TweakMaster : Java Glossary

The CurrCon Java Applet displays prices on this web page converted with today’s exchange rates into your local international currency, e.g. Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees… CurrCon requires an up-to-date browser and Java version 1.8, preferably 1.8.0_131. If you can’t see the prices in your local currency, Troubleshoot. Use Firefox for best results.


A program for optimising your TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) settings for faster downloading performance. It offers five strategies to try. You pick the one which gives you the best feel. It also includes an atomic clock sync similar to SetClock. It also lets you sets up a hosts. file of commonly used DNS (Domain Name Service)IP (Internet Protocol) translations like TweakDUN. It was written by some BC people living in Kelowna. It has a free trial. It costs $17.00 USD

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