Cited Book: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist

book cover recommend book⇒I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
by Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek 978-1-58134-561-2 paperback
birth 1932-07-21 age:85 978-0-7394-4074-2 hardcover
publisher Crossway 978-1-4335-1703-7 eBook
published 2004-03-12 978-1-59644-400-3 audio
  B0029RJ7D8 kindle
Written by a couple of sleasy Christian apologists. The title of the book could be paraphrased I don’t pretend enough to know things I don’t know to be an atheist In other words, they are attempting to tar atheists with their own sins. The premise is absurd. Christians must believe in many impossible events without any evidence whatsoever, e.g. a solar eclipse covering the earth, a global flood that left no traces, a men coming back from the dead… uIslam has the horse to heaven miracle, but basically sticks to reality. Science of course rigidly sticks to the evidence.
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