shopping cart : Java Glossary

The CurrCon Java Applet displays prices on this web page converted with today’s exchange rates into your local international currency, e.g. Euros, US dollars, Canadian dollars, British Pounds, Indian Rupees… CurrCon requires an up-to-date browser and Java version 1.8, preferably 1.8.0_131. If you can’t see the prices in your local currency, Troubleshoot. Use Firefox for best results.

shopping cart shopping cart
software for online shopping on the Internet. You can use them to set up your own web store to sell software or physical goods. Electronic Shopping carts are software for online shopping on the Internet. Features to look for:
  1. Does it run on your server or theirs?
  2. Does the service include the cost of processing credit card transactions? Manual credit card processing schemes have the advantage the vendor can adjust for taxes, shipping etc. Automatic processing schemes have the advantage of handling a large number of credit card types. The vendor does not need an account with every credit card company supported.
  3. Does it handle taxes the way you need, e.g. state, province, federal tax. In Canada, different goods have different tax categories.
  4. Does it have way of estimating shipping costs?
  5. Does it generate web pages to display the goods for you or do you create your own web pages and embed code to call up the shopping basket?
  6. Does it have a search engine?
  7. Does it let the shopper select sub-information such as colour or size.
  8. When you try out some of their customers’ sites, how fast is the server?
  9. Does it handle currency conversion so that your international customers can work in local currency?
  10. Does the user interface have features that will confuse naïve users, e.g. default 0 instead of 1 for quantity, require you to hit UPDATE after changing quantities. The DataStorm people do well in this regard.
  11. Does it require client-side JavaScript? Many people have this turned off in their browsers because of the security risk.
  12. Does it require client-side Java? Many people have out-of-date browsers that my trip on the newer versions of Java.

Shopping Cart Vendors

Prices shown will likely be out of date. They are just to give you a ballpark. I have included both companies that offer software you run on your ISP (Internet Service Provider) ’s server or a monthly service that runs on the vendor’s servers.
Shopping Cart Services and Software
Cart Cost credit cards Comments
Americart $249.00 USD /year manual allows sub info
apparently defunct
$180 USD /year (does not include Netbanx or Authorizenet charges) manual, also hooks to or handles US/Canada, card very simple embedded scheme.
DXSTORM DXCART $40 USD month or $439 USD /year manual, also hooks to InternetSecure or Includes: affiliates program, membership program, membership bulk email system, integration with Authorizenet and InternetSecure or secure order capture for credit cards (bank charges not included), product search engine, appearance and all settings configurable through Web browser. Up to 25,000 products supported, database upload feature, Affiliates Program, Stats Tracking, Membership Database, Technical Support, Continuous Upgrades. Handles Canadian GST/HST/PST and other international currencies and taxes, handles sub info.
Coffee Cup Shopping Cart Creator $39.00 USD and $129.00 USD for the pro version. This is remarkably inexpensive for a one-time fee. PayPal. Pro version also supports Google Checkout, Authorizenet, 2Checkout, WorldPay. details
  • Runs on both a Windows or Linux servers as long as the server supports PHP (Pre-Hypertext Processor) 4.4.7 and Curl extensions. server requirements The program creates its own database so you do not need to worry about anything additional software.
  • Shopping Cart Creator supports PayPal for a secure checkout. The Pro version which offers more features including inventory management and tracking to ensure you do not over sell any items, weight based shipping, search field and support for more merchant providers.
  • Merchant fees vary per provider and selected plan. Please contact your preferred merchant for their current pricing.
  • You can configure the software for taxes by specific location. details.
  • This software is not US specific. You are welcome to use it within other countries just be sure to select a merchant provider who supports your desired currency.
  • You can set the software with a manual shipping rate or with the Pro version you can use weight based shipping options. details on weight-based shipping.
  • There are various optional extra-cost add-ons with the intent of letting someone who does not know HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to set up a store.
  • download a fully function trial version of Shopping Cart Creator
  • download a fully function trial version of Shopping Cart Creator Pro
DXSTORM DXSHOP up to 12 items — free forever,
up to 100 - $50 USD /mo

up to 2,000 $320 USD /mo
manual, also hooks to InternetSecure or DXSHOP provides all the same shopping cart features as DXCART along with a front end catalog system, site builder, extended product features (bundled products, attributes, up-sell features).
Elastic Path $12995.00 USD one time payment. automatic, multiple payment processors supported such as CyberSource, Verisign Payflow Pro, E-xact, PayPal, and various others. located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Written in Java EE (Enterprise Edition). Handles catalog browsing & searching, shopping cart, customer self-service, order management, customer management, catalog management, merchandising, promotions, shipping, payment, taxes, reporting… Credit cards: automatic, multiple payment processors supported such as CyberSource, and various others 30-day free trial.
GoEmerchant $60.00 USD per month for shopping cart. $30.00 USD per month for credit card processing without shopping cart. $0.30 USD per transaction. Various other fees. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, Amex Offer techniques where you do your own programming or where you get a turnkey package.
FastSpring Commerce Pricing is 5.9% plus $0.95 USD or 8.9% flat per order, whichever you prefer. Designed to sign downloadable digital products, with order pages in various currencies. The Excelsior Jet people use the FastSpring FastPay scheme which lets them accept MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover, JCB, PayPal, cheque and money order.
Independent Commerce $40 USD per month. manual. Credit card info sent to you by secure email. Shopping cart. Webspace included.
InternetSecure (aka Converge, aka MyVirtualMerchant) No security deposit unlike the $50000 USD deposits you may need to deal with the banks directly. These prices are for rough budgeting only. Check with the vendor for the latest prices.
US Dollar Only
(U.S. Visa/Mastercard)
One Time Setup Fee (Cdn & US) $495 USD
U.S. Monthly Admin $35 USD
Per Approved Transaction(US) $1.50 USD
Visa/Mastercard Discount 3.75%
Standard Canadian Dollar Merchant
One Time Setup Fee $570 CAD
Monthly Admin Fee $68.00 CAD
Per Approved Transaction $0.45 CAD
Visa/Mastercard/Amex Discount 3.25% to 4.5%
Small Merchant Canadian Dollar
One Time Setup Fee $570 CAD
Monthly Admin Fee $570 CAD
Per Approved Transaction $1.50 CAD
Visa/Mastercard/Amex Discount 4.0%
Standard Canadian and US dollar Merchant
(Cdn Visa/Mastercard/Amex & U.S. Visa/Mastercard)
One Time Setup Fee (Cdn & US) $820 CAD
CDN Monthly Admin $68.00 CAD
Per Approved Transaction( CDN) $0.45 CAD
U.S. Monthly Admin $17.00 USD
Per Approved Transaction(US) $1.00 USD
Visa/Mastercard/Amex Discount 3.25% to 4.5%
Small Merchant Canadian & US Dollar
(Cdn Visa/Mastercard/Amex & U.S. Visa/Mastercard)
One Time Setup Fee (Cdn & US) $820.00 CAD
CDN Monthly Admin $15.00 CAD
Per Approved Transaction( CDN) $1.50 CAD
U.S. Monthly Admin $25.00 USD
Per Approved Transaction(US) $1.50 USD
Visa/Mastercard/Amex Discount 4.0%
automatic Canadian, US and International (144 countries), 30-second credit card authorisation, does not include shopping cart software, ties into shopping cart systems from other vendors.
CartDesigns neé KickAsp $249.00 USD /year (does not include InternetSecure or Authorizenet charges) manual, also hooks to InternetSecure or handles US/Canada, manual credit card processing or automated by or, effectively Co Cart deluxe, UPS (United Parcel Service of America) Shipping rates, simple embedded scheme.
PayFlow LinkSM $179.00 USD setup plus $20.00 USD per month, up to 500 transactions per month. automatic via Verisign Run by Verisign. Hence is likely to be more secure than average. Optional extra cost fraud screening. They won’t divulge details on how the shopping cart works until you buy. it. Arrogant eh?
PayPal approximately 3% plus $0.35 USD per transaction automatic It is very flexible. People can by credit card, debit card, bank account, or earned PayPal dollars. Comes with a very easy to use, flexible shopping cart scheme. The big advantage is you don’t have to deal with credit card companies at all. The disadvantage is PayPal is lax is permitting its eBay vendors to rip off customers. Hence PayPal itself has a bad reputation and many people refuse to use it.
Bluesnap née Plimus 4.5%+ automatic Allows you to sell or rent software. Also allows you to do micro-commerce transactions such as pay per click.
QuikStore $175.00 USD manual or optional hooks for automatic credit card authorisation. uses a flat-file database of products to generate HTML, or you can roll your own.
RegNow no monthly fee, 16% of gross with a $2.00 USD minimum fee per transaction. automatic Run by Digital River. You add some cgi to your website that takes the user to the RegNow site. There a database you maintain online additionally describes the product. They collect the credit card fees, and optionally distribute the registered software, giving out registration keys, but not prebranding (burning the customer’s name into the executables). RegNow supports several schemes for registering shareware. RegNow can also be used for goods, but it is not a shopping cart. As soon as you click you go straight to the checkout. You don’t get any money until your account hits $100.00 USD or you close the account. You can sell all the products you want at no extra charge. Many other shopping card vendors don’t let you use their services for shareware registration. RegNow has no facilities to deal with international currencies, taxes or shipping. This is not the drawback you might first think. Since Regnow is officially the seller of your products, they only need to collect sales taxes for MN, CT and WA. Competitor Regsoft is cheaper for software costing more than $15.00 USD
RegSoft no monthly fee, 10% of gross with a $3.00 USD minimum fee per transaction. automatic Set up mainly to sell shareware. Require huge amounts of information on each product, but in return, the html you need to embed is minimal e.g. Bank Cards Accepted: Visa, American Express, Mastercard, Discover/Novus, also Money Orders, Checks by mail and Eurocheques. Competitor Regnow is cheaper for software costing less than $15.00 USD
(in Canada)
$30.00 CAD to $180.00 CAD per month. automatic Supports payments via Beanstream, E-xact, Elavon MyVirtualMerchant, Moneris, PayPal Payflow Pro, Psigate, Safe Payment Solutions, Skip Jac. Handles Canadian sales taxes.
Smartcart $549.00 USD setup + ?/year manual includes search engine
ShopCRC $?/license ? You have to sign up for a free login id before they will tell you anything about the service. I have not done that. It may just allow you to set up a store to sell other vendor’s products, e.g. Dell, not your own.
WebCart $400.00 USD or $650.00 USD /license manual or optional hooks for automatic credit card authorisation. Uses a product database.
WebGenie $565.00 USD /year or $495.00 USD ..1495/license manual either generated HTML or embedded, flexible tax
WebStore $175.00 USD /single user licence manual

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