Cited Book: The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder

book cover recommend book⇒The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
by Vincent Bugliosi 978-1-59315-528-5 paperback
birth 1934-08-18 age:83 978-1-59315-481-3 hardcover
publisher Vanguard 978-0-7867-4106-9 eBook
published 2008-05-28 978-1-60283-468-2 audio
  B0017T0DAA kindle
Vincent Bugliosi is a famous American prosecutor. He prosecuted the Manson family and was prominent in the prosecution of O.J. Simpson. He argues that Bush has committed over 100,000 murders with his phony Iraq war and must not be allowed to go Scott free. Impeachment would not suffice. Bush has to go to jail for what he has done. Bugliosi warned that people with high blood pressure should not read more than four pages at a sitting. Bugliosi makes his legal case to prosecute Bush.
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