Viagra : Gay & Black Glossary

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The brand name for sildenafil citrate, a drug used to treat impotence. There are two new similar prescription drugs coming out soon, Cialis and Levitra that work for a greater percentage of men. It is sold on the street as poke at ten times the retail price.

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Selling Viagra on the Internet is scam city. It starts with charging $12.00 USD for a 100 mg pill. Next, various organic fake Viagras are sold. Next there is a typically $40.00 USD fee for a prescription. It costs the vendor all of $0.02 for a computer program to see if you have checked any dangerous contraindications. Viagra comes in 25 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg tablets. The price is quoted per dose which may silently presume you split the tablet into 50 mg or 25 mg pieces. Shipping charges for 10 pills will be in the order of $60.00 USD for promised six day delivery ( 20 day actual). They will spring that on you at the last possible moment.

If you order from outside the country you will have additional taxes and brokerage charges if your shipment is not confiscated. Importing Viagra into Canada is illegal.

To avoid being ripped off outrageously, just ripped off by pfizer (the patent holder on Viagra), your best approach is to get a legitimate prescription through your doctor or through a sexual dysfunction clinic such as The Canadian Men’s Clinic. Canadian prescription drugs are much cheaper than in the US. In a Canadian drugstore, Viagra sells for $11.00 CAD per 100 mg pill plus a $6.00 CAD dispensing free.

If you buy a dozen 100 mg pills your total outlay via the Internet would be $244.00 USD . If you bought them at a Canadian drugstore your outlay would be $238.00 CAD , almost one third the cost. In Canada, at a drugstore, it works out to about $11.50 CAD a dose. Via the Internet, it works out to about $20.33 USD a dose.

Viagra is not an aphrodisiac. It does not tingle or make you horny. It just quietly makes your plumbing work when it is supposed to. If Viagra does not work, (or even if it does, see the impotence entry for a comparison.) there are other techniques, e.g. An injection (prostaglandins) and a suppository (Muse) inserted in the urethra. Viagra works for about 50% of people with erectile dysfunction. It is dangerous to mix Viagra with poppers or any other nitrate-containing medication. If you take HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) protease inhibitors, you may be limited to a 25 mg. dose, since some of them enhance the effect of Viagra. Nevirapine, in contrast, slightly suppreses the effect. Since we don’t yet know the long-term effects of using Viagra, the manufacturer suggests using them at most once every two days.

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