POJO : Java Glossary


POJO (Plain Old Java Object). This acronym is similar to POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)POTS.
I’ve come to the conclusion that people forget about regular Java objects because they haven’t got a fancy name — so while preparing for a talk Rebecca Parsons, Josh Mackenzie and I gave them one: POJO. A POJO domain model is easier to put together, quick to build, can run and test outside of an EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) container and isn’t dependent on EJB (maybe that’s why EJB vendors don’t encourage you to use them.)
~ Martin Fowler (1963 age:54)


book cover recommend book⇒POJOs in Actionto book home
by Chris Richardson 978-1-932394-58-0 paperback
publisher Manning
published 2006-01-23
POJOS are Plain Old Java Objects. The trend is to work with POJOs rather than heavyweight objects. Hibernate, Spring, JDO, iBATIS and even EJB version 3 use them. The book covers using POJOs in business logic, accessing a database, managing transactions and handling database concurrency.
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