JCE : Java Glossary


JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) API (Application Programming Interface) spec from SUN (Stanford University Network). The implementation for USA is from SUN. The JCE comes bundled with Java version 1.4 or later.
Protocols Supported Unlimited Strength Encrytion
Implementations Books
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Protocols Supported

The default SUN JCE supports among other things:
  1. AES
  2. Blowfish
  3. CBC (Cipher Block Chaining mode)
  4. DES
  5. DES3
  6. DESede
  7. Diffie-Hellman(DH)
  8. DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)
  9. ECB (Electronic Codebook mode)
  10. IDEA
  11. Md5
  12. Rc2
  13. Rc4
  14. Rc5
  15. RSA (signature and encryption)
  16. SHA-0: 160-bit, obsolete
  17. SHA-1: 160-bit
  18. SHA-256
  19. SHA-384
  20. SHA-512
  21. SSL
  22. TLS
  23. Twofish
Note that PGP and SSH are not on the list.


JCE is designed as a plug-into be replaced by a third party provider with additional protocols. For example, BouncyCastle.org add PGP support.

Americans had a silly law that code written in the USA that does strong encryption cannot be exported outside the USA and Canada, even though the algorithms are published. This has had the effect of stimulating European and Australians to provide such software which is immune to the restriction, taking business away from American companies. It was repealed circa 2000, but various other countries have restrictions on importing full strength encryption. The JCE that comes with the JDK (Java Development Kit) is crippled. To get full strength encryption, you need to download and install the full strength extension.

You can avoid this hassle. BouncyCastle.org is located in Australia.

The ABA (Australian Business Access) provided a clean room implementation of JCE 1.2, including a cryptographic service provider, for international use. ABA seems to have disappeared.

BouncyCastle, another Australian group, has a free cleanroom implementation of JCE 1.2.1.

An Austrian university foundation with the unlikely name of SIC-IAIK-TUG (Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications) has produced a large commercial JCE implementation that includes SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

Discovering Installed Providers

Here is how to discover which providers are installed and what services they offer. Here

Where to Find the Classes

You don’t usually use the vendor classes directly. You get at them using standard interfaces and String specifiers much the way you get at JDBC (Java Data Base Connectivity) drivers. However, the class files live in J:\Program Files\java\jdk1.8.0_131\ \jre\lib\jce.jar. You could put the jar on your IDE (Integrated Development Environment) ’s library path to use the classes directly.

Unlimited Strength Encryption


book cover recommend book⇒Beginning Cryptography with Javato book home
by David Hook 978-0-7645-9633-9 paperback
birth 1962-04-19 age:56 978-0-471-75701-6 eBook
publisher Wrox
published 2005-08-19
Covers JCA, symmetric and asymmetric key encryption in Java, message authentication codes, padding, ASN.1, certificate revocation, CMS, SSL and S/MIME and the BouncyCastle provider. Unlike many books on the subject, this one is rich with sample code.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock. Try looking for it with a bookfinder.
book cover recommend book⇒Java Cryptographyto book home
by Jonathan Knudsen 978-1-56592-402-4 paperback
publisher O’Reilly recommended 978-1-4493-9061-7 eBook
published 1998-05-01 B0043M4ZC0 kindle
JCE has evolved considerably since this book was published. It teaches you how to write secure programs using Java’s cryptographic tools. It includes the java.security package and the Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE). It discusses authentication, key management, public and private key encryption. How to implement ciphers, keys and other data-obscuring techniques in Java. Includes source for a provider of the ElGamal algorithm.
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