XHTML : Java Glossary


XHTML (extensible Hypertext Markup Language). The HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to replace HTML 4.01. It has a tighter syntax specification which makes it easier to write a conforming browser or validator. It allows you to mix XML (extensible Markup Language) and HTML in the same document. This will allow smarter search engines that take into account the tag context of a piece of data. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01. All tags must nest properly and all start tags must have a matching end tag, even <p> and <br>. All tags must be specified in lower case. You can prepare for XHTML by cleaning up your HTML. XHTML has two big advantages over HTML.
  1. XHTML has a much stricter syntax. If the document is not perfect, the browser will refuse to render it. The advantage is, if your document works on one browser it will work on all.
  2. It is a flavour of XML. This means it is designed for easy data extraction or semantic content to use the latest in term. In other words, most of your XML tools will work on your XHTML documents because they are also ordinary XML documents.
Like HTML, there three basic types of XHTML.
  1. XHTML 1.0 Strict — Use this when you want really clean structural mark-up, free of any markup associated with layout. Use this together with W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) ’s CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to get the font, color and layout effects you want.
  2. XHTML 1.0 Transitional — Many people writing Web pages for the general public to access might want to use this flavor of XHTML 1.0. The idea is to take advantage of XHTML features including style sheets but nonetheless to make small adjustments to your markup for the benefit of those viewing your pages with older browsers which can’t understand style sheets. These include using the body element with bgcolor, text and link attributes. The syntax rules are not quite so anally compulsive.
  3. XHTML 1.0 Frameset — Use this when you want to use Frames to partition the browser window into two or more frames.
Because more than just browsers can process XHTML, the cognoscenti refer to anything that reads it as a user agent.

You can convert your web pages to XHTML using HTMLValidator Tidy, HTMLTidy, or Amaya.

When you are done, it looks pretty much as it always did with these exceptions:

Converting to XHTML

Even if you don’t flip to XHTML right away, you can prepare for it now by getting your tags all balanced and everything syntax checked.

I am not at all convinced that converting to XHTML is a game worth the candle. It is a huge amount of mindless, pointless busy work. The resulting code is bulkier. The resulting code takes more work to maintain. I don’t see how the end result is really that much easier to extract information from as claimed. You can get an idea of what you are in for converting to XHTML by:

  1. Running some sample pages through a converter like HTMLTidy to do the bullwork, like convert <br> to <br />
  2. Prepend a strict XHTML header on your sample pages like this:
  3. Then run your pages through a verifier like HTMLValidator and look at what errors pop out.
Strict XHTML has idiotic restrictions, for example that <a tags can’t appear in the body. They must be nested inside some other tag. You could spend months manually cleaning just that one problem, all to satisfy some prissy old bachelor at W3C who made up these arbitrary rules.

XHTML Entities

XHTML 1.0 uses the same entities as HTML 4, namely:
XHTML Entities
Rendered via
Char entity
Rendered via
Hex entity
Description Notes
&#x20; &#x20;&#32;'\u0020'ordinary space→ ←
¢&#xa2;¢&#xa2;&#162;'\u00a2'cent sign
£&#xa3;£&#xa3;&#163;'\u00a3'pound sign
¤&#xa4;¤&#xa4;&#164;'\u00a4'currency sign
¥&#xa5;¥&#xa5;&#165;'\u00a5'yen sign
$$$&#x24;&#36;'\u0024'dollar signno entity needed.
Æ&AElig;Æ&#xc6;&#198;'\u00c6'Latin capital letter AE
Á&Aacute;Á&#xc1;&#193;'\u00c1'Latin capital letter A with acute
Â&Acirc;Â&#xc2;&#194;'\u00c2'Latin capital letter A with circumflex
À&Agrave;À&#xc0;&#192;'\u00c0'Latin capital letter A with grave
Α&Alpha;Α&#x391;&#913;'\u0391'Greek capital letter Alpha
Å&Aring;Å&#xc5;&#197;'\u00c5'Latin capital letter A with ring above
Ã&Atilde;Ã&#xc3;&#195;'\u00c3'Latin capital letter A with tilde
Ä&Auml;Ä&#xc4;&#196;'\u00c4'Latin capital letter A with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Β&Beta;Β&#x392;&#914;'\u0392'Greek capital letter Beta
Ç&Ccedil;Ç&#xc7;&#199;'\u00c7'Latin capital letter C with cedilla
Χ&Chi;Χ&#x3a7;&#935;'\u03a7'Greek capital letter Chi
&Dagger;&#x2021;&#8225;'\u2021'double dagger
Δ&Delta;Δ&#x394;&#916;'\u0394'Greek capital letter Delta
Ð&ETH;Ð&#xd0;&#208;'\u00d0'Latin capital letter Eth
É&Eacute;É&#xc9;&#201;'\u00c9'Latin capital letter E with acute
Ê&Ecirc;Ê&#xca;&#202;'\u00ca'Latin capital letter E with circumflex
È&Egrave;È&#xc8;&#200;'\u00c8'Latin capital letter E with grave
Ε&Epsilon;Ε&#x395;&#917;'\u0395'Greek capital letter Epsilon
Η&Eta;Η&#x397;&#919;'\u0397'Greek capital letter Eta
Ë&Euml;Ë&#xcb;&#203;'\u00cb'Latin capital letter E with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Γ&Gamma;Γ&#x393;&#915;'\u0393'Greek capital letter Gamma
Í&Iacute;Í&#xcd;&#205;'\u00cd'Latin capital letter I with acute
Î&Icirc;Î&#xce;&#206;'\u00ce'Latin capital letter I with circumflex
Ì&Igrave;Ì&#xcc;&#204;'\u00cc'Latin capital letter I with grave
Ι&Iota;Ι&#x399;&#921;'\u0399'Greek capital letter Iota
Ï&Iuml;Ï&#xcf;&#207;'\u00cf'Latin capital letter I with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Κ&Kappa;Κ&#x39a;&#922;'\u039a'Greek capital letter Kappa
Λ&Lambda;Λ&#x39b;&#923;'\u039b'Greek capital letter Lambda
Μ&Mu;Μ&#x39c;&#924;'\u039c'Greek capital letter Mu
Ñ&Ntilde;Ñ&#xd1;&#209;'\u00d1'Latin capital letter N with tilde
Ν&Nu;Ν&#x39d;&#925;'\u039d'Greek capital letter Nu
Œ&OElig;Œ&#x152;&#338;'\u0152'Latin capital ligature oe
Ó&Oacute;Ó&#xd3;&#211;'\u00d3'Latin capital letter O with acute
Ô&Ocirc;Ô&#xd4;&#212;'\u00d4'Latin capital letter O with circumflex
Ò&Ograve;Ò&#xd2;&#210;'\u00d2'Latin capital letter O with grave
Ω&Omega;Ω&#x3a9;&#937;'\u03a9'Greek capital letter Omega
Ο&Omicron;Ο&#x39f;&#927;'\u039f'Greek capital letter Omicron
Ø&Oslash;Ø&#xd8;&#216;'\u00d8'Latin capital letter O with stroke
Õ&Otilde;Õ&#xd5;&#213;'\u00d5'Latin capital letter O with tilde
Ö&Ouml;Ö&#xd6;&#214;'\u00d6'Latin capital letter O with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Φ&Phi;Φ&#x3a6;&#934;'\u03a6'Greek capital letter Phi
Π&Pi;Π&#x3a0;&#928;'\u03a0'Greek capital letter Pilike &prod;
&Prime;&#x2033;&#8243;'\u2033'double primeindicates seconds or inches
Ψ&Psi;Ψ&#x3a8;&#936;'\u03a8'Greek capital letter Psi
Ρ&Rho;Ρ&#x3a1;&#929;'\u03a1'Greek capital letter Rho
Š&Scaron;Š&#x160;&#352;'\u0160'Latin capital letter S with caron
Σ&Sigma;Σ&#x3a3;&#931;'\u03a3'Greek capital letter Sigmalike &sum;
Þ&THORN;Þ&#xde;&#222;'\u00de'Latin capital letter Thorn
Τ&Tau;Τ&#x3a4;&#932;'\u03a4'Greek capital letter Tau
Θ&Theta;Θ&#x398;&#920;'\u0398'Greek capital letter Theta
Ú&Uacute;Ú&#xda;&#218;'\u00da'Latin capital letter U with acute
Û&Ucirc;Û&#xdb;&#219;'\u00db'Latin capital letter U with circumflex
Ù&Ugrave;Ù&#xd9;&#217;'\u00d9'Latin capital letter U with grave
Υ&Upsilon;Υ&#x3a5;&#933;'\u03a5'Greek capital letter Upsilon
Ü&Uuml;Ü&#xdc;&#220;'\u00dc'Latin capital letter U with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Ξ&Xi;Ξ&#x39e;&#926;'\u039e'Greek capital letter Xi
Ý&Yacute;Ý&#xdd;&#221;'\u00dd'Latin capital letter Y with acute
Ÿ&Yuml;Ÿ&#x178;&#376;'\u0178'Latin capital letter Y with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
Ζ&Zeta;Ζ&#x396;&#918;'\u0396'Greek capital letter Zeta
á&aacute;á&#xe1;&#225;'\u00e1'Latin small letter a with acute
â&acirc;â&#xe2;&#226;'\u00e2'Latin small letter a with circumflex
´&acute;´&#xb4;&#180;'\u00b4'acute accentspacing acute, not dead key
æ&aelig;æ&#xe6;&#230;'\u00e6'Latin lowercase ligature ae
à&agrave;à&#xe0;&#224;'\u00e0'Latin small letter a with grave
&alefsym;&#x2135;&#8501;'\u2135'alef symbolfirst transfinite cardinal, note spelling &alefsym; not &alephsym;.
α&alpha;α&#x3b1;&#945;'\u03b1'Greek small letter alpha
&and;&#x2227;&#8743;'\u2227'logical andupside down v wedge, not &.
å&aring;å&#xe5;&#229;'\u00e5'Latin small letter a with ring above
&asymp;&#x2248;&#8776;'\u2248'asymptotic toalmost equal to
ã&atilde;ã&#xe3;&#227;'\u00e3'Latin small letter a with tilde
ä&auml;ä&#xe4;&#228;'\u00e4'Latin small letter a with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
&bdquo;&#x201e;&#8222;'\u201e'double low-99 quotation mark
β&beta;β&#x3b2;&#946;'\u03b2'Greek small letter beta
¦&brvbar;¦&#xa6;&#166;'\u00a6'broken bar
&bull;&#x2022;&#8226;'\u2022'bulletblack small circle
&cap;&#x2229;&#8745;'\u2229'intersectionset theory, upside down U cap shape
ç&ccedil;ç&#xe7;&#231;'\u00e7'Latin small letter c with cedilla
¸&cedil;¸&#xb8;&#184;'\u00b8'cedillaspacing cedilla, not dead key, looks like subscript c
¢&cent;¢&#xa2;&#162;'\u00a2'cent sign
χ&chi;χ&#x3c7;&#967;'\u03c7'Greek small letter chi
ˆ&circ;ˆ&#x2c6;&#710;'\u02c6'modifier letter circumflex accent / vokáňacts like a ^ dead key
&clubs;&#x2663;&#9827;'\u2663'black club suitshamrock
&cong;&#x2245;&#8773;'\u2245'approximately equal to
©&copy;©&#xa9;&#169;'\u00a9'copyright sign circled c
&crarr;&#x21b5;&#8629;'\u21b5'downwards arrow with corner leftwards
&cup;&#x222a;&#8746;'\u222a'unionset theory, U cup shape
¤&curren;¤&#xa4;&#164;'\u00a4'currency sign
&dArr;&#x21d3;&#8659;'\u21d3'downwards double arrow
&dagger;&#x2020;&#8224;'\u2020'daggernot widely supported. &#134; only works in Latin-1
&darr;&#x2193;&#8595;'\u2193'downwards arrow
°&deg;°&#xb0;&#176;'\u00b0'degree sign
δ&delta;δ&#x3b4;&#948;'\u03b4'Greek small letter delta
&diams;&#x2666;&#9830;'\u2666'black diamond suit
÷&divide;÷&#xf7;&#247;'\u00f7'division sign
é&eacute;é&#xe9;&#233;'\u00e9'Latin small letter e with acute
ê&ecirc;ê&#xea;&#234;'\u00ea'Latin small letter e with circumflex
è&egrave;è&#xe8;&#232;'\u00e8'Latin small letter e with grave
&empty;&#x2205;&#8709;'\u2205'empty setnull set, diameter
&emsp;&#x2003;&#8195;'\u2003'em space→ ←
&ensp;&#x2002;&#8194;'\u2002'en space→ ←
ε&epsilon;ε&#x3b5;&#949;'\u03b5'Greek small letter epsilon
&equiv;&#x2261;&#8801;'\u2261'identical toequivalent to
η&eta;η&#x3b7;&#951;'\u03b7'Greek small letter eta
ð&eth;ð&#xf0;&#240;'\u00f0'Latin small letter eth
ë&euml;ë&#xeb;&#235;'\u00eb'Latin small letter e with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
&euro;&#x20ac;&#8364;'\u20ac'Euro currency sign&#128; only works in Latin-1
&exist;&#x2203;&#8707;'\u2203'there exists
ƒ&fnof;ƒ&#x192;&#402;'\u0192'Latin small letter f with hook
&forall;&#x2200;&#8704;'\u2200'for all
½&frac12;½&#xbd;&#189;'\u00bd'vulgar fraction 1/2
¼&frac14;¼&#xbc;&#188;'\u00bc'vulgar fraction 1/4
¾&frac34;¾&#xbe;&#190;'\u00be'vulgar fraction ¾
&frasl;&#x2044;&#8260;'\u2044'fraction slash
γ&gamma;γ&#x3b3;&#947;'\u03b3'Greek small letter gamma
&ge;&#x2265;&#8805;'\u2265'greater-than or equal togreater or equal, normally use html4 &ge;
>&gt;>&#x3e;&#62;'\u003e'greater-than sign
&hArr;&#x21d4;&#8660;'\u21d4'left right double arrow
&harr;&#x2194;&#8596;'\u2194'left right arrow
&hearts;&#x2665;&#9829;'\u2665'black heart suitvalentine
&hellip;&#x2026;&#8230;'\u2026'horizontal ellipsisthree dots in a row
í&iacute;í&#xed;&#237;'\u00ed'Latin small letter i with acute
î&icirc;î&#xee;&#238;'\u00ee'Latin small letter i with circumflex
¡&iexcl;¡&#xa1;&#161;'\u00a1'inverted exclamation mark
ì&igrave;ì&#xec;&#236;'\u00ec'Latin small letter i with grave
&image;&#x2111;&#8465;'\u2111'black-letter capital iimaginary part
ι&iota;ι&#x3b9;&#953;'\u03b9'Greek small letter iota
¿&iquest;¿&#xbf;&#191;'\u00bf'inverted question mark
&isin;&#x2208;&#8712;'\u2208'element of
ï&iuml;ï&#xef;&#239;'\u00ef'Latin small letter i with diaeresis
κ&kappa;κ&#x3ba;&#954;'\u03ba'Greek small letter kappa
&lArr;&#x21d0;&#8656;'\u21d0'leftwards double arrow
λ&lambda;λ&#x3bb;&#955;'\u03bb'Greek small letter lambda
&lang;&#x2329;&#9001;'\u2329'left-pointing angle bracketfor mathematics, code number deliberately changes in html5
«&laquo;«&#xab;&#171;'\u00ab'left guillemotleft angled quote, left-pointing double angle quotation mark
&larr;&#x2190;&#8592;'\u2190'leftwards arrow
&lceil;&#x2308;&#8968;'\u2308'left ceilingapl upstile
&ldquo;&#x201c;&#8220;'\u201c'left double-66 quotation mark
&le;&#x2264;&#8804;'\u2264'less-than or equal to
&lfloor;&#x230a;&#8970;'\u230a'left floor
&lowast;&#x2217;&#8727;'\u2217'asterisk operator
&loz;&#x25ca;&#9674;'\u25ca'open lozenge
&lrm;&#x200e;&#8206;'\u200e'left-to-right mark
&lsaquo;&#x2039;&#8249;'\u2039'single left-pointing angle quotation mark
&lsquo;&#x2018;&#8216;'\u2018'left single-6 quotation mark
<&lt;<&#x3c;&#60;'\u003c'less-than sign
¯&macr;¯&#xaf;&#175;'\u00af'macronspacing macron, not dead key, overline
&mdash;&#x2014;&#8212;'\u2014'em dashcompare &mdash; &minus; &ndash; ordinary dash
µ&micro;µ&#xb5;&#181;'\u00b5'micro signlike &mu;
·&middot;·&#xb7;&#183;'\u00b7'middle dot
&minus;&#x2212;&#8722;'\u2212'minus signcompare &mdash; &minus; &ndash; ordinary dash
μ&mu;μ&#x3bc;&#956;'\u03bc'Greek small letter mulike &micro;
&nabla;&#x2207;&#8711;'\u2207'nabla,, del, down pointing trianglebackward difference. See &Delta;
 &nbsp; &#xa0;&#160;'\u00a0'non-breaking space→ ←
&ndash;&#x2013;&#8211;'\u2013'en dashcompare &mdash; &minus; &ndash; ordinary dash
&ne;&#x2260;&#8800;'\u2260'not equal to
&ni;&#x220b;&#8715;'\u220b'contains as member, looks like backwards epsiloncontains as member, or such that
¬&not;¬&#xac;&#172;'\u00ac'not signPL/1 not sign
&notin;&#x2209;&#8713;'\u2209'not an element of
&nsub;&#x2284;&#8836;'\u2284'not a subset ofset theory
ñ&ntilde;ñ&#xf1;&#241;'\u00f1'Latin small letter n with tilde
ν&nu;ν&#x3bd;&#957;'\u03bd'Greek small letter nu
ó&oacute;ó&#xf3;&#243;'\u00f3'Latin small letter o with acute
ô&ocirc;ô&#xf4;&#244;'\u00f4'Latin small letter o with circumflex
œ&oelig;œ&#x153;&#339;'\u0153'Latin small ligature oe
ò&ograve;ò&#xf2;&#242;'\u00f2'Latin small letter o with grave
&oline;&#x203e;&#8254;'\u203e'overlinespacing overline, not dead key
ω&omega;ω&#x3c9;&#969;'\u03c9'Greek small letter omega
ο&omicron;ο&#x3bf;&#959;'\u03bf'Greek small letter omicron
&oplus;&#x2295;&#8853;'\u2295'circled plusdirect sum
&or;&#x2228;&#8744;'\u2228'logical or, veelogical or
ª&ordf;ª&#xaa;&#170;'\u00aa'feminine ordinal indicator
º&ordm;º&#xba;&#186;'\u00ba'masculine ordinal indicator
ø&oslash;ø&#xf8;&#248;'\u00f8'Latin small letter o with stroke
õ&otilde;õ&#xf5;&#245;'\u00f5'Latin small letter o with tilde
&otimes;&#x2297;&#8855;'\u2297'circled timesvector product
ö&ouml;ö&#xf6;&#246;'\u00f6'Latin small letter o with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
&para;&#xb6;&#182;'\u00b6'pilcrow signparagraph sign, like S with circle
&part;&#x2202;&#8706;'\u2202'partial differential
&permil;&#x2030;&#8240;'\u2030'per mille sign
&perp;&#x22a5;&#8869;'\u22a5'up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicularorthogonal to, perpendicular
φ&phi;φ&#x3c6;&#966;'\u03c6'Greek small letter phi
π&pi;π&#x3c0;&#960;'\u03c0'Greek small letter pi
ϖ&piv;ϖ&#x3d6;&#982;'\u03d6'Greek pi symbolnot ordinary pi, looks like omega bar,
±&plusmn;±&#xb1;&#177;'\u00b1'plus-minus sign
£&pound;£&#xa3;&#163;'\u00a3'pound sign
&prime;&#x2032;&#8242;'\u2032'primeindicates minutes or feet
&prod;&#x220f;&#8719;'\u220f'n-ary productproduct sign, like &Pi;
&prop;&#x221d;&#8733;'\u221d'proportional tonormally use html4 &prop;
ψ&psi;ψ&#x3c8;&#968;'\u03c8'Greek small letter psi
"&quot;"&#x22;&#34;'\u0022'quotation markdouble quote. APL quote. Usually use &ldquo; and &rdquo;
&rArr;&#x21d2;&#8658;'\u21d2'rightwards double arrow
&radic;&#x221a;&#8730;'\u221a'square root, radical signradical sign
&rang;&#x232a;&#9002;'\u232a'right-pointing angle bracketfor mathematics, code number deliberately changes in html5
»&raquo;»&#xbb;&#187;'\u00bb'right guillemotright-pointing double angle quotation mark
&rarr;&#x2192;&#8594;'\u2192'rightwards arrow
&rceil;&#x2309;&#8969;'\u2309'right ceilingapl downstile
&rdquo;&#x201d;&#8221;'\u201d'right double-99 quotation mark
&real;&#x211c;&#8476;'\u211c'black-letter capital rreal part symbol
®&reg;®&#xae;&#174;'\u00ae'registered sign. circled R.registered trade mark sign. Illegal for a vendor to use without legal registration. See also &trade;.
&rfloor;&#x230b;&#8971;'\u230b'right floor
ρ&rho;ρ&#x3c1;&#961;'\u03c1'Greek small letter rho
&rlm;&#x200f;&#8207;'\u200f'right-to-left mark
&rsaquo;&#x203a;&#8250;'\u203a'single right-pointing angle quotation mark
&rsquo;&#x2019;&#8217;'\u2019'right single-9 quotation markUse both for right single quote and apostrophe in contractions.
&sbquo;&#x201a;&#8218;'\u201a'single low-9 quotation mark
š&scaron;š&#x161;&#353;'\u0161'Latin small letter s with caron
&sdot;&#x22c5;&#8901;'\u22c5'dot operator
§&sect;§&#xa7;&#167;'\u00a7'section signlike two Ss joins forming a circle in the middle
­&shy;­&#xad;&#173;'\u00ad'soft hyphenThe soft hyphen is always visible, and may look slightly different from a normal hyphen. It is intended for use at ends of line to indicate a word break. There is no such thing as a non-breaking hyphen that forces text on both sides to stay on the same there is no such thing as a discretionary hyphen that marks a good place to split a word over two lines if necessary, invisible unless the word breaks over two lines.
σ&sigma;σ&#x3c3;&#963;'\u03c3'Greek small letter sigma
ς&sigmaf;ς&#x3c2;&#962;'\u03c2'Greek small letter final sigma
&sim;&#x223c;&#8764;'\u223c'tilde operatorvaries with, similar to, see ~ and &tilde;
&spades;&#x2660;&#9824;'\u2660'black spade suit
&sub;&#x2282;&#8834;'\u2282'subset ofset theory, does not mean subscript.
&sube;&#x2286;&#8838;'\u2286'subset of or equal toset theory
&sum;&#x2211;&#8721;'\u2211'n-ary summationlike &Sigma;
¹&sup1;¹&#xb9;&#185;'\u00b9'superscript oneYou can also use 1 <sup>1</sup>
²&sup2;²&#xb2;&#178;'\u00b2'superscript two, squaredYou can also use 2 <sup>2</sup>
³&sup3;³&#xb3;&#179;'\u00b3'superscript three, cubedYou can also use 3 <sup>3</sup>
&sup;&#x2283;&#8835;'\u2283'superset ofset theory, does not mean superscript.
&supe;&#x2287;&#8839;'\u2287'superset of or equal toset theory
ß&szlig;ß&#xdf;&#223;'\u00df'Latin small letter sharp sGerman double s, looks like Beta
τ&tau;τ&#x3c4;&#964;'\u03c4'Greek small letter tau
&there4;&#x2234;&#8756;'\u2234'therefore, three dotstherefore
θ&theta;θ&#x3b8;&#952;'\u03b8'Greek small letter theta
ϑ&thetasym;ϑ&#x3d1;&#977;'\u03d1'Greek theta symbol
&thinsp;&#x2009;&#8201;'\u2009'thin space→ ←
þ&thorn;þ&#xfe;&#254;'\u00fe'Latin small letter thorn
˜&tilde;˜&#x2dc;&#732;'\u02dc'small tildesee also ~ and &sim;
×&times;×&#xd7;&#215;'\u00d7'multiplication sign
&trade;&#x2122;&#8482;'\u2122'trademark signunregistered Trademark. &trade; only recently supported. Use TM <sup>TM</sup> for safety. &#153; only works in Latin-1. It looks cramped underlined so keep it outside of links.
&uArr;&#x21d1;&#8657;'\u21d1'upwards double arrow
ú&uacute;ú&#xfa;&#250;'\u00fa'Latin small letter u with acute
&uarr;&#x2191;&#8593;'\u2191'upwards arrow
û&ucirc;û&#xfb;&#251;'\u00fb'Latin small letter u with circumflex
ù&ugrave;ù&#xf9;&#249;'\u00f9'Latin small letter u with grave
¨&uml;¨&#xa8;&#168;'\u00a8'diaeresis/umlautumlaut, spacing diaeresis, not a dead char
ϒ&upsih;ϒ&#x3d2;&#978;'\u03d2'Greek upsilon with hook symbol
υ&upsilon;υ&#x3c5;&#965;'\u03c5'Greek small letter upsilon
ü&uuml;ü&#xfc;&#252;'\u00fc'Latin small letter u with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
&weierp;&#x2118;&#8472;'\u2118'script capital ppower set, Wierstrasse p
ξ&xi;ξ&#x3be;&#958;'\u03be'Greek small letter xi
ý&yacute;ý&#xfd;&#253;'\u00fd'Latin small letter y with acute
¥&yen;¥&#xa5;&#165;'\u00a5'yen sign
ÿ&yuml;ÿ&#xff;&#255;'\u00ff'Latin small letter y with diaeresisumlaut, with raised two dots
ζ&zeta;ζ&#x3b6;&#950;'\u03b6'Greek small letter zeta
&zwj;&#x200d;&#8205;'\u200d'zero width joiner
&zwnj;&#x200c;&#8204;'\u200c'zero width non-joiner
'''&#x27;&#39;'\u0027'apostropheno entity needed, single quote, use &grave; and acute for left/right, or &lsquo; and &rsquo;. &apos; is not officially recognised.
@@@&#x40;&#64;'\u0040'at signno entity needed. &at; is not officially recognised.
^^^&#x5e;&#94;'\u005e'circumflexno entity needed. Spacing ^, see also &circ;
```&#x60;&#96;'\u0060'graveno entity needed.
~~~&#x7e;&#126;'\u007e'tildeno entity needed. Spacing tilde not a dead key. see &sim;

What I Really Think of XHTML

XHTML is an utterly ridiculous exercise. Its intent is to inconvenience humans and waste thousands of man years of labour to make the files marginally simpler for a computer to parse. That is a form of idolatry. Sacrificing labour to mildly convenience a computer is as silly as worshiping a computer with burnt offerings..

To add insult to injury. when you are done, some browsers, such as IE, will be confused by the XHTML header and a do a worse job of rendering than ever.

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