Cited Book: The Evolution of God

book cover recommend book⇒The Evolution of God
by Robert Wright 978-0-349-12246-5 paperback
birth 1957 age:60 978-0-316-73491-2 hardcover
publisher Little, Brown 978-0-316-05327-3 eBook
published 2009-06-08 978-1-4001-4281-1 audio
  B002AKPEHW kindle
Wright grew up as a born-again Christian and creationist, then gradually relaxed some of his fundamentalist thinking to study the history of how the notions of God evolved. He discovered that Christianity was not formed all of a piece, but borrowed from other religions over time. He came to the conclusion that what we call God is actually a human construction. He likens this to a crude approximation to the truth that a diagram of spinning electrons has to the mind-boggling mathematics of quantum mechanics, a necessary fiction given the limitations of the human mind. Wright is a bit a sucky apologist for religion and tries to wrap his fundamentalist notions of rigid morality in scientific objective dress.
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