Here are the two-letter abbreviations for American States.
Abbr | Area Codes | State |
US | USA the whole country | |
AA | Armed Forces the Americas | |
AE | Armed Forces Europe | |
AL | 205 256 334 | Alabama |
AK | 907 | Alaska |
AP | Armed Forces Pacific | |
AR | 501 870 | Arkansas |
AS | American Samoa | |
AZ | 480 520 602 623 | Arizona |
CA | 209 341 408 415 510 530 559 628 650 707 764 831 916 925 310 424 619 858 935 805 661 760 442 323 562 626 714 818 909 949 951 | California |
CO | 303 719 720 970 | Colorado |
CT | 203 475 860 959 | Connecticut |
DC | 202 | District of Columbia |
DE | 302 | Delaware |
FL | 305 321 407 561 727 786 813 850 863 904 941 954 | Florida |
FM | Fed. States of Micronesia | |
GA | 229 404 478 678 706 770 912 | Georgia |
GU | 671 | Guam |
HI | 808 | Hawaii |
IA | 319 515 641 712 | Iowa |
ID | 208 | Idaho |
IL | 217 309 312 618 630 708 773 815 847 | Illinois |
IN | 219 317 765 812 | Indiana |
KS | 316 785 913 | Kansas |
KY | 270 502 606 859 | Kentucky |
LA | 225 318 337 504 | Louisiana |
MA | 413 508 617 781 978 | Massachusetts |
MD | 240 301 410 443 | Maryland |
ME | 207 | Maine |
MH | Marshall Islands | |
MI | 231 248 278 313 517 586 616 679 734 810 906 947 989 | Michigan |
MN | 218 320 507 612 651 952 | Minnesota |
MO | 314 417 573 636 660 816 | Missouri |
MS | 228 601 662 | Mississippi |
MT | 406 | Montana |
NC | 252 336 704 828 910 919 980 | North Carolina |
ND | 701 | North Dakota |
NE | 308 402 | Nebraska |
NH | 603 | New Hampshire |
NJ | 201 609 732 856 908 973 | New Jersey |
NM | 505 | New Mexico |
NN/MP | 670 | North Mariana Islands |
NV | 702 775 | Nevada |
NY | 212 315 347 516 518 607 631 646 716 718 914 917 | New York |
OH | 216 330 419 440 513 614 740 937 | Ohio |
OK | 405 580 918 | Oklahoma |
OR | 503 541 971 | Oregon |
PA | 215 267 412 484 570 610 717 724 814 | Pennsylvania |
PR (Public Relations) | 787 | Puerto Rico |
PW | Palau | |
RI | 401 | Rhode Island |
SC | 803 843 864 | South Carolina |
SD | 605 | South Dakota |
TN | 423 615 865 901 931 | Tennessee |
TX | 210 214 254 281 361 409 469 682 512 713 806 817 830 832 903 915 936 940 956 972 979 | Texas |
UT | 435 801 | Utah |
VA | 540 571 703 757 804 | Virginia |
VI | 340 | Virgin Islands |
VT | 802 | Vermont |
WA | 206 253 360 425 509 564 | Washington |
WI | 262 414 608 715 920 | Wisconsin |
WV | 304 | West Virginia |
WY | 307 | Wyoming |
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