image provider

[H] Phone Numbers of Computer Vendors


H-R Industries(214) 301-6620
Hadax Electronics(201) 807-1155
Hager International(508) 429-7232??
Halcyon Communications(916) 621-7890??
Halcyon Software(408) 984-1464Voice
(408) 984-1499Fax
HaliFAX Groupsee The HaliFAX Group
Hamilton C Shellsee Hamilton Laboratories
makes Hamilton C Shell
(425) 497-0102
(425) 497-8336FAX
(425) 765-9574CELL
Hammer Technologies(508) 694-9959
Hark Systems(800) 367-4275
Harris Digital Telephone(415) 382-5000
Harvard Graphics(800) 255-5550
Hauppage(516) 434-1600
(516) 434-3198Fax
(800) 443-6264
Hayes(404) 441-1213
(404) 441-1617
(404) 449-8791
(404) 840-9200Voice
(416) 283-2627Tech Support
(800) 241-6492
see Boca
hDC(206) 885-5550
Headland(415) 623-7827
(415) 656-0397Fax
(415) 656-7800Voice
(800) 238-0101Voice
(800) 248-1850Tech Support
(800) 553-1850Tech Support California
Headquarters Software(510) 284-2877
Headroomsee Helix Software
Headstart(800) 722-6224
Helix Software(718) 392-3735Voice
(800) 451-0551Voice
Henderson Comm Labs(714) 788-8849
Hercules(510) 540-0749Tech Support
(510) 540-08212400/9600 bps
(510) 540-55531200/2400 bps
(510) 623-6030
Hercules Computer Technology(510) 540-6000Voice
(510) 540-6621Fax
(510) 540-67192400/9600/14400 bps
(800) 532-0600Sales
Hermessee Singer
Herstal Automation(313) 548-2001Tech Support
Hewlett Packacdalso 3Com
Hewlett Packardalso Colorado
(800) 475-6697
Hewlett-Packard(208) 323-2551printers Tech Support
(208) 344-4809Fax
(408) 725-8900printers
(415) 857-1501monitors ??
(800) 752-0900colour scanners
(800) 752-0900monitors, printers
(800) 752-0900x2087 Open Systems
Hewlett-Packard Disk Memory(208) 323-3991Fax
(208) 323-6000Tech Support
Hewlett-Packard HP Direct Cat(416) 671-8383Toronto
(800) 387-3154Other Provinces
(800) 387-3414Ontario/Quebec
(800) 538-8787US
Hewlett-Packard Net Bridges(415) 857-1501Fax ??
High Caliber Systems(212) 684-5553
High Color Magazine(207) 236-6267
Hijaaksee Inset Systems
Hilgraeve(313) 243-0576
(313) 243-0645Fax
(800) 826-2760US and Canada
(800) 262-1502
Hitachi (Tokyo)
Hitachi America(201) 573-0774monitors
(201) 573-7660Fax
(404) 242-1410
(415) 244-7847Tech Support
(415) 589-8300Tech Support
(800) 283-4080Voice
(800) 448-2244monitors
Hitachi Service(213) 537-8383
Hitachi/Nissei Sangyo(617) 237-2592Fax
(617) 890-0804
Hitatchi Telecom USA(404) 446-8820
Holmes Microsystems(800) 658-8418
Holodynemakes client/server Fax solutions
(416) 363-3020
homePhonesee Pro CD
Homisco(617) 665-1997
Honeywell Bull Italia(415) 974-4340printers
Hooleon(800) 937-1337Keycaps
Hooper(719) 528-8989
HOTsee House Of Technology
HotHaus Technologies(604) 946-0060
House of Technology(416) 620-7970Voice, OS/2 software
(416) 620-7972Fax
(800) 672-4255Voice CANADA
Houston Instruments(512) 835-0900
HP(303) 350-4830
HT Communications(619) 489-0206
HTI Voice Solutions(508) 485-8400
HTIL Telemanagement LTD(800) 225-5485
makes ensures your HTML has no errors.
Hubbell(416) 839-1138Network hardware Canada
(416) 839-9108Fax Canada
Hubbell Premise Wiring(203) 535-8326
Hughes LAN Systems(415) 960-3738Fax
(415) 966-7300Voice
(416) 847-1098Canada
Human Genome Project
Hummingbird Communications(416) 470-1203Voice X-Windows
(416) 470-1207Fax
HyperAccesssee Hilgraeve
Hyperception(214) 343-8525
Hyperdisksee Hyperware
Hyperkinetix(714) 668-9234Builder, install scripts
(714) 979-2813Fax
Hyperware(615) 864-6868Voice
(615) 864-6869Tech Support
Hyundai Electronics(800) 234-3553Tech Support Canada-
(800) 544-7808

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