image provider

[N] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


N/Hance Systems(617) 461-1970
(800) 289-9676Voice
Nabasset(508) 486-3244
Nader, Ralph
Nanao(213) 325-5202monitors
(213) 530-1679Fax
(310) 325-5202
(310) 530-1679Fax
(800) 800-5202monitors
Nantucket(213) 390-7923Voice
(213) 827-8664Fax
Nascent Technology (motherbds)(408) 441-7500
National Applied Camp Tech(801) 225-6248
National Archives
National Bureau of Standardssee NIST
National Cash Registersee NCR
National Design(512) 329-5055
(512) 329-6326Fax
(512) 343-9500Voice
(800) 253-8831Tech Support
National Geographic
(800) 368-2728Educational Media Division
National Instruments(512) 250-9119
(512) 794-0100
(512) 794-5462
(800) 433-3488
National Semiconductor(408) 721-3748
(408) 721-5020Voice
(408) 721-7662Fax
(800) 272-9959Product & Sales
(800) 538-8510reseller
Natural MicroSystems(508) 650-1300
Navitar(716) 359-4000
Navtel GN(416) 479-8090
NCL America(408) 734-1006Tech Support
(408) 774-0709Fax
NCR(316) 636-8000Tech Support
(316) 636-8570printers
(316) 688-8529Tech Support
(513) 445-2075Tech Support
(513) 445-7032
(800) 343-4419Voice
NCR (open systems)(800) 225-5627
NEC America(214) 518-4407
(800) 222-4632Extension 1276
NEC Electronics(800) 366-9782
NEC Fastfacts(708) 860-9500extension 2621
(800) 366-0476
NEC Home Electronics(416) 858-3500Voice Canada
(416) 858-3570Fax Canada
(508) 635-4000
(800) 263-5976Tech Support Canada
NEC Information(617) 264-4300Tech Support
(617) 431-1140Voice
NEC Information Systems(800) 648-7403Voice
NEC Modem Support Department(703) 834-4569
NEC Technologies(508) 264-4300Voice
(508) 264-8000Voice
(508) 264-8673Fax
(508) 860-9500Voice graphics
(708) 775-7900monitors
(800) 388-8888Tech support graphics
(800) 632-4636General Sales
Nedco(613) 526-1420Fax
(613) 526-5310
Nero Multimediamakes CD/DVD rip, burn, backup, edit.
Net Transport
makes Download files by streaming protocols, e.g. video or audio files.
Netlink(919) 872-2132Fax
(919) 878-8612
NetManage(408) 973-8181
NetOpPMsee Markham
NetQuest(609) 866-0505
Netrix(703) 742-6000
Netronix(707) 762-2703Voice
(707) 763-6291Fax
(800) 282-2535Voice
Netroomsee Helix Software
Network Application Technology(408) 733-4530Voice
(408) 733-6478Fax
Network Archivistsee Palindrome
Network Associatesalso Helix
also McAffee
makes DiskMinder
(718) 392-3100
(800) 451-0551
Network Computing(516) 562-5071Voice
(516) 562-5474Fax
Network Devices(508) 888-5200Custom baluns
(508) 888-8421Fax
Network Equipment Technologies(415) 366-4400Voice
(415) 366-5675Fax
(800) 235-6935
Network Express(313) 761-5005
Network General(415) 321-0855Fax
(415) 688-2700Voice
Network Software Associates(714) 768-4013Voice X.25 PC to Mainframe
(714) 768-5049Fax
Network Solutions
Network Systems(416) 629-0435Fax Canada
(416) 629-0440Canada
(612) 424-2853Fax
(612) 424-4888Voice
Network Telephone Services(818) 992-4300
Nevada Western(514) 347-1976Fax
(514) 878-9601
New Democratic Party
New England Software(203) 625-0062
New Gen Systems(714) 641-8900laser printers
New Voice(703) 648-0585
Newbridge Microsystems(613) 592-0714
Newbridge Networks(703) 471-7080Fax
(703) 834-3600Voice
(800) 332-1080Voice
Newbury Data(617) 723-9513Tech Support
Newsbytes News Network
(612) 430-0441
(612) 430-1100
Newton Communications(603) 382-1049
NewWare(619) 450-3257FormatMaster registered
(619) 455-5226FormatMaster Unregistered
Nexgen(416) 742-2666Fax
(416) 856-4371Voice
Nextel(914) 421-2680
Nicollet Technologies(612) 854-3336
Nilsuko America(203) 926-5400
Nissei Sangyosee Hitachi/Nissei Sangyo
Nissei Sangyo America(617) 893-5700monitors
(800) 441-4832monitors
Nissho Information Systems(714) 952-7800printers
(800) 443-9998in CA
(800) 952-1919
Noam Chomsky
Noble Systems(404) 851-9700
Nokia Data Communications(813) 535-6999
Nolo Press(415) 549-1976Voice
Norand(319) 369-3208
Norfolk Southern Railway(703) 981-3083
Norlel North America(800) 466-7835
North Coast Logic(216) 492-4499
North Edge(508) 768-6100Voice
(508) 768-7490Tech Support
(508) 768-7660Fax ??
North Hills Electronics(516) 671-5700
(516) 759-3327Fax
Northeast Innovations(603) 229-0500
Northern Telecom(214) 684-5930Computer Telephony
(214) 684-8589
(506) 632-8208Fax
(506) 632-8265Voice
(800) 667-8437Voice
Northgate(612) 361-5000
(613) 943-8341Tech Support
(800) 535-0602TDD Sales
(800) 858-0010Sales
Norton, Petersee Symantec
Norton-Lambert(416) 479-0230?? Tech Support Canada
(805) 687-8896Tech Support
(805) 964-6767
Nova CTI(617) 821-0989
Novavox(415) 567-3886Computer Telephony
Novellalso Digital Research
also WordPerfect
(408) 434-2300
(408) 747-4000International
(408) 747-4033Fax international
(416) 224-2464Tech Support CXI
(512) 794-1775Fax
(512) 794-1790Fax
(512) 794-1796SDK
(800) 346-7177After market products
(800) 453-1267
(800) 526-5463Tech Support
(800) 526-7937Canada
(800) 638-9273Registration
(800) 729-4357Technical assistance
(800) 733-9673SDK
(801) 222-5077Fax
(801) 429-5373
(801) 429-5588Registration
(801) 429-7000
NPRI(800) 837-7284
NSTN(902) 468-3679Fax
(902) 468-6776NS Technical Network
Nth Graphics(512) 832-1944Voice
(800) 624-7552Tech Support
makes speech to text
NUI(800) 228-4684
Number Nine(617) 492-0999
(617) 674-0009
(617) 674-2919Fax
(617) 764-0009Voice
Nuntius(314) 776-7660
Nynex(212) 395-2121

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