Quotations are selected from this pool (and other quotation pools) in a pseudorandom way every hour and inserted at the top and bottom of some of the major pages on this website. Feel free to copy any of these quotes and paste them for whatever purpose you please, including on your own website, blog, social media page or forum debate posts.
Kill Me
Kill me, you fucking fool!
~ Kingsley Amis (1922-04-16 1995-10-22 age:73), to his son.
Just Suck It Up
Think of all those ages through which men have had the courage to die and then remember that we have actually fallen to talking about having the courage to live.
~ G. K. Chesterton (1874-05-29 1936-06-14 age:62)What do you prove by enduring torture of pancreas cancer? Chesterton seems to think suffering has some value in itself.
Christ Committed Suicide
Diderot took the ground that, if orthodox religion be true Christ was guilty of suicide. Having the power to defend himself he should have used it.
~ Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-08-11 1899-07-21 age:65)
Dying Is Not a Crime
Dying is not a crime.
~ Jack Kevorkian (1928-05-26 2011-06-03 age:83)
Harming Patients
In quixotically trying to conquer death doctors all too frequently do no good for their patients’ ease but at the same time they do harm instead by prolonging and even magnifying patients’ dis-ease.
~ Jack Kevorkian (1928-05-26 2011-06-03 age:83) Prescription: Medicide: The Goodness of Planning
Advantage of Being A Dog
Dogs do not have many advantages over people, but one of them is extremely important: euthanasia is not forbidden by law in their case; animals have the right to a merciful death.
~ Milan Kundera (1929-04-01 age:89) The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Suicide is not about ending life but ending suffering.
~ Massima Nasto
Death Panels
The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s death panel so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society, whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.
~ Sarah Palin (1964-02-11 age:54)Sarah will spout any crap, no matter how fanciful, if she thinks it will get her on TV. She likes to treat imaginary things like death panels and god as if they were real.
On Sin
The whole conception of Sin is one which I find very puzzling, doubtless owing to my sinful nature. If Sin consisted in causing needless suffering, I could understand; but on the contrary, sin often consists in avoiding needless suffering. Some years ago, in the English House of Lords, a bill was introduced to legalize euthanasia in cases of painful and incurable disease. The patient’s consent was to be necessary, as well as several medical certificates. To me, in my simplicity, it would seem natural to require the patient’s consent, but the late Archbishop of Canterbury, the English official expert on Sin, explained the erroneousness of such a view. The patient’s consent turns euthanasia into suicide and suicide is sin. Their Lordships listened to the voice of authority and rejected the bill. Consequently, to please the Archbishop — and his God, if reports truly — victims of cancer still have to endure months of wholly useless agony, unless their doctors or nurses are sufficiently humane to risk a charge of murder. I find difficulty in the conception of a God who gets pleasure from contemplating such tortures; and if there were a God capable of such wanton cruelty, I should certainly not think Him worthy of worship. But that only proves how sunk I am in moral depravity.
~ Bertrand Russell (1872-05-18 1970-02-02 age:97) An Outline Of Intellectual Rubbish
Catholic Catechism for All
The Catholic position on this question [physician assisted suicide being legal] is clear, human life is a gift from God. Therefore, as taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2280, We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.
~ Richard W. Smith (1959-04-28 age:59), Archbishop of Edmonton, head of the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)Smith freely admits his motivation is purely religious. He wants to force the Catholic catechism on non-believers. Surely the constitution grants me freedom of religion and the freedom to reject his religion.
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