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The Afghanistan War

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Afghans killed by your tax dollars Afghan boy in hospital Opium poppies in Afghanistan


US soldier clowns with an Afghan corpse
US soldier clowns with an Afghan corpse
Since 2001-10-07 for 16 years and 6 months, the United States, Britain and Canada have been killing and torturing large numbers of Afghans of all ages and genders using all manner of illegal, cruel and unusual techniques. Why? The only official excuse I have heard is they thought this would help them find bin Laden, the alleged mastermind of 2001-09-11. But that makes no sense. The military has said they don’t even think he was in Afghanistan, much less how killing Afghans would help the search. The real reasons make sense, though they are crass: Keep in mind not even Bush claimed the Taliban had any part in 2001-09-11, so punishing Afghan children for 2001-09-11 is beyond insane.

Four Lies About the Afghanistan War

American must feel very guilty about what they did to the Afghan people, or why else would the constantly tell each other the same obvious lies?
  1. Americans claim the Taliban attacked America

    Even George W. Bush says it was Al-Qaeda that attacked on 2001-09-11, not the Taliban. Not even one of the alleged 2001-09-11 conspirators was an Afghan or Iraqi. They were nearly all Saudis. The United States attacked Afghanistan first and illegally. Aiding and abetting that American occupation is a capital war crime.
  2. Americans claim the Taliban are a serious security threat to the USA

    How could they be when their only weapons are a kitchen-made road-side bombs? They have no humvees, tanks, ships, planes, ICBMs… The Taliban just want their country back, same as they wanted it back from the Russians. They did not threaten the Russians either. The USA has roughly 10 times bigger a population that Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s population in mostly under 15. America is bombing the shit out of nation of children! An average American brings in $2750.00 USD per month. The average Afghan brings in $30.00 USD per month. Americans claiming self-defence against Afghanistan is like Mike Tyson claiming self-defence in a mugging/rape of Miley Cyrus. There are only 100 Al-Qaeda left in Afghanistan. Just how few have to be left before Americans can feel safe? This paranoia is stark raving bonkers.
  3. Americans claim the Taliban are insurgents

    That is nonsense. Back in 2001, the Taliban were the legitimate government of Afghanistan. Even if we don’t like their fundamentalist religion, they still have the support of the majority of the Afghan population which is almost completely Muslim. Hamid Karzai is a puppet dictator imposed by the US military. His band of warlords and druglords collaborated with a foreign enemy. That makes them traitors, collaborators and insurgents. It is a situation similar to the Nazi occupation of France in WWII (World War II) with the provisional government of morally bankrupt French collaborators appointed by the Nazis.
  4. Americans flatter themselves

    Americans flatter themselves by claiming the Afghans love having the Americans occupying their country. Think of the suffering the Afghan people endured to be free of the occupying Russians then later the Americans. It is a David and Goliath story. The Afghans take massive casualties and sacrifice their lives in suicide attacks just to kill one occupying soldier. Only because the Afghans are so determined to be free and only because the Afghan people are so unified have they managed to fight to a standstill the world’s largest military power for 16 years and 6 months.
Child casualties images
torturing prisoners


Afghan child burned in a NATO bombing Disgust is far too gentle a word I feel for the citizens of the USA, Canada and Britain who have been illegally bombing and occupying Afghanistan for 16 years, 6 months and 30 days. When the citizens debate whether to continue tormenting the Afghans who did nothing to harm the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) countries and further have no means to, the only issue citizens consider is Can we win? They almost never ask themselves deeper questions like:
82 US Airborn posing with a trophy
82 US Airborn posing with a trophy
Since almost no one asks these questions and no politician ever answers them, I must presume the answers are shameful. What is it that motivates us?
  1. We treat the war like an Olympic speed-skating event. We just can’t stand the shame of being held to a stalemate by a country much smaller and poorer than us, especially since we have the help of the largest and most advanced military on the planet. We we are butchering kids in the name of stubborn national pride.
  2. We want a share of the spoils — Afghanistan’s lithium and Iraq’s oil.
  3. We Canadians and Britons are cowards. We do it only because the Americans tell us to.
  4. In North America, we manufacture almost nothing but weapons, so the war is just a cynical make-work program to pay off arms makers who bribe politicians and to create make-work jobs that don’t actually need doing.
  5. We are bigots and sadists who love the idea of torturing Muslim children.


Many people are under the delusion the war in Afghanistan is legal. It is not for a number of reasons.


book cover recommend book⇒No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Ladento book home
by Mark Owen, Kevin Maurer 978-0-7181-7752-2 paperback
birth 1976 age:41 978-0-525-95372-2 hardcover
publisher Dutton Adult 978-1-101-61130-2 eBook
published 2012-09-04 978-1-61176-156-6 audio
  B008MG1E4A kindle
Mark Owen is the pseudonym of Matt Bissonnette, a SEAL who participated in the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. The military is furious with him for spilling a few details of the assassination, claiming they are important military secrets. They threatened to prosecute him and his publisher. Bissonnette is actually a low-level whistle-blower who exposed some of the military’s lesser lies. He claims there is no classified material in the book. In my view the military has no right to keep secrets from the voters when the purpose is to deceive and manipulate the voters, rather than keeping the supposed enemy from gaining an advantage in battle.
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book cover recommend book⇒Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Powerto book home
by Rachel Maddow 978-0-307-46099-8 paperback
birth 1973-04-01 age:45 978-0-307-46098-1 hardcover
publisher Crown 978-0-307-46100-1 eBook
published 2012-03-27 978-0-307-97040-4 audio
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I wry look at the US military. It starts out poking fun at the astronomical waste and incompetence in the spending for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. It also makes a convincing case that Ronald Reagan was an unscrupulous, lying lunatic.
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