HTMLValidator : Java Glossary

The CurrCon Java Applet displays prices on this web page converted with today’s exchange rates into your local international currency, e.g. Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees… CurrCon requires an up-to-date browser and Java version 1.8, preferably 1.8.0_131. If you can’t see the prices in your local currency, Troubleshoot. Use Firefox for best results.

get htmlvalidator  HTMLValidator

CSE (Computer Science and Engineering) HTMLValidator Pro 17.02 Last revised/verified: 2017-03-22is the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) validator I use to check my *.html web pages for syntax errors. It also checks *.css style sheets. It is produced by A I Internet Solutions aka Albert Wiersh of A.I. has been extremely helpful over the years whenever I had a problem or suggestions for new features. CSE does not currently stand for or mean anything (other than just being part of the name), but when the program was originally named, it stood for CSE

Why Validate? Tips
Trial/Buy Custom Features
Configuring Validate your Webpages Free
& and & Requests For Enhancement
Gotchas Scripts
Command Line Options Links

Why Validate?

Why bother with validation if you are not obsessive-compulsive? Because when you clear up all the picky syntax errors, your website will work with any browser trouble free. Otherwise it will work only with the browser or browsers you explicitly tested it with. Further, it could stop working with the next release of a browser. Browsers are buggy enough without loading them down with malformed HTML.

HTMLValidator is extremely configurable. You can get it to ignore picky errors for now, then when you have the big problems with your site cleaned up, turn them back on. You can also make it super picky, so that your HTML is easier to process with programs, or to gradually migrate your site to XHTML (extensible Hypertext Markup Language).


There are five ways you can learn what it does, listed here in increasing order of commitment.
HTML Validator Options
CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency.
CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency.
click Version Notes
$0.00 USD validatehtml online Try validating some of your web pages online. This is done with free lite version. You don’t have to download anything, but the web page you validate must be posted on web.
$0.00 USD download Lite Download the free lite version and use it for as long as you like. It won’t expire. You normally use it to validate HTML on your hard disk before you upload your pages to your website. though you can also use it to validate web pages, (even other people’s) already posted on the web.
$0.00 USD FAQ FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Read the HTMLValidator FAQ. You will discover the extreme configurability. You can control the degree of pickiness so you don’t have to fix everything at once, just set the filters fine enough to get the worst problems cleaned before you move on to the pickier stuff.
$0.00 USD trial Standard Download the trial standard version. It will work for 30 days to let you evaluate. You might choose this first over the pro edition just you would not be overwhelmed with features to start.
$0.00 USD trial Pro Download the trial pro version. It will work for 30 days to let you evaluate. It is fully functional. The worst that can happen is you have 30 days to clean up your website. When the trial expires, your website will still be clean.
$69.00 USD buynow Standard Buy the standard version. It would be suitable if you had under 1000 files to keep validated. It does not have any hard limits.
$129.00 USD buynow Pro Buy the pro version. I use the pro version because comes with the batch wizard. It would take forever to validate my whole website file by file.
I thought you would like to see the prices on this webpage in  CurrCon Applet needs Java 1.8 or later to display prices in your local currency. , but you can change that instantly, thanks to the Canadian Mind Products CurrCon Applet that you too could use on your own website to display prices in any world currency using today’s exchange rates.

HTMLValidator comes in three versions. See this comparison chart to help you decide which version you need.


You have very fine control over what the validator is picky about. You can configure it to ignore certain classes of error or certain blocks of HTML with
<!--cseignore--> … <!--/cseignore--> tags.
(<cseignore> … </cseignore> are deprecated.)
(Unfortunately, <!-- cseignore --> … <!-- /cseignore --> with space, will not work.)
I very much like this feature. It lets me bring my HTML gradually into conformance. When I was in the early stages of cleanup I used to ask it not to bug about picky stuff like missing </p> and using <ul>… </ul> for indenting. Now I do ask it to be more picky.

Here’s how I configure it to demand balancing </li> tags.

  1. Click Options ⇒ Configuration Editor ⇒ Edit ⇒ Tag Names.
  2. On the top right, Select li (020) with the drop down box on the right (not the box on the left) as the Tag Name Being Configured
  3. On the right, select the Required end tag radio button.
  4. You’ll probably want to repeat this for all li tags whose context is distinguished with a number.
  5. Save the configuration file to a different filename to make sure it doesn’t get overwritten if the CSE HTML Validator is reinstalled or updated.
The most important parameter to configure in the batch processor is Tools ⇒ Batch Wizard ⇒ Options ⇒ Batch Wizard Options ⇒ General ⇒ Miscellaneous ⇒ max targets which controls the maximum number of files that will be processed in a batch.

In Options ⇒ Validation Engine Option ⇒ Options

Set the max number of errors and warnings before aborting at Tools ⇒ Tools Options ⇒ Message Output.

The configuring options are squirreled in over seven different places. Check out:

Unfortunately, when you install a new version of the program, usually your old customisations are lost unless you make special provisions.

The program itself installs as: X:\Program Files (x86)\HTMLValidator170\cse170.exe

Other files in:
"C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\AI Internet Solutions\CSE HTML Validator\17.0\", Files you can configure include:

Make sure you periodically clean out:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\AI Internet Solutions\CSE HTML Validator\17.0\batchreport*.html

& and &amp;

By default, one thing the validator will complain about is &s in your CGI (Common Gateway Interface) URLs; it wants you to spell them out as &amp. The CGI server will still see them as plain & since your browser converts them back to plain &. I wrote a free utility do correct this error for you automatically called Amper.


Command Line Options

You can do quite a bit with HTMLValidator from the command line. The utility is called X:\Program Files (x86)\HTMLvalidator170\cmdlineprocessor.exe. The following table gives a quick summary of the most commonly used options. See the HTMLValidator help for details.
HTMLValidator Command Line Options
Option Meaning
-1 Display engine options
-2 launch configuration editor
-3 Display batch wizard options
-4 Display editor options
-b target.lst run batch wizard on this batch target.
-b launch batch wizard and await further instructions.
-c file.html convert file to format of last saved file.
-f cmds.txt submit multiple command lines at once from a summary command file.
-l file.html convert file to lower case.
-o file.html open the file in the editor, but don’t validate it.
-q quit.
-s file.html strip tags from file.
-t file.html use template tool on file.
-u file.html convert file to upper case.
-v file.html validate then display results in a viewer, e.g. notepad. You probably don’t want to do this.

I have not found a way to load a file into the editor and validate it. I wish there were ways to load a file, validate and exit if all is well. I also wish that were true for a batch, but when there were some files in the batch with problems, they should be loaded in the editor, automatically, ready to correct.


Validate your Webpages Free

Click to visit the HTML Validator website.
Check your document online with CSE HTML Validator Lite.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) :

Custom Features

I have talked the HTMLValidator people into implementing some new features, but they are not in the standard edition. You have to ask for them specially.

RFE (Request For Enhancement)

Here is my wish list of features primarily I would like to make HTMLValidator better at spell checking. I have asked many times before and been rejected, however, I am eternally optimistic these low priority wishes will eventually percolate to the top. The most important items are at the top of the list.

  1. Treat entities embedded inside words as if there were the equivalent Unicode before looking them up in the spell check dictionary.
  2. Allow some way to mark blocks of text with magic comments or styles to request they not be spell checked.
  3. Pay attention to the lang markup and use the correct language dictionary. If there is no corresponding dictionary, suppress checking.
  4. Batch check a set of documents for spelling. Auto close those without error. Leave those with errors open in the editor.
  5. Spell checker than can handle tags embedded inside words, e.g. when acronyms are explained, e.g. URL
  6. Command line operations fail if you move to a different directory without shutting HTMLValidator down first. It should let you leave it running all the time while you move from directory to directory feeding it files to validate.
  7. Consolidate all the configuration menus in one place and reorganise them so finding something to configure is easier to find. Assign configuration options short names rather than numbers.
  8. When doing a spell check run, it would be nice if HTMLValidator allowed you to you to type in a word not in the dictionary to correct. Currently you must stop the spell checker, correct the problem with editor, then restart the spell checker.


HTMLValidator allows you to write little chunks of JavaScript and insert them to customise the way HTMLValidator works. I use two scripts. The first keep track of which of my files have already been successfully validated and have not since changed. Why a do a batch validation, such files don:t have to be revalidated. It makes the whole process at least an order of magnitude faster.

This script automatically loads files into the editor if they fail validation.

They call it Tag Name Programming Language You can read up on how it works with the batch wizard.

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