Avant : Java Glossary


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A lesser known freeware browser. The current version is 2018:1 Last revised/verified: 2018-02-17. It is full-featured and fast. I like it because it is unusually quick to start and it renders colgroup classes correctly, something few other browsers do. It also prints very accurate renderings. Most other browsers print a rendering that looks nothing like the screen.
Browser Colgroup Support
browser version col class
col align
HTML5 entities
Firefox 59.0.3
Chrome 53.0.2785.92
Opera 48.0.2685.52
SeaMonkey 2.49.2
Safari 5.1.7
Avant 2018:1
Edge 25,10586.0.0
IE 11 11.0.9600.17239
IE 10 10.02.9200.16521
IE 9 9.0.8112.16421
IE 8 8.0.7601.17514
IE 7 7.0.6000

Those browsers marked with an x all have a bug. They will not render <col class="xxxx">s correctly. The ones with a tick render it correctly. The Opera people say this is a feature not a bug. The language lawyers claim the W3 spec says that the browser is supposed to ignore the color attribute from the <col class. Logically, I think the <col styles should apply to the entire column, but not to <th rows. In addition Firefox, SeaMonkey, Safari and Flock also ignore the <col align attribute. Opera and IE render it properly.

Firefox, SeaMonkey and Opera support almost all the HTML5 entities. Chrome and Safari support many of them.

Colgroup Test
  Style Test Alignment Test
On Every row style alignment
Using Colgroup style alignment

If both cells in the left hand Style Test column are the same colour, then your browser (the one you are using now to view this page) supports <col class=.

If both cells in the right hand Alignment Test column right-align, then your browser supports <col align= correctly.

Dreamweaver lets you apply a css style to all rows individually. Last revised/verified: 2018-05-06

Note how Avant failed to display the borders around the table.

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