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Gay & Black Glossary

Multiple Moralities

Every church, culture and religion has its own list of what constitutes moral and immoral behaviour. Christians don’t recognise this plurality. The only list that has any validity at all is theirs. Even a small deviation from their list represents chaos, an utter abandonment of all decent behaviour. Any change to the list, or challenge to the list, represents a threat to the absolute, direct-from-the-mouth-of-god authority of their entire list.

The rationality of any individual rule is irrelevant and is not debatable because Christians believe the rules as a whole were dictated by the creator of the universe and thus don’t have to make any sense. His purposes are inscrutable. They don’t dare argue with the creator of the universe. Fear is what makes Christians cling to nutty ideas, not their apparent truthfulness. This conceit makes Christians extraordinarily resistant to change and logic. American Christians are among the most violent people on earth. That speaks quite poorly for the Christian moral code.

Atheists have a hard time making sense of the utterances of Christians because, since atheists don’t believe in the existence of any deities, they don’t fear gods. Atheists don’t belong to any churches, so they don’t fear social ostracism for rejecting some part of church teaching. You will discover atheists typically have strong moral codes which they hold with conviction. They reasoned them out. They did not just read about them in a book. They are thus much more sensible than Christian codes.

Even Christians, 99% of the time, have the common sense to reject biblical moral codes as somehow not applicable to them. Pretty much the only biblical injunction they carefully follow is scapegoating homosexuals.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)
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Yahweh’s Property

The reason euthanasia is illegal under all circumstances is that Christians believe that suicide is a sin because humans are the god Yahweh’s property. In their view, suicide under any circumstances is a form of vandalism or robbery. They believe they have a holy right to impose this odd religious belief on others. Because Christians are in the majority and so damn arrogant, they steamroller the constitutional freedom of others to avoid having Christianity imposed on them.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)

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