ISP vendors : Java Glossary

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ISP vendors

The following companies will host your website, usually allowing to run Java Servlets, a database and other server side goodies. I usually don’t list simple HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) servers unless there is something remarkable about them, e.g. they are free or very low cost.

Java Friendly ISP (Internet Service Provider) s
ISP Services: SQL/JDBC/Servlet : Prices in CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency.
Google Sites Free sites. You create web pages with Google templates. You don’t get your own domain name.
Webspace the Webring people will give you a free vanilla HTTP hosting if you put webrings on your website.
1freehosting Free hosting
2freehosting Free hosting
FreeHosting Free hosting
Freehostia Free hosting
nixiWeb Free hosting
Wix Free templates. Free hosting. No Java. They embed ads. You can remove them with premium services from $4.00 USD to $25.00 USD per month.
000webhost Slow, but free webhosting. The support the JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type, so you can host JWS (Java Web Start) apps. Also $5.00 USD faster hosting. Free Java servlet/JSP/MySQL website hosting. Java 1.4.2, Apache 2.0, Tomcat 5.0 (Private JVM (Java Virtual Machine)), MySQL 4.0.18 (Your own db), SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 24 × 7 monitoring, daily backups, shell access (ssh), $0.00 USD per month. Not accepting new members at present.
RackSpace $0.02 USD to $1.20 USD per hour for cloud servers.. The big advantage is you get your own virtual server that runs on a cloud. You can run it under whatever OS (Operating System) and application software you please without danger of interfering with other customers.
Amazon EC2 Free for the first year 6¢+ per hour thereafter. The big advantage is you get your own virtual server that runs on a cloud. You can run it under whatever OS and application software you please without danger of interfering with other customers. Vanilla HTTP hosting with blog and email. 300 MB free online storage.
iPage $2.00 USD  per month. Unlimited disk and transfer.
aSmallOrange $3.00 USD to $175.00 USD per month.
Hostpapa logo HostPapaPopular in Canada. $4.00 CAD to $13.00 CAD per month
PowWeb Includes MySLQ, PHP (Pre-Hypertext Processor), no Java. $3.88 USD per month.
IXwebhosting Includes domain, MySQL, Ruby, Perl, PHP, no Java, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space $4.00 USD per month.
JustHost Unlimited transfer, disk. $4.00 USD per month.
GoDaddy web hosting  GoDaddy $4.00 USD to $13.00 USD per month. Includes MySQL. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL (Secure Socket Layer)) extra. 4GHz cloud servers. Ruby, Python, PHP no Java. 1 Gig max storage. Bob Parsons is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the web domain host GoDaddy. He shoots endangered wild animals in Africa for entertainment.
HostGator $4.00 USD to $11.00 USD per month. unlimited bandwidth and disk storage on all plans.
1&1 Unlimited transfer, disk. 2.75 GBP per month. In Britain
Lunar pages Lunar Pages Prices start at $5.00 USD per month. Try using coupon code aff15off to get 15% off. aka Offer private and public cloud hosting, managed hosting, dedicated hosting, collocation, web design… They have JSP (Java Server Pages), Servlets, PHP, Ruby on Rails, ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals), PERL MySQL. They do not post prices except for basic hosting. I think they mostly cater to larger clients where prices are negotiated. Last revised/verified: 2012-12-18
iPower $5.00 USD $5.00 USD per month for simple web hosting, PHP, CGI (Common Gateway Interface), MySQL. $20.00 USD per month for simple web hosting, PHP, CGI, MySQL, Tomcat, JSP.
HostRocket $6.00 USD per month for simple shared web hosting, $40.00 USD for cloud hosting and $196.00 USD for dedicated hosting.
MultiMedia Australia $6.00 USD per month for simple web hosting, PHP, CGI, Perl, MySQL. $25.00 USD per month for 5000 MB bandwidth.
netfirms $6.45 CAD to $20.00 CAD includes domain, MySQL, no JSP.
SuperbHosting $6.50 USD per month for shared server. $59.00 USD per month for a pair of dedicated servers, also managed hosting where they maintain your dedicated server.
wush $6.50 USD per month for SVN (Subversion) server and 1 GIG of space, up to $205.00 USD for a dedicated server. This is where I host the repository.
CanadianWebHosting Unlimited bandwidth, disk space, MySQL, PostgresSQL, PHP, Perl, no Java. $7.00 CAD per month. Also virtual servers from $40.00 CAD per month.
Hostmonster Includes domain, MySQL, PostGre SQL (Standard Query Language), no Java, shopping cart, SSI (Server Side Includes), unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space $7.00 USD per month.
Bluehost Includes domain, MySQL, Ruby, no Java, shopping cart, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space $7.00 USD per month.
Inter-Corporate This is what I use myself. The proprietor, Randolph Richardson, was an apprentice at my company in the early 90s. I pay nothing for hosting, but he gets the revenue from the Google ads. The advantage is awesome hardware and connections. The disadvantage is Randolph is very busy has not found time to set up a Tomcat Java Servlet womb for me.
Powweb 5 gig webspace, 300 gig per month transfer, suitable for video or audio sites. MySQL. No Java. $7.77 USD per month. Canadian. For personal or low volume use, brilliant service, great account features, including shell access. $10.00 CAD per month.
Earthlink web hostingEarthlink from $13.00 CAD per month. Full service company. Also an IAP (Internet Access Provider). $17.00 CAD a month for a business website. $43.00 CAD a month for a commerce website.
WithPridedesigns $120.00 CAD per year. Unlimited traffic. No server-side. $5.00 USD to $30.00 USD . Also have plans where they design the website for you. Also handle domain registration.
KGBInte Canadian. Perl, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL. $10.00 CAD per month.
Dreamhost Dreamhost PHP, Ruby on Rails, SSI, CVS (Concurrent Versions System), Subversion, Real Audio streaming, private domain registration, but no Java servlets. $10.00 USD to  $10.00 USD per month. Discounts for paying one or two years in advance. Last revised/verified: 2007-04-30
HostDepartment née Canadian. Shared Hosting & Managed Hosting solutions. Provide EE application hosting (including Servlets, JSP and EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) ’s) based on Tomcat, Jboss platform. $12.00 CAD per month for simple web hosting. $35.00 CAD per month for servlets, JSP, Postgres SQL.
kättare in Corvallis, Oregon. recommended. $9.00 USD per month basic web hosting. $19.00 USD per month private servlet JVM.
servlets A list of about 150 ISPs (Internet Service Providers) supplying various servlet hosting services for $10.00 USD to $110.00 USD per month.
Simpl CGI/MIVA/PHP/MySQL but no Servlets. SiteBuilder for simple canned sites without writing HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). $13.00 USD per month. Gives you 750 MB of disk space and a domain name. Often used by WebRing sites.
JavaServletHosting JSP, Servlets, MySQL, $14.00 USD per month.
TagADab British based, cloud, virtual and dedicated
JSP-servlet JSP, Linux, Tomcat Servlets, MySQL, $14.00 USD to $59.50 USD per month.
Linode $20.00 USD to $319.00 USD a month. Linux virtual servers.
arachsys Great service. British. 16.66 GBP per month for 40 MB and 500 MB bandwidth per month.
Rimu $50.00 USD per month for JBoss with JSP and EJB support.
servepath $229.00 USD per month for dedicated RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) server. Also offer load balancing, clouds, managed servers.
SquareSpace $5.00 USD per month for a cover page. $8.00 USD per month for a website. Templates and fonts provided. $26.00 USD per month for a web store.
TheList Huge list of ISP s, not necessarily Java-friendly though. It only includes ISPs who provide dial up access, which misses most of the ones you need to see for Java hosting.
Jason Hunter’s ISP list A list of about 150 ISPs that support Servlets.
Hostway Cloud servers and Ubuntu managed servers. Fairly expensive. Must get a quote. Some fixed prices plans from $7.00 USD to $30.00 USD
GoGrid Cloud based hosting where you create/delete and rent virtual servers on an hourly basis. This would be of interest if you have widely varying and large loads.
AIT Variety of canned software available, including ushop shopping cart.
Oracle Oracle, the makers of Java, maintain a list of resources.


I have not tested the ISPs in my lists. My list comes mainly from recommendations of people on the net, who could be shills.

Canadian IAPs
List of Canadian ISPs
TopHosts: service to help you find a Canadian ISP with the features you need
WebhostingSearch: feature comparison list of web hosting sites

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