Frame : Java Glossary


A Window with controls on it such as optional resizing buttons, an icon, a menubar and a title.

When you specify the frame size, make it 16 pixels wider and 36 pixels taller than you need for the contents to allow room for the top frame bar. To add to the confusion, the origin is in the top corner under the frame bar. So you must add 36 to all your y coordinates inside a frame.

Frame State

// turn off the entire frame bar, including title, close, minimize, resize...
frame.setUndecorated( true );

// turn off just resizing controls
frame.setResizable( false );
// You can control the current state of the Frame,
// but you cannot disable the corresponding user controls.
// To control the widgets, use a JInternalFrame.

frame.setExtendedState( NORMAL );
frame.setExtendedState( ICONIFIED );
frame.setExtendedState( MAXIMIZED_HORIZ );
frame.setExtendedState( MAXIMIZED_VERT );
frame.setExtendedState( MAXIMIZED_BOTH );

Debugging Harness

Here is a typical debugging harness you would append to every Frame you write. Frames are unusually tricky to close.

The Swing equivalent of a Frame is called a JFrame.

The term frame has a different meaning in datacommunications. Data are usually transmitted in bursts. Each burst is called a frame. It usually has some additional information such as the frame number, the size of the block, the error-checking code and markers for the start and end.

In HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), frame refers to the independently scrollable panels on your browser screen.

Learning More

Oracle’s Javadoc on Frame class : available:

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