Drooling Idiot Americans
Americans bleat piteously that the Taliban treated them with less that welcoming arms. I wonder how the Americans would treat the Taliban if they invaded and occupied America, killed millions of people, used banned weapons, tortured, raped, dismissed the president, congress and senate and appointed an interim dictator they deemed appropriate.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
Cetacean Captivity | Debate on whether is as right to keep cetateans in captivity. 2017-05-21 | |
Cetacean Intelligence | Captain Paul Watson, similar to what I did, argues that cetatceans are considerably more intelligent that humans. 2018-04-24 | |
Seal Hunt | The Canadian commercial seal hunt is a barbaric bloodlust ritual where baby seals are beaten to death with spiked clubs and also skinned alive, all for no economic benefit. Its motive is simple sadism. 2017-05-21 | |
Cetacean Intelligence | Cetaceans (Whales and dolphins) are intelligent. I give mostly personal experiences as evidence. This issue is particularly important because members of the Makah Indian band in Washington state have revived the ancient religious rites of whale sacrifice. The Makah along with most people are convinced that whales are just big cows and so it is perfectly OK to kill them. 2017-12-21 | |
Free Range Eggs | The case for buying free range eggs in preference to factory eggs. 2018-02-04 | |
Quotations about Animal Rights | Quotations about Animal Rights, animal cruely, animal intelligence. 2018-05-06 | |
Animal Slaves | Modern day animals are treated with much the same disdain slaves were in past. We will have an awakening to that suffering. 2018-02-07 | |
Whale Torture | The US Navy is using low frequency sounds millions of times louder than considered safe for human divers. These are tormenting whales driving them to suicide. 2017-01-02 | |
Protest Japanese Whale Hunting | Japan kills 90 whales a year in the name of research and sells the carcasses as food. The Japanese Mitsubishi Electric plans a salt plant that will send gray whales into extinction. 2017-05-21 | |
Protest Makah Whale Hunting | Members of the Makah Indian band in Washington state want to revive the ancient religious rites of whale sacrifice, only now using high power boats and high power weapons. The point of the exercise is not money or food, but to improve their self esteem. Why not revive the rites of human sacrifice while you are at it? 2018-04-12 | |
John Lilly | obituary of John Cunningham Lilly, M.D. dolphin researcher and lots more. 2018-01-07 | |
Whale Sacrifice Banned | Sanity has prevailed and the Makah gray whale hunt in the USA has been banned. 2017-01-30 | |
Dolphin Slaughter | The Japanese are about to slaughter 17,000 dolphins. We stopped the Makah’s lunacy. Surely we can also wake up the Japanese to the stupidity and cruelty of what they are doing. 2017-01-02 | |
Plant-Based Diet | There are three main reasons for switching to a plant-based (not necessarily strictly vegan) diet:
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Feedback | Read feedback from readers of the animal rights section. If you don’t want your message and my reply publicly posted, please let me know. 2018-01-31 | |
Meddling With Planetary Life Support
If you went to visit a friend in hospital, would you cut his oxygen flow in half, reduce his IV drip in half and double the morphine pump rate without first asking a doctor if this were a wise thing to do? Of course, not! Yet humans, as a whole, have done something far more irresponsible to spaceship earth’s life support systems without consulting experts, namely cutting down half the planet’s forests, draining half the wetlands and doubling the amount of green-house-gas-producing nitrogen entering the soil.
~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
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