As one of the authors of the gay agenda, I wonder why so many people presume it must be something nefarious. It is very simple. We gays don’t enjoy being beaten up. We don’t like losing our jobs just because of our sexual preference. We don’t like being kicked out of our apartments just because we find sex with people similar to us, in the sexual plumbing department, a turn on and sex with people different from us disgusting. We don’t like be sent to the back of the line in immigration. We don’t like people proclaiming that it is a virtue to kill gays. Further, we don’t like people spreading malicious lies about us such as all homosexuals are paedophiles, when the truth is, homosexuals are much less likely to be paedophiles. We don’t like being thrown in jail in some parts of the world, egged on by the Christians and Muslims, just for what others imagine we think, not even what we say or do. This legally-sanctioned discrimination is a modern day form of witch hunting with the same low standards of prosecutorial evidence. Our agenda is to put an end to this unfair treatment. We insist on being treated equally.
And more recently, we have added the demand to have our long term relationships governed by the exact same marriage laws as mixed-gender couples. We don’t like people interfering with efforts to stop children from being bullied, on the nutty superstition that boys who don’t like football deserve/need to be bullied because they might grow up to be gay and bullying them is the best way to ensure they either commit suicide or grow up heterosexual.
We gays harbour no desire to recruit anyone. It is the Christians trying to recruit gays to become breeders (not just heterosexual) with their bogus cures. From grim experience trying to change ourselves, we gays know this cannot be done and we have no reason to wish our scapegoat status on anyone. I wonder why Christians, in a earlier era, did not similarly demand black people cure themselves and become white. Many gays, myself included, considered suicide as preferable to living as gay. I no longer think that. I tortured myself with anti-gay propaganda from 15 years of age, when it first dawned on me my delirious crushes on fellow males were what others called the ultimate perversion, to 21 years of age, when I met my first gay people and discovered almost everything I had been told about gays was a lie. I then wrote a book and lead various projects including G*A*T*E (Gay Alliance Toward Equality) and Talk of the Town to rectify the situation. It is far easier to change physical gender than sexual orientation.
We liberationists do, however, encourage gays to stop flagellating themselves and to stop lying about their true selves. Christians, oddly, consider this activity some mad plot to manufacture more gays. St. Paul pioneered this prairie fire view of homosexuality. He believed that once people had gay sex, they would never go back because it was so much more pleasurable. St. Paul erroneously assumed everyone else was as gay as he was.
We gays want to be treated the same way as anyone else. This obsession Christians have with my physical plumbing is creepy, irrelevant and none of their business. We want the exact same rights as everyone else. With Red Queen logic, Christians keep claiming the equal rights we gays demand are actually special rights that others do not enjoy. Christians play games with language to argue like this: Straight people have the right to marry an adult of the opposite sex. So do gay people. Therefore gays and straights have equal rights. Thus gays have no grounds for complaint. There is no discrimination; this is perfectly fair. Granted, only men have the right to marry a woman and women do not. However, this does not count as discrimination or gender inequality because I said so. I claim gay equality follows as a logical consequence of gender equality. I say anything a women is allowed to do a man should be legally allowed to do and vice versa. Neither gender should have special rights not afforded the other gender. This includes things from being a doctor to bathing topless. Still another way of look it is Straight people are free to marry any adult they please, but gay people are not. Yet another is For all practical purposes, the law encourages straight adults to marry but forbids gay adults to. In both those ways of looking at it, the discrimination is clear.
With similar twisted logic, Christians believe in religious freedom. Everyone should be free to worship Jesus in whatever way they please.
It is infuriating that Christians both block gays from marrying and complain that gays (both male and female) are more promiscuous than men in general when marriage is the social tool for encouraging monogamy. Don’t Christians realise they are promoting promiscuity? It seems the #1 priority of the modern Christian is preventing gays from marrying, whether they will ever meet the couple or not. Whether a couple marries or just cohabits can’t have any effect on the lives of Christian bigots. How could it possibly push them to divorce as they claim? Why must Christians meddle in affairs that do not concern them in the least?
Christians are like tea Nazis who insist others not only drink tea rather than coffee in their presence, but even in private. They further demand that people pretend, at all times, to prefer tea to coffee, on pain of death.
The Christian agenda of forcing gay men to marry women and breed, no matter how revolting their victims find it, has the net effect of perpetuating any hypothetical gay gene. The irony is, Christians are the ones trying to increase the percentage of homosexuals in the population, not us gays.
Christians complain that we gays are out to destroy the church. We are! (aside from Stockholm syndrome gay Christians) Is it not rational to want to eliminate an institution whose founding document obliges the killing all gay people, even virgins? Our resistance to Christian superstition is no different from Jews trying to eliminate the Nazi party. It is not as though we want to eliminate Christians, just their crazy beliefs. It is not as though we gays advocate violence to destroy the Christian churches that promote the persecution and murder of gays. We are not about to stoop to the depravity of the Christian church.
In summary, the gay agenda is simply that we gays want the exact same rights as everyone else.
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