response code : Java Glossary


response code
Everyone is familiar with error 404 not found. The codes are arranged in bands:
HTTP Response Codes Last revised/verified: 2016-08-24
Code HttpURLConnection
Meaning Notes
100 HTTP_CONTINUE Continue Server will send response only after rest of body is sent.
101 HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS Switching Protocols You must upgrade your protocol to continue.
102 HTTP_PROCESSING Processing Server is working on your request, but has not finished it yet.
200 HTTP_OK OK This is the most common code when all went well.
201 HTTP_CREATED Created  
202 HTTP_ACCEPTED Accepted  
203 HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE Non-Authoritative Information  
204 HTTP_NO_CONTENT No Content  
205 HTTP_RESET Reset Content  
206 HTTP_PARTIAL Partial Content  
207 HTTP_MULTI_STATUS Multi-Status Returning multiple statuses
208 HTTP_ALREADY_REPORTED Already Reported used in DAV
226 HTTP_IM_USED IM (Instance maniplation) used. IM (Instance maniplation) ticket.
300 HTTP_MULT_CHOICE Multiple Choices  
301 HTTP_MOVED_PERM Moved Permanently This means the page has moved permanently. Please change your links since the old URL (Uniform Resource Locator) will probably soon stop working. The replacement relative URL is in the location field of the response header.
302 HTTP_MOVED_TEMP Temporary Redirect You should repeat the GET with the relative URL in the location field of the response header. You should not update your records with that redirected URL since it is valid only for this one use. You can usually ask your HTTP manager to follow such link chains for you transparently. You can thus for all practical purposes assume this code will never occur.
303 HTTP_SEE_OTHER See Other This usually means the page has changed from http:// to https:// or vice versa. Please update your links.
304 HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED Not Modified Not modified since last time you requested the page, presuming you still have the previous copy. Used in conjunction with If-Modified-Since in the request header.
305 HTTP_USE_PROXY Use Proxy  
307 HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Temporary Redirect Your request was bounced to another server. Don’t update your links. See 302, more commonly used.
308 HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT Permanent Redirect Your request was redirected to a new URL. Please update your links to the new URL. See 303, more commonly used.
400 HTTP_BAD_REQUEST Bad Request  
401 HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized This is the most common response when you have tried to access a page that requires logon first. Sometimes used for withdrawn data.
402 HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED Payment Required  
403 HTTP_FORBIDDEN Forbidden You get this if you are hitting a site with simultaneous probes. You can also get it if you probe a folder without an index.html file in it. For some reason the site heard you, but does not want to serve you.
404 HTTP_NOT_FOUND Not Found This is the most common code when the URL does not exist. Sometimes coded as 404 gone
405 HTTP_BAD_METHOD Method Not Allowed  
406 HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Not Acceptable  
407 HTTP_PROXY_AUTH Proxy Authentication Required  
408 HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT Request Time-Out  
409 HTTP_CONFLICT Conflict  
410 HTTP_GONE Gone  
411 HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED Length Required  
412 HTTP_PRECON_FAILED Precondition Failed  
413 HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE Request Entity Too Large  
414 HTTP_REQ_TOO_LONG Request-URI Too Large  
415 HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE Unsupported Media Type  
416..426 To come

428 HTTP_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED Precondition Required Request must be condiditional
429 HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS Too Many Requests Sending too many requests per minute
431 HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE Request Header Fields Too Large To total size of the header may be too large, or a single field may be too large.
500 HTTP_SERVER_ERROR Internal Server Error  
501 HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Not Implemented  
502 HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY Bad Gateway  
503 HTTP_UNAVAILABLE Service Unavailable  
504 HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT Gateway Timeout  
505 HTTP_VERSION HTTP Version Not Supported  
506 HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES A variant for the requested resource is itself a negotiable resource. This indicates a configuration error.  
507 HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE Not enough RAM (Random Access Memory) to process this request  
508 HTTP_LOOP_DETECTED infinite loop.  
509 UNUSED  
510 HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED A mandatory extension policy in the request is not accepted by the server for this resource  
511 HTTP_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Network Authentication Required Must logon to access the network
512-524 unused  
523 HTTP_ORIGIN Origin for cloud cache is not available  
525 HTTP_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED SSL/TLS failed to handshake  
526-598 unused  
599 unofficial Network Connect Timeout Error Used by some HTTP proxies to signal a network connect timeout.
999 HTTP_REQUEST_DENIED request denied  
There are other HTTP errors in the series documented as part of HttpURLConnection and HttpServletResponse.
Oracle’s Javadoc on HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on HTTP response codes in HttpURLConnection : available:
Server HTTP response codes : available:

There is also a table of them in the BrokenLinks package in responsecodes.csv.

To see the full set, see RFC 2616 (obsolete) replaced by RFC 7230 and, for the latest additions, RFC 6585

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