Creative Element : Java Glossary

I have left this tombstone entry for historical interest.
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Creative Element

makers of the Creative Elements Power Tools. This was a DEBE (Does Everything But Eat) suite of unrelated Windows utilities. It costs  $18.00 USD You could pay with credit card or PayPal. The current version is 3.0.6 Last revised: 2011-02-25 Verified: 2013-01-30.

Just some of the more important things they can do include:

The associations for *.jar and *.jnlp are fragile. They mysteriously change to obsolete versions, or javaw.exe version without a console or even unrelated programs like Winzip.exe. Using the java.exe -jar myjar.jar syntax in your bat/btm files rather is more robust than myjar.jar. It works even when the associations are corrupted.

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