found them
unsuitable: IsoBuster and
Windows Burn a CD/DVD
without Additional Software
Windows has two built-in techniques for burning
and DVD s, albeit
UDF discs are
only readable on XP and Vista. You can write a file at a time to them. With disc at
once, you save up the files to be written, then write them all at once in one
continuous stream usually using a utility like Nero. You can’t later add more
files. These discs can be read anywhere. Further, they pack more information on a
disc and write it faster (if you use Nero software), though they are slower to create
with just Vista. With Vista, after you have finished dragging your files to the
DVD (actually to a
hard disk buffer), you must select burn to disc to
actually burn them on the DVD.
There are other incremental recording schemes, similar to
UDF, but they are
Windows Burn a UDFCD/DVD
without Additional Software
To burn a UDFCD/DVD,
aka Live File System:
insert a blank CD/DVD.
Select burn files to disc using Windows.
Drag files to the CD/DVD drive or copy them with a
BAT (Batch) file or at the command prompt. This is a very slow
process since it writes to DVD
as you go. It is best to select several directories at once to drag.
When it is done, right click properties then
eject to eject the disc.
Windows Burn a Disc-at-once CD/DVD
without Additional Software
To burn a disc-at-once CD/DVD
aka Mastered:
insert a blank CD/DVD.
Select burn files to disc using Windows.
Select show formatting options.
Select Mastered.
Drag files to the CD/DVD drive. Copying them with a
file or at the command prompt won’t work. This is a very slow process even
thought it is just caching the files to write to disc at this point. It is best to
select several directories at once to drag.
Select Burn Files to Disc.
When it is done, click Finish to eject the
Beware. Make sure you remember to click burn files to
disc for each CD/DVD,(or click erase temporary
files) otherwise you will batch them up and be puzzled why you can’t
burn the files you expect.
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