Cited Book: The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century

book cover recommend book⇒The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century
by James Howard Kunstler 978-0-8021-4249-8 paperback
birth 1948-10-19 age:69 978-0-87113-888-0 hardcover
publisher Grove 978-1-55584-670-1 eBook
published 2006-03-02 B0015KGXR8 kindle
A rather bleak book about the coming oil crunch. He argues why alternative energy will not be able to fill the gap and how that will lead to the collapse of cities. There is a natural human tendency to want to dismiss dire predictions as false just because they are depressing. Consider that Cassandra of mythology, famous for her dire predictions, was always right. Her curse was that no one would take action to avoid the catastrophes, despite her track record. Consider also how the world might be quite different if people in the 1930s had not buried their heads in the sand as to what a danger Hitler was becoming. I went to see him speak. Kunstler is an opinionated, urban, pragmatic New Yorker, far from the tree hugger you might imagine. Recommended by Bill Moyers in his address to the Hamilton College graduating class.
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